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Using Attendizer

Vincent Lin edited this page Nov 7, 2022 · 3 revisions

How Do I Use Attendizer?

Presumably, you've followed the instructions in (Running Attendizer)[], if not, go there first.

Using Attendizer Locally

  • Once you have the client and server running, you can go to http://localhost:3000 to see the main page of the client. This is where you can scan in people each day.
  • You'll notice you need a password. If you're running this locally, the password will be stored at /server/.env. This should be blank by default, but if you want to change it, do it here. If you type the incorrect password, you won't be able to send any requests to the server from the client.
  • You can see the other pages in /client/pages/, where the name of the file will correspond with the name of the page, except for index, which is the default one you can see.

Main Page

  • As detailed before, this is where you can "scan people in" each day. This will take in any UID or Student ID (as seen on the admin page) and tell the database to mark them as present for the day.
  • The Student ID or UID must be 9 or 13 digits respectively, although if this ever changes in the future, these values can be changed in /server/src/utils/interface. Each file checking for these values will ensure they are the correct length, so they can be modified there.

Admin Page

  • This is where you can add students or edit their information. This is pertinent as the UID of a student will change each time they get a new ID card from the school.
  • You again will need a password here, but it will be the same password as the main page.
  • Again, the student ID and UID must be the correct lengths.
  • You will also be able to export data from here. This will export in a .xlsx format, and will contain two sheets.
    • One sheet will have every student and the information stored about them.
    • Another sheet will have every meeting and who attended it.

Meetings Page

  • This is where you can delete meetings.
  • This is usually for cleaning up accidental meetings created, in that event. Otherwise, this page should almost never be touched.
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