Notice: Development on this repo is deprecated as we continue our v3 rearchitecture. Please see for ongoing v3 development.
This repository is for development and integration testing of all of the distributed Storj network services.
To update a module in the container, change the package.json
before building the image. It's best to use specific git hashes in the form storj/bridge#bd62050f1585278e6cbf18e620b6501f814359e3
as the version to bust the build cache for testing development branches.
To build docker image, from within this repository:
docker build -t storj-integration .
Create a persistent container, ports for the bridge and farmers are exposed for testing uploading and downloading:
docker create -p 6382:6382 -p 3000:3000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 -p 9003:9003 -p 9004:9004 -p 9005:9005 -p 9006:9006 -p 9007:9007 -p 9008:9008 -p 9009:9009 -p 9010:9010 -p 9011:9011 -p 9012:9012 -p 9013:9013 -p 9014:9014 -p 9015:9015 -p 9016:9016 -t -i storj-integration bash
And to start and attach to the container:
docker start -a -i <hash_of_container>
Note: If you're running macos, you may need to increase the CPUs and memory available to docker.
To run a sandbox test network:
First edit the file at ./config/storj-bridge/config.json
to point to a
email server within the container, so that you can test the mailer and registration.
And then run this script to start everything (16 farmers, 6 renters and 1 bridge):
You can then use pm2 to look at logs and status for each service by name:
pm2 status
pm2 log
pm2 log bridge --lines 100
pm2 log renter-6
pm2 log farmer-4
pm2 stop farmer-4
And check that mongo has the data that is expected:
use storj-sandbox
Modify files for testing purposes:
vim ./node_modules/storj-bridge/lib/constants.js
To stop all of the services, and exit the container:
Using the CLI included with you can register and transfer files for development and testing.
STORJ_BRIDGE=http://localhost:6382 ./src/storj register
And then check your email and activate the account, and then add buckets and files:
STORJ_BRIDGE=http://localhost:6382 ./src/storj add-bucket
STORJ_BRIDGE=http://localhost:6382 ./src/storj upload-file <bucket_hash> <filename>
STORJ_BRIDGE=http://localhost:6382 ./src/storj download-file <bucket_hash> <file_hash>
Update stripe key for billing config at ./config/storj-billing/config
within the container to have a test key:
export STRIPE_KEY="sk_test_*******************"
After cloning externally:
cd bridge-gui-vue
npm install
And add a .env
file to the base directory of bridge-gui-vue
And start the gui development server:
npm run dev
Note: The default settings should use port 6382 for bridge and 3000 for billing and connect by default.
- One benefit of having an entire network in a container is that code is shared for all services, change it once and restart the services to get insight into problems when developing.
- Make sure that all of the services are running, take a look at
for what should be running. In particular make sure that rabbitmq-server is running. - As an entire network is being run, there are considerable resources that are needed, make sure that docker has enough CPUs and memory available to it. Otherwise you can reduce the number of farmers and renters that are started by editing
, this will have an impact on the ability to upload files during testing.