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Providers Guide

Provider types and their properties can be defined as default config for a pipeline. But also at the stage level of a pipeline to structure the source, build, test, approval, deploy or invoke actions.

Provider types and properties defined in the stage of a pipeline override the default type that was defined for that pipeline. Provider types are the basic building blocks of the ADF pipeline creation process and allow for flexibility and abstraction over AWS CodePipeline Providers and Actions.



    provider: codecommit|s3|codeconnections
      # All provider specific properties go here.


Use CodeCommit as a source to trigger your pipeline. The repository can also be hosted in another account.

Provider type: codecommit.


  • account_id - (String) (optional)
    • The AWS Account ID where the Source Repository is located. If the repository does not exist it will be created via AWS CloudFormation on the source account along with the associated cross account CloudWatch event action to trigger the pipeline.
    • Additionally, the default account id for CodeCommit, can be set in adfconfig.yml: config/scm/default-scm-codecommit-account-id.
    • If not set here in the provider and if not set in adfconfig.yml, the deployment account id will be used as default value.
  • repository - (String) defaults to name of the pipeline.
    • The AWS CodeCommit repository name.
  • branch - (String) default to configured adfconfig.yml: config/scm/default-scm-branch.
    • The Branch on the CodeCommit repository to use to trigger this specific pipeline.
  • poll_for_changes - (Boolean) default: False.
    • If CodePipeline should poll the repository for changes, defaults to False in favor of Amazon EventBridge events. As the name implies, when polling for changes it will check the repository for updates every minute or so. This will show up as actions in CloudTrail.
    • By default, it will not poll for changes but use the event triggered by CodeCommit when an update to the repository took place instead.
  • owner - (String) default: AWS.
    • Can be either AWS (default), ThirdParty, or Custom. Further information on the use of the owner attribute can be found in the CodePipeline documentation.
  • role - (String) default: adf-codecommit-role.
    • The role name of the role to use to fetch the contents of the CodeCommit repository. Only specify when you need a specific role to access it. By default ADF will use its own role to access it instead.
    • Please read the user guide to learn more about creating custom roles.
  • trigger_on_changes - (Boolean) default: True.
    • Whether CodePipeline should release a change and trigger the pipeline.
    • When set to False, you either need to trigger the pipeline manually, through a schedule, or through the completion of another pipeline. This disables the triggering of changes all together when set to False. In other words, when you don't want to rely on polling or event based triggers of changes pushed into the repository.
    • By default, it will trigger on changes using the event triggered by CodeCommit when an update to the repository took place.
  • output_artifact_format - (String) default: CODE_ZIP
    • The output artifact format. Values can be either CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF or CODE_ZIP. If unspecified, the default is CODE_ZIP.
    • If you are using CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF, you need to ensure that the IAM role passed in via the role property has the CodeCommit:GitPull permission.
    • NB: The CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF value can only be used by CodeBuild downstream actions.


S3 can be used as the source for a pipeline too. Please note: you can use S3 as a source and deployment provider. The properties that are available are slightly different.

The default role used to fetch the object from the S3 bucket is: arn:${partition}:iam::${source_account_id}:role/adf-codecommit-role.

Please add the required S3 read permissions to the adf-codecomit-role via the adf-bootstrap/deployment/global-iam.yml file in the aws-deployment-framework-bootstrap repository. Or, allow the adf-codecommit-role S3 read permissions in the bucket policy of the source bucket.

Provider type: s3.


  • account_id - (String) (required)
    • The AWS Account ID where the source S3 Bucket is located.
  • bucket_name - (String) (required)
    • The Name of the S3 Bucket that will be the source of the pipeline.
  • object_key - (String) (required)
    • The Specific Object within the bucket that will trigger the pipeline execution.
  • trigger_on_changes - (Boolean) default: True.
    • Whether CodePipeline should release a change and trigger the pipeline if a change was detected in the S3 object.
    • When set to False, you either need to trigger the pipeline manually, through a schedule, or through the completion of another pipeline.
    • By default, it will trigger on changes using the polling mechanism of CodePipeline. Monitoring the S3 object so it can trigger a release when an update took place.


Use CodeConnections as a source to trigger your pipeline. The source action retrieves code changes when a pipeline is manually executed or when a webhook event is sent from the source provider. AWS CodeConnections supports various external source providers: following third-party repositories:

  • Bitbucket Cloud
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Enterprise Cloud
  • GitHub Enterprise Server
  • GitLab self-managed

You can find an updated list of the external source providers AWS CodeConnections supports here

The AWS CodeConnections needs to exist and be in the "Available" Status. To use the AWS CodeConnections with ADF, its ARN needs to be stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store in the deployment account's main region (see details below). Read the CodePipeline documentation for more information on how-to setup the connection.

Provider type: codeconnections.


  • repository - (String) defaults to name of the pipeline.
    • The repository name. For example, for the ADF repository it would be aws-deployment-framework.
  • branch - (String) default to configured adfconfig.yml: config/scm/default-scm-branch.
    • The Branch on the repository to use to trigger this specific pipeline.
  • owner - (String) (required)
    • The name of the third-party user or organization who owns the third-party repository. For example, for the ADF repository that would be: awslabs.
  • codeconnections_param_path - (String) (required)
    • The CodeConnections ARN path in AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store in the deployment account in the main region that holds the CodeConnections resource ARN that will be used to download the source code and create the web hook as part of the pipeline. Read the CodeConnections documentation for more information.
    • If you are relying on an existing CodeStar connection, the SSM Parameter should contain the AWS CodeStar Connection ARN instead.
  • output_artifact_format - (String) default: CODE_ZIP
    • The output artifact format. Values can be either CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF or CODE_ZIP. If unspecified, the default is CODE_ZIP.
    • NB: The CODEBUILD_CLONE_REF value can only be used by CodeBuild downstream actions.


    provider: codebuild|jenkins
    # Optional: enabled.
    # The build stage is enabled by default.
    # If you wish to disable the build stage within a pipeline, set it to
    # False instead, like this:
    enabled: False
      # All provider specific properties go here.


CodeBuild is the default Build provider. It will be provided the assets as produced by the source provider. At the end of the CodeBuild execution, output assets can be configured such that these can be deployed in the deployment phase.

CodeBuild can also be configured as a deployment provider. For more information on this, scroll down to Deploy / CodeBuild. In terms of the properties, the following properties will be usable for running CodeBuild as a Build and Deploy provider.

Provider type: codebuild.


  • image (String|Object).

    • It is required to specify the container image your pipeline requires.

    • Specify the Image that the AWS CodeBuild will use. Images can be found here.

    • Image can also take an object that contains a reference to a public docker hub image with a prefix of docker-hub://, such as docker-hub://bitnami/mongodb. This allows your pipeline to consume a public docker hub image if required. Along with the docker hub image name, we also support using a tag which can be provided after the docker hub image name such as docker-hub://bitnami/mongodb:3.6.23 in order to define which image should be used (defaults to latest).

    • For images hosted in Amazon ECR, you can define the repository and image to use by specifying an image object. This allows your pipeline to consume a custom image if required. For example, to configure a specific repository ARN, configure it as:

        repository_arn: 'arn:${partition}:ecr:${region}:${source_account_id}:repository/your-repo-name'
        tag: 'latest' # Optional, defaults to latest

      Alternatively, you can set the repository_name if the ECR is hosted in the deployment account in the main deployment region.

        repository_name: 'your-repo-name'
        tag: 'latest' # Optional, defaults to latest

      Along with repository_arn or repository_name, we also support a tag key. This can be used to define which image should be used (defaults to latest). An example of this setup is provided here.

  • size (String) (small|medium|large) - default: small.

    • The Compute type to use for the build, types can be found here.
  • environment_variables (Object) defaults to empty object.

    • Any Environment Variables you wish to be available within the build stage for this pipeline. These are to be passed in as Key/Value pairs. For example:

        MY_ENV_VAR: some value
        ANOTHER_ENV_VAR: another value
  • role (String) default: adf-codebuild-role.

    • If you wish to pass a custom IAM Role to use for the Build stage of this pipeline. Alternatively, you can change the adf-codebuild-role with additional permissions and conditions in the global-iam.yml file as documented in the User Guide. Please note: Since the CodeBuild environment runs in the deployment account, the role you specify will be assumed in and should be available in the deployment account too.
    • Please read the user guide to learn more about creating custom roles.
  • timeout (Number) in minutes, default: 20.

    • If you wish to define a custom timeout for the Build stage.
  • privileged (Boolean) default: False.

    • If you plan to use this build project to build Docker images and the specified build environment is not provided by CodeBuild with Docker support, set Privileged to True. Otherwise, all associated builds that attempt to interact with the Docker daemon fail.
  • spec_inline (String) defaults to use the Buildspec file instead.

    • If you wish to pass in a custom inline Buildspec as a string for the CodeBuild Project this would override any buildspec.yml file.

      Read more here.

    • Note: Either specify the spec_inline or the spec_filename in the properties block. If both are supplied, the pipeline generator will throw an error instead.

  • spec_filename (String) default: buildspec.yml. If you wish to pass in a custom Buildspec file that is within the repository. This is useful for custom deploy type actions where CodeBuild will perform the execution of the commands. Path is relational to the root of the repository, so build/buildspec.yml refers to the buildspec.yml stored in the build directory of the repository.

    In case CodeBuild is used as a deployment provider, the default BuildSpec file name is deployspec.yml instead. In case you would like to test a given environment using CodeBuild, you can rename it to testspec.yml or something similar using this property.

    Note: Either specify the spec_inline or the spec_filename in the properties block. If both are supplied, the pipeline generator will throw an error instead.

  • vpc_id (String) defaults to none. Configure the vpc_id if the CodeBuild instance needs to connect through a VPC. You will need to set the subnet_ids property as well. Plus, optionally, you can configure the security_group_ids to specify what security groups the instance should use.

    Please note: VPC support can be added to a CodeBuild step in the pipeline, but cannot be removed that easily.

    In case you want to remove VPC support after adding it first: You need to delete the pipeline CloudFormation stack of the pipeline that should be updated. Then release a change in the aws-deployment-framework-pipelines in CodePipeline to regenerate the stack without the VPC support.

    An example of a vpc_id value: vpc-01234567890abcdef

  • subnet_ids (List of Strings) (with VPC usage only) defaults to none. The list of subnet ids that the CodeBuild instance is configured to use. These subnets need to be part of the VPC that is configured by the vpc_id property of the same provider.

    Please note: Only configure the subnet_ids when the vpc_id is also configured. Make sure there are multiple subnets listed that are hosted in separate availability zones to ensure a reliable service.

    An example of a list of subnet_ids is: ["subnet-1234567890abcdef0", "subnet-bcdef01234567890a"]

  • security_group_ids (List of Strings) (with VPC usage only) defaults to none.

    The list of security group ids that the CodeBuild instance is configured to use. These security groups need to be part of the VPC that is configured by the vpc_id property of the same provider.

    ADF will generate a default security group when you configured a vpc_id but did not configure any security_group_ids. The default security group has an allow all egress traffic rule. It is recommended that you make use of specific security groups instead.

    Typically, one security group would be sufficient, unless you need to combine multiple security groups to grant the build environment all access it needs.

    Please note: Only configure the security_group_ids when the vpc_id is also configured. To configure access securely, you need to create and specify the exact security group to use on a pipeline per pipeline basis. Such that pipelines will only have access to the resources they are allowed to access and nothing more.

    An example of a list of security_group_ids is: ["sg-234567890abcdef01", "sg-cdef01234567890ab"]


Jenkins can be configured as the build provider, where it will be triggered as part of the CodePipeline deployed by ADF.

To use Jenkins as a Build provider, you will need to install the Jenkins Plugin as documented here.

Provider type: jenkins.


  • project_name (String) (required)
    • The Project name in Jenkins used for this Build.
  • server_url (String) (required)
    • The Server URL of your Jenkins Instance.
  • provider_name (String) (required)
    • The Provider name that was setup in the Jenkins Plugin for AWS CodePipeline.


    provider: cloudformation|codedeploy|s3|service_catalog|codebuild|lambda
      # All provider specific properties go here.


The approval provider enables you to await further execution until a key decision maker (either person or automated process) approved continuation of the deployment.

  provider: approval
    # All provider specific properties go here.


  • message (String) - default: Approval stage for ${pipeline_name}.
    • The message you would like to include as part of the approval stage.
  • notification_endpoint (String)
    • An email or slack channel (see User Guide docs) that you would like to send the notification to.
  • sns_topic_arn (String) - default is no additional SNS notification.
    • A SNS Topic ARN you would like to receive a notification as part of the approval stage.


CodeBuild can also be configured as a deployment provider.

However, it cannot be used to target specific accounts or regions. When you specify a CodeBuild deployment step, the step should not target multiple accounts or regions.

As the CodeBuild tasks will run inside the deployment account only. Using the CodeBuild as a deployment step enables you to run integration tests or deploy using CLI tools instead.

When CodeBuild is also configured as the build provider, it is useful to specify a different spec_filename like deployspec.yml or testspec.yml.

In case you would like to use CodeBuild to target specific accounts or regions, you will need to make use of the environment variables to pass in the relevant target information, while keeping the logic to assume into the correct role, region and account in the Buildspec specification file as configured by the spec_filename property.

Provider type: codebuild.


See Build / CodeBuild properties above.


Provider type: codedeploy.


  • application_name (String) (required)
    • The name of the CodeDeploy Application you want to use for this deployment.
  • deployment_group_name (String) (required)
    • The name of the Deployment Group you want to use for this deployment.
  • role - (String) default adf-cloudformation-role
    • Automatically assumes into the given role in the target account, i.e. arn:${partition}:iam::${target_account_id}:role/adf-cloudformation-role.
    • The role you would like to use on the target AWS account to execute the CodeDeploy action. The role should allow the CodeDeploy service to assume it. As is documented in the CodeDeploy service role documentation.
    • Please read the user guide to learn more about creating custom roles.


Useful to deploy CloudFormation templates using a specific or ADF generated IAM Role in the target environment.

When you are using CDK, you can synthesize the CDK code into a CloudFormation template and target that in this stage to get it deployed. This will ensure that the code is compiled with least privileges and can only be deployed using the specific CloudFormation role in the target environment.

CloudFormation is the default action for deployments.

It will fetch the template to deploy from the previous stage its output artifacts. If you are specific on which files to include in the output artifacts be sure to include the params/*.json files and the CloudFormation template that you wish to deploy.

Provider type: cloudformation.


  • stack_name - (String) default: ${ADF_STACK_PREFIX}${PIPELINE_NAME}.
    • The name of the CloudFormation Stack to use. The default ADF_STACK_PREFIX is adf-. This is configurable as part of the StackPrefix parameter in the deployment/global.yml stack.
    • If the pipeline name is some-pipeline, the CloudFormation stack would be named: adf-some-pipeline by default. Unless you overwrite the value using this property, in which case it will use the exact value as specified.
    • By setting this to a specific value, you can adopt a stack that was created using CloudFormation before. It can also help to name the stack according to the internal naming convention at your organization.
  • template_filename - (String) default: template.yml.
    • The name of the CloudFormation Template file to use. Changing the template file name to use allows you to generate multiple templates, where a specific template is used according to its specific target environment. For example: template_prod.yml for production stages.
  • param_filename - (String) default: ${target_account_name}_${target_region}.yml.
    • The name of the CloudFormation Parameter file to use. Changing the parameter file name to use allows you to generate a single parameter file that is shared between many when required. The parameter file is read from inside the ${root_dir}/params/ folder. Please note: Setting this parameter will not change the behavior of the script. It is recommended to copy the generated template that you would like to reuse after running and use the name of the copied file as the configuration here when required.
  • root_dir - (String) default to empty string.
    • The root directory in which the CloudFormation template and params directory reside. Example, when the CloudFormation template is stored in infra/custom_template.yml and parameter files in the infra/params directory, set template_filename to custom_template.yml and root_dir to infra.
    • Defaults to empty string, the root of the source repository or input artifact.
  • role - (String) default adf-cloudformation-deployment-role
    • Automatically assumes into the given role in the target account, i.e. arn:${partition}:iam::${target_account_id}:role/adf-cloudformation-deployment-role.
    • The role you would like to use on the target AWS account to execute the CloudFormation action.
    • Ensure that the CloudFormation service should be allowed to assume that role.
    • Additionally, make sure that the adf-cloudformation-role is allowed to perform an iam:PassRole action with the given role. Restrict this action for the CloudFormation service only. You can find an example of this in the adf-bootstrap/deployment/global.yml file where it allows the CloudFormation Role to perform iam:PassRole with the adf-cloudformation-deployment-role. Please grant this access in the adf-bootstrap/deployment/global-iam.yml file in the aws-deployment-framework-bootstrap repository.
    • Please read the user guide to learn more about creating custom roles.
  • outputs - (String) (Required when using Parameter Overrides) defaults to none.
    • The outputs from the CloudFormation Stack creation. Required if you are using Parameter Overrides as part of the pipeline.
  • change_set_approval - (Boolean) (Stage Level Only)
    • If the stage should insert a manual approval stage between the creation of the change set and the execution of it. This is only possible when the target region to deploy to is in the same region as where the deployment pipelines reside. In other words, if the main region is set to eu-west-1, the change_set_approval can only be set on targets for eu-west-1.
    • In case you would like to target other regions, split it in three stages instead. First stage, using cloudformation as the deployment provider, with action set to CHANGE_SET_REPLACE. This will create the Change Set, but not execute it. Add a approval stage next, and the default cloudformation stage after. The latter will create a new change set and execute it accordingly.
  • param_overrides - (List of Objects) (Stage Level Only) defaults to none.
    • inputs (String)
      • The input artifact name you want to pass into this stage to take a parameter override from.
    • param (String)
      • The name of the CloudFormation Parameter you want to override in the specific stage.
    • key_name (String)
      • The key name from the stack output that you wish to use as the input in this stage.


Invoke a Lambda function as a deployment step.

Only Lambda functions deployed in the deployment account can be invoked. Lambda cannot be used to target other accounts or regions.

Provider type: lambda.


  • function_name (String) (required)
    • The name of the Lambda function to invoke. For example: myLambdaFunction.
  • input (Object|List|String) defaults to empty string.
    • An object to pass into the Lambda function as the input event. This input will be object stringified.

Service Catalog

Service Catalog deployment provider.

The role used to deploy the service catalog is: arn:${partition}:iam::${target_account_id}:role/adf-cloudformation-role.

Provider type: service_catalog.


  • product_id - (String) (required)
    • The Product ID of the Service Catalog Product to deploy.
  • configuration_file_path - (String) default: params/${account-name}_${region}.json
    • If you wish to pass a custom path to the configuration file path.


S3 is available as a source and deployment provider.

S3 cannot be used to target multiple accounts or regions in one stage. As the bucket_name property needs to be defined and these are globally unique across all AWS accounts. In case you would like to deploy to multiple accounts you will need to configure multiple stages in the pipeline manually instead. Where each will target the specific bucket in the target account.

Please note: you can use S3 as a source and deployment provider. The properties that are available are slightly different.

When S3 is used as the deployment provider, the default role used to upload the object(s) to the S3 bucket is the: arn:${partition}:iam::${target_account_id}:role/adf-cloudformation-role.

The adf-cloudformation-role is not granted access to read S3 buckets yet. Please add the required S3 write permissions to the adf-cloudformation-role via the adf-bootstrap/global-iam.yml file in the aws-deployment-framework-bootstrap repository. Or, alternatively, allow the adf-cloudformation-role S3 write permissions in the bucket policy of the target bucket.

Provider type: s3.


  • bucket_name - (String) (required)
    • The name of the S3 Bucket to deploy to.
  • object_key - (String) (required)
    • The object key within the bucket to deploy to.
  • extract - (Boolean) default: False.
    • Whether CodePipeline should extract the contents of the object when it deploys it.
  • role - (String) default: adf-cloudformation-role.
    • The role name of the role you would like to use for this action.
    • Please read the user guide to learn more about creating custom roles.
  • kms_encryption_key_arn - (String)
    • The ARN of the AWS KMS encryption key for the host bucket. The kms_encryption_key_arn parameter encrypts uploaded artifacts with the provided AWS KMS key. For a KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.
  • cache_control - (String)
    • The cache_control parameter controls caching behavior for requests/responses for objects in the bucket.