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Message Tables

Stefano Civelli edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

Message Tables

Source Message Type payload content description
Server LOGIN_SUCCESFUL null login procedure has been succesfull completed
Server RECONNECTED null client has been successfully reconnected to server
Server DISCONNECTED player's username inform clients that a player has disconnected
Server TEMP_CHEST_UPDATE null tells every client that the current player has added a resource in the temp chest
Server CHEST_MERGED null needed to merge temporary chest with chest
Server DISCARDED_LEADERCARD LeaderUpdate object notify the client that a player has discarded a leadercard
Server LORENZO_TRACK_UPDATE TrackUpdate object notify client that Lorenzo has moved his faith marker
Server LORENZO_SHUFFLE_UPDATE null notify client that Lorenzo has shuffled the token stack
Server LORENZO_DECK_UPDATE DevelopCardDeckUpdate object notify client that Lorenzo has drawn 2 cards from the deck
Server ERROR an error type notifies the client that an error occured
Server NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS null tell the client that server is in a state where he expects the number of players
Server GAME_STARTED ordered List<String> of the players' usernames indicates to all clients that game has started
Server WAIT_FOR_LOBBY_CREATION a String containing the message description indicates to the client that there is another player creating the lobby
Server LOBBY_CREATED null tells the 1st client that lobby has been created succesfully
Server YOU_JOINED number of remaining required players (int) confirms to the client that he joined the lobby succesfully
Server OTHER_USER_JOINED number of remaining required players (int) tells every client that a new player joined
Server SERVER_DOWN null notifies the client that the server is crashed
Server NEXT_TURN_STATE TurnState Object updates the client about the new Turn state
Server MARKET_UPDATED MarketUpdate object tells every client that the current player has modified the market and how
Server VATICAN_REPORT VaticanReport object tells every client that a vatican card has flipped
Server TRACK_UPDATED TrackUpdate object tells every client that the position of the current player has changed and how
Server WAREHOUSE_UPDATE WarehouseUpdate object tells every client that the current player has added (removed) a resource in (from) the warehouse
Server DEVELOP_CARD_DECK_UPDATED DevelopCardDeckUpdate object tells every client that a card has been removed
Server CARD_SLOT_UPDATE CardSlotUpdate object tells every client that the current player has added a DevelopCard in one of his slots
Server CHEST_UPDATE ChestUpdate object tells every client that the current player has added (removed) a resource in (from) the chest
Server ACTIVATED_LEADERCARD_UPDATE LeaderUpdate object tells every client that the current player has activated a leader card
Server GAME_ENDED username and score of the winning player tells every client who's the winner
Server DECK_SETUP DevelopCardDeckSetup object updates the client about the initial state of the deck
Server MARKET_SETUP MarketSetup object updates the client about the initial state of the market
Server LEADERCARD_SETUP LeaderSetup object updates the client about his initial Leadercards
Server/Client PING null simple ping message to keep the socketTimeout from expiring
Client NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS the chosen number of players
Client CREATE_MATCH the match ID sent by client to create a new match
Client JOIN_MATCH the match ID sent by client to join an existing match
Client ACTION an Action this message contains an Action performed by the client as payload.
Client QUIT null sent by the client to the server to QUIT the game

Action Table

Action Type parameters description
ActivateLeaderAction leaderCardID activate the specified leaderCard
BaseProductionAction resource1, resource2, product activate the Base production
BuyDevelopCardAction row, column, cardSlotIndex buy a developCard
ChooseInitialResourcesAction resourcesMap choose resources at the beginning of the game
ChooseLeaderOnWhiteMarbleAction leaderID choose which leadercard to activate to convert the white marble
DiscardInitialLeaderAction leaderCardID1, leaderCardID2 choose the 2 leadercards to discard at the beginning of the game
DiscardLeaderAction leaderCardID discard a leader during the game
EndTurnAction to end the player turn
InsertMarbleAction marbleIndex insert a marble to the WareHouse
LeaderProductionAction leaderId, product activate the production ability on a leadercard
ProductionAction cardIndex activate production in a slot
ShopMarketAction inRow, index select a market row or column. NOTE: inRow should be true if a row is pushed

Errors Tables

Generic Errors

Error Type description
MALFORMED_MESSAGE the server has recived a malformed Json so he cannot deserialize it into an action
INVALID_LOGIN_USERNAME username is empty or null
INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS the selected number of players is invalid
GAME_ALREADY_STARTED a player tries to LOGIN when the game is already started

Conroller Errors

Error Type description
INVALID_ACTION action not correctly initialized
WRONG_ACTION action can't be performed now
WRONG_PLAYER not their turn

Model Errors

Error Type description
INVALID_USERNAME in this match this username is already taken
WRONG_RESOURCES_NUMBER the number of the specified resources and the number of resources that belong to the player are different
INVALID_LEADERCARD leader card doesn't exist
INVALID_CARD_PLACEMENT the card cannot be placed in the specified slot or the slot doesn't exists
INVALID_ROW_OR_COLUMN row or column doesn't exist
INVALID_DEVELOP_CARD develop card doesn't exist
MARBLE_NOT_EXIST marble doesen't exist
CANNOT_DISCARD_ACTIVE_LEADER tried to discard an active leader card
NEED_RESOURCE_TO_PRODUCE resource to produce isn't specified
NOT_ACTIVATABLE_PRODUCTION the specified develop card can't produce in this phase of the game
ALREADY_PRODUCED tried to activate production on something that has already produced in the same turn
NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES there aren't enough resources to perform the action
NEGATIVE_QUANTITY a specified quantity is negative
ABUSE_OF_FAITH the player is trying to produce faith or consume it
NOT_BUYABLE the player can't buy the card he asked for
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE the player has not enough space to contain these resources

Write your own client

Here are some advices if you want to use the API provided by our server to create your own client in java using some of our classes.

Remember to also reference the Communication Protocol documentation for more informations on protocol structure.

Recieving a Message: Client <- Server

Upon reading a JSON from the socket, the client should parse it into a Message class.

For example:

while (true) {
        Message msg = messageParserFromJson(in.readLine());

You can than parse the object contained in the message in one of the provided updateContainers classes using the getPayloadByType() method.

For example:

  WarehouseUpdate stateUpdate  = msg.getPayloadByType(WarehouseUpdate.class)

If you have trouble finding the right object you can simply call the getPayload() method to view a JSON representation of the received Object or look at Messages Table documentation.

Sending a message: Client -> Server

In most cases, messages sent to Server contain an Action as payload.

Here is an example of how to create a message countaining a specific action:

   Action buyCardAction = new BuyDevelopCardAction(row, column, cardSlot);
   Message msg = new Message(username, MessageType.ACTION, buyCardAction);
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