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Pokemon Showdown Node Bot - Configuration Guide

This guide is a explanation of how to configure Pokemon-Showdown-Node-Bot once installed.

First of all, copy config-example.js to config.js

NOTE: You can use node bot-setup.js to configure the fundamental values without editing / copying the file.

Server configuration

You must choose the Pokemon Showdown server to use. There are 3 options:

exports.server = '';

exports.port = 8000;

exports.serverid = 'showdown';
  • Maybe you want to use a Registered Server, then open a shell console, use cd to reach the directory of your bot and run node getserver.js to get the server, port and serverid paramenters.
  • Or, you want to use an unregistered server, then you must edit manually the parameters.

Crash Guard

Keep exports.crashguard = true;. If this is enabled, the bot will never exit because of an error. Instead it will report the error to the console.

Watch Config

Keep exports.watchconfig = true; if you want config.js to be automatically reloaded on changes (recommended)

Login Deatails

Choose Bot's nickname and, if it is registered, specify the password. If you do not specify a nickname or the password is wrong, the bot will log in a random username started by bot


exports.nick = 'Example Bot name';

exports.pass = 'ExamplePassword';


Choose the rooms to join after bot log in. You have 4 options:

  • Join some rooms (recomended)
exports.rooms = ['room1', 'room2', 'room3'];
  • Join all public rooms
exports.rooms = 'public';
  • Join all official rooms
exports.rooms = 'official';
  • Join all rooms (official and public rooms)
exports.rooms = 'all';

You can use exports.initCmds to send other commands to the server after joining the rooms. For example setting the bot avatar, blocking challenges or anything else.

Auth Configuration (Important)

Giving yourself full access is a crucial step, because only if you have full access you can access all bot commands without rank restriction. To do this, in exports.exceptions you must add your user id (Your PS name without any character except numbers and lowercase letters), like in this example:

exports.exceptions = {
	'ecuacion': true,
	'excepteduser': true

If the Pokemon Showdown server for your bot has custom ranks, edit exports.ranks adding them. If a symbol is not in that array, it is interpreted as regular user.

Edit exports.globalPermissions if the server has custom symbols for basic groups (Administrator, Room Owner, Moderator, Driver, Voice)

Commands configuration

exports.commandTokens is an array of possible command tokens. Example: if . is a command token you can use a bot command with .command.

exports.defaultPermission is the default rank for configurable commands permissions.

You can configure that permissions adding exceptions for each command in exports.permissionExceptions

You can use a custom botguide (for guide command) editting exports.botguide option

When you pm the bot but don't use a command, it replies you the string exports.pmhelp, useful for moderation bots because the users may not know that it's a bot. Example:

exports.pmhelp = "Hi, I'm a bot. Use .help to view a command guide. Contact other staff member for any request";


You can change bot language changing exports.language. Note that the language folder in ./languages/ must exist.

Configuration for console messages

With exports.debug you can choose which console messages are shown and which are not.

exports.debug = {
	/* Basic messages - Production Mode */
	error: true,
	ok: true,
	errlog: true,
	info: true,
	room: true,

	/* Monitoring */
	monitor: false,
	battle: false,
	status: false,

	/* Debug Mode */
	debug: false,
	cmdr: false,

	/* Low Level */
	recv: false,
	sent: false

Moderation (Optional)

With exports.moderation you can configure the moderation feature

  • modException: Choose with is the minimum rank to be excepted from bot moderation. For example if you don't want drivers being muted use '%' value.
  • allowmute: Enable or disable automated moderation feature
  • disableModNote: Disable /modnote for autoban commands
  • MOD_CONSTS: Constants for caps, flodding and stretching
  • values: Mod values for each infraction (corresponding to punishments levels)
  • modDefault: Default config for moderation options. true or 1 to enable and false or 0 to disable them.
  • punishments: Array of punishments commands, for example warn, mute, hourmute and roomban.
  • psServersExcepts: Servers ids excepted from Pokemon showdown private servers moderation. Include your server id if you are uning the bot in other server.
  • zeroToleranceLevels: Levels for Zero Tolerance Moderation. For each one you can specify the name and the value to apply the punishment.
  • zeroToleranceDefaultLevel: Default zero tolerance level.

Battles (Optional)

exports.aceptAll if true, the bot will acept all battle, without limits. It is not recommended, keep it to false, so you can specify max number of battles at the same time in exports.maxBattles.

Specify in exports.winmsg all possible phrases for saying when bot wins, same with exports.losemsg but when bot loses, the same with exports.initBattleMsg but when the bot joins the battle. You can also specify other messages in exports.battleMessages.

Set exports.abandonedBattleAutojoin = true; if you want to store battle ids in a JSON file to rejoin them in case of crash or forced restart.

Configure the ladder feature with exports.ladderCheckInterval (the time to check for battles) and exports.ladderNumberOfBattles (Max number of ladder battles at the same time when you use ladderstart command).

Important! You can configure format aliases in exports.formatAliases for all battle and tournaments commands.

Tournaments (Optional)

You can specify tournament values by default, so if you don't specify them in tour command, it will be taken from this values.

exports.tourDefault = {
	format: 'ou',
	type: 'elimination',
	maxUsers: null,
	timeToStart: 30 * 1000,
	autodq: 1.5

Optionally you can enable the leaderboards system for one or more rooms.

exports.leaderboards['tournaments'] = {
	winnerPoints: 5,
	finalistPoints: 3,
	semiFinalistPoints: 1,
	battlePoints: 0,
	onlyOfficial: true // If true, only official tours (must use .official command) will be counted

Youtube (Optional)

Simply you can enable or disable it by default:

Enabled in all rooms by default: = {
	enableByDefault: true

Disabled by default (use youtube command to enable it in a single room): = {
	enableByDefault: false

Chat Logger (Optional)

This feature take logs from chat rooms and store them in ./logs/ path. You can configure it in exports.chatLogger:

  • rooms: Array of rooms to be logged. Note thet if you want to logs pms, add pm room. Also if you want to log global messages add lobby room.
  • ignore: Select what kind of messages should be ignored. For example tournamets updates, query responses or similar messages.
  • logIntroMessages: When you join a room in Pokemon Showdown, you receive a log and the roomintro. Choose if you want to log this.
  • ageOfLogs: Servers have limits, so log age may also has limits. Use 0 value to keep logs infinitely.


exports.chatLogger = {
	rooms: [],
	ignore: {'tournament': ['update', 'updateEnd'], 'formats': true, 'challstr': true, 'updateuser': true, 'queryresponse': true},
	logIntroMessages: true,
	ageOfLogs: 7 //in days (max age of logs, 0 to keep logs infinitely)

Auto-Invite (Optional)

This feature is rarely useful, just an example:

exports.autoInvite = [
	{linked: 'lobby', private: 'adminsroom', rank: '#'}

In this example, in a server there is a private room with modjoin called Admins Room where all admins are room owners. With that feature if the bot is in both rooms, when an admin join lobby, it is automatically invited to Admins Room.

GoupChats (Optional)

You can use this feature to set events (arrays of commands to be sent on certain circunstances). For example:

exports.groupchats['groupchat-ecuacion-test'] = {
	toJoin: ['/join groupchat-ecuacion-test'],
	onJoin: ['Hi guys!'],
	onLeave: []

toJoin: This is sent every 60 seconds if the bot is not in the room. You can use it to create a groupchat with /makegroupchat or joining an existing one after it expires.

onJoin: This is sent when the bot joins the room. For example for setting the modchat, roomintro, etc or just a greeting.

toJoin: This is sent when the bot leaves the room. For example for recreating the groupchat after it expires.