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File metadata and controls

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Parameter configuration

This topic describes how to configure parameters for the FE, BE, broker, and system. After the service is started, you can also adjust the configuration parameters to better suit your business requirements.

FE configuration items

Configuration Item Default Role
log_roll_size_mb 1024 Size of log split, per 1G
sys_log_dir StarRocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/log Directory where logs are kept
sys_log_level INFO log level,INFO < WARNING < ERROR < FATAL
sys_log_verbose_modules empty string Modules for log printing, write org.starrocks.catalog to print only the logs that are under the catalog module
sys_log_roll_interval DAY The interval for log splitting
sys_log_delete_age 7d The interval for log deletion
sys_log_roll_mode 1024 The size of the log split, per 1G
audit_log_dir starrocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/log Directory where audit logs are kept
audit_log_roll_num 90 The number of audit logs to keep
audit_log_modules "slow_query", "query" Modules for audit log printing, default retains slow_query and query
qe_slow_log_ms 5000
audit_log_roll_interval DAY The interval for audit log splitting
audit_log_delete_age 30d The interval for audit log deletion
audit_log_roll_mode TIME-DAY The interval for audit log splitting
label_keep_max_second 259200 The time to keep the label, with a default value of 3 days. The longer the keep time, the more memory to consume
history_job_keep_max_second 604800 Maximum retention time for historical jobs, such as schema change jobs, 7 days by default
label_clean_interval_second 14400 The interval for label cleaning
transaction_clean_interval_second 30 The interval for transaction cleaning
meta_dir StarRocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/meta Directory for metadata
tmp_dir starrocksFe.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR/temp_ddir Directory where temporary files are kept, such as backup/restore, etc.
edit_log_port 9010 The port used for communication between FE Groups (Master, Follower, Observer)
edit_log_roll_num 50000 Split size of image log
meta_delay_toleration_second 300 Maximum metadata lag time tolerated by non-leader nodes
master_sync_policy SYNC Swipe method for leader’s log, SYNC by default
replica_sync_policy SYNC Swipe method for follower’s log, SYNC by default
replica_ack_policy SIMPLE_MAJORITY The form in which logs are considered valid. The default is for the majority to return a confirmation message, which is considered to be in effect
bdbje_heartbeat_timeout_second 30 The interval for BDBJE heartbeat timeout
bdbje_lock_timeout_second 1 The interval for BDBJE lock timeout
txn_rollback_limit 100 the upper limit of transaction rollback
frontend_address FE IP address
priority_networks empty string Specify BE IP address in the form of CIDR for machines with multiple IPs
metadata_failure_recovery false Forced reset of FE metadata. Use with caution
ignore_meta_check false Ignore the metadata lag
max_bdbje_clock_delta_ms 5000 Maximum tolerated time offset between leader and non-leader
http_port 8030 Port of Http Server
http_backlog_num 1024 HttpServer port backlog
thrift_backlog_num 1024 ThriftServer port backlog
rpc_port 9020 Thrift server port of FE
query_port 9030 MySQL server port of FE
mysql_service_nio_enabled false Whether the nio is enabled for the service connected to FE
mysql_service_io_threads_num false The number of threads of the service connected to FE
auth_token empty string Whether the token is enabled automatically
tablet_create_timeout_second 1 Timeout for table creation
max_create_table_timeout_second 60 Maximum timeout for table creation
publish_version_timeout_second 30 Timeout for version to be published
publish_version_interval_ms 10 Interval for version to be published
load_straggler_wait_second 300 Maximum tolerated import lag time for BE replications, beyond which cloning will be performed
max_layout_length_per_row 100000 maximum length of a single row, 100KB
load_checker_interval_second 5 Interval for import polling
broker_load_default_timeout_second 14400 Timeout for Broker Load, 4 hours by default
mini_load_default_timeout_second 3600 Timeout for small batch import, 1 hour by default
insert_load_default_timeout_second 3600 Timeout for Insert Into statement, 1 hour by default
stream_load_default_timeout_second 600 Timeout for StreamLoad, 10 minutes by default
max_load_timeout_second 259200 Applicable to all imports, maximum timeout, 3 days by default
min_load_timeout_second 1 Applicable to all imports, minimum timeout, 1 second by default
desired_max_waiting_jobs 100 Max_waiting_jobs for all tasks, including table creation, import, schema change
max_running_txn_num_per_db 100 The number of concurrent import jobs
async_load_task_pool_size 10 The size of the thread pool for import job execution
tablet_delete_timeout_second 2 Timeout for table deletion
capacity_used_percent_high_water 0.75 Measurements of disk capacity used on Backend. Try not to send creation or clone tasks to this tablet when this parameter exceeds 0.75, until it is back to normal
alter_table_timeout_second 86400 Timeout for schema change
max_backend_down_time_second 3600 Maximum time for BE to rejoin after it disconnects to FE
storage_cooldown_second 2592000 Duration of media migration, 30 days by default
catalog_trash_expire_second 86400 Length of time that metadata remains in the recycle bin after deleting a table/database, beyond which data cannot be recovered
min_bytes_per_broker_scanner 67108864 Minimum amount of data to be processed by a single instance, 64MB by default
max_broker_concurrency 100 Maximum number of concurrent instances for a single task, 10 by default
load_parallel_instance_num 1 Number of concurrent instances on a single BE, 1 by default
export_checker_interval_second 5 Interval for exporting thread polling
export_running_job_num_limit 5 Maximum number of exporting jobs
export_task_default_timeout_second 7200 Timeout for export job, 2 hours by default
empty_load_as_error TRUE Switch value to control if to return error all partitions have no load data when the data to load is empty. If this parameter is set as false, the system returns OK instead of the error when the data to load is empty.
export_max_bytes_per_be_per_task 268435456 Maximum amount of data exported by a single export job on a single be, 256M by default
export_task_pool_size 5 Size of export task thread pool, 5 by default
consistency_check_start_time 23 The start time for FE to initiate replica consistency check
consistency_check_end_time 4 The end time for FE to initiate replica consistency check
check_consistency_default_timeout_second 600 Timeout for replica consistency check
qe_max_connection 1024 Maximum number of connections received on the FE, for all users
max_conn_per_user 100 Maximum number of connections that a single user can handle
query_colocate_join_memory_limit_penalty_factor 8 Memory limit for Colocate Join
disable_colocate_join false Colocate Join is not enabled
expr_children_limit 10000 The number of in's that can be involved in a query
expr_depth_limit 3000
locale zh_CN.UTF-8 Character set
remote_fragment_exec_timeout_ms 5000 RPC timeout for FE sending query planning, not involving task execution
max_query_retry_time 2 The number of query retries on FE
catalog_try_lock_timeout_ms 5000 Timeout for Catalog Lock fetch
disable_load_job false No import job is received, which is a stopgap measure when the cluster fails
es_state_sync_interval_second 10 Interval for FE to fetch Elastic Search Index
tablet_repair_delay_factor_second 60 Interval for replica repair controlled by FE
enable_statistic_collect TRUE Whether to collect statistics. This parameter is turned on by default.
enable_collect_full_statistic TRUE Whether to enable automatic full statistics collection. This parameter is turned on by default.
statistic_auto_collect_ratio 0.8 The threshold for determining whether the statistics for automatic collection are healthy. If statistics health is below this threshold, automatic collection is triggered.
statistic_max_full_collect_data_size 100 The size of the largest partition for automatic collection to collect data. Unit: GB.If a partition exceeds this value, full collection is discarded and sampled collection is performed instead.
statistic_collect_interval_sec 300 The interval for checking data updates during automatic collection. Unit: seconds.
statistic_sample_collect_rows 200000 The minimum number of rows to collect for sampled collection. If the parameter value exceeds the actual number of rows in your table, full collection is performed.
histogram_buckets_size 64 The default bucket number for a histogram.
histogram_mcv_size 100 The number of most common values (MVC) for a histogram.
histogram_sample_ratio 0.1 The sampling ratio for a histogram.
histogram_max_sample_row_count 10000000 The maximum number of rows to collect for a histogram.
statistics_manager_sleep_time_sec 60 The interval at which metadata is scheduled. Unit: seconds. The system performs the following operations based on this interval: create tables for storing statistics, delete statistics that have been deleted, delete expired statistics.
statistic_update_interval_sec 24 * 60 * 60 The interval at which the cache of statistical information is updated. Unit: seconds.
statistic_analyze_status_keep_second 259200 The duration to retain the history of collection tasks. The default value is 3 days. Unit: seconds.
statistic_collect_concurrency 3 The maximum number of manual collection tasks that can run in parallel. The value defaults to 3, which means you can run a maximum of three manual collections tasks in parallel. If the value is exceeded, incoming tasks will be in the PENDING state, waiting to be scheduled. You can only modify this parameter in the fe.conf file. You must restart the FE for the modification to take effect.
max_routine_load_job_num 100 maximum number of routine load jobs
max_routine_load_task_concurrent_num 5 Maximum number of concurrent execution tasks per routine load job
max_routine_load_task_num_per_be 5 Maximum number of concurrent routine load tasks per BE, which needs to be less than or equal to the number specified in the configuration
max_routine_load_batch_size 524288000 The maximum amount of data to import per routine load task, default by 500M
routine_load_task_consume_second 3 Maximum time to consume data per routine load task, default by 3s
routine_load_task_timeout_second 15 Timeout for routine load task, default by 15s
enable_strict_storage_medium_check TRUE Whether the FE checks available storage space.
storage_cooldown_second -1 The delay of cooldown from HDD storage to SSD storage. Unit: seconds. The default value indicates to disable the auto-cooldown.

Configure BE

Some BE configuration items are dynamic parameters which you can set them by commands when BE nodes are still online. The rest of them are static parameters. You can only set the static parameters of a BE node by changing them in the corresponding configuration file be.conf, and restart the BE node to allow the change to take effect.

Configure BE dynamic parameters

You can configure a dynamic parameter of a BE node by using curl command.

curl -XPOST http://be_host:http_port/api/update_config?<configuration_item>=<value>

BE dynamic parameters are as follows:

Configuration item Default Unit Description
tc_use_memory_min 0 Byte The minimum size of the TCMalloc-reserved memory. StarRocks does not return the released memory resource to the operating system if the size of the memory resource is less than this value.
tc_free_memory_rate 0 % The maximum ratio of the TCMalloc-reserved memory size to the total memory size occupied by TCMalloc. StarRocks does not return the released memory resource to the operating system if the size ratio of the released memory to the total memory used by TCMalloc is less than this value. Range: [0,100].
tc_gc_period 60 Second The duration of a TCMalloc garbage collection (GC) cycle.
report_task_interval_seconds 10 Second The time interval at which to report the state of a task. A task can be creating a table, dropping a table, loading data, or changing a table schema.
report_disk_state_interval_seconds 60 Second The time interval at which to report the storage volume state, which includes the size of data within the volume.
report_tablet_interval_seconds 60 Second The time interval at which to report the most updated version of all tablets.
report_workgroup_interval_seconds 5 Second The time interval at which to report the most updated version of all workgroups.
max_download_speed_kbps 50000 KB/s The maximum download speed of each HTTP request. This value affects the performance of data replica synchronization across BE nodes.
download_low_speed_limit_kbps 50 KB/s The download speed lower limit of each HTTP request. An HTTP request aborts when it constantly runs with a lower speed than this value within the time span specified in the configuration item download_low_speed_time.
download_low_speed_time 300 Second The maximum time that an HTTP request can run with a download speed lower than the limit. An HTTP request aborts when it constantly runs with a lower speed than the value of download_low_speed_limit_kbps within the time span specified in this cinfiguration item.
status_report_interval 5 Second The time interval at which a query reports its profile, which can be used for query statistics collection by FE.
scanner_thread_pool_thread_num 48 N/A The number of threads which the storage engine used for concurrent storage volume scanning. All threads are managed in the thread pool.
thrift_client_retry_interval_ms 100 ms The time interval at which a thrift client retries.
scanner_thread_pool_queue_size 102400 N/A The number of scan tasks supported by the storage engine.
scanner_row_num 16384 N/A The maximum row count returned by each scan thread in a scan.
max_scan_key_num 1024 N/A The maximum number of scan key segmented by each query.
max_pushdown_conditions_per_column 1024 N/A The maximum number of conditions that allow pushdown in each column. If the number of conditions exceeds this limit, the predicates are not pushed down to the storage layer.
exchg_node_buffer_size_bytes 10485760 Byte The maximum buffer size on the receiver end of an exchange node for each query. This configuration item is a soft limit. A backpressure is triggered when data is sent to the receiver end with an excessive speed.
memory_limitation_per_thread_for_schema_change 2 GB The maximum memory size allowed for each schema change task.
update_cache_expire_sec 360 Second The expiration time of Update Cache.
file_descriptor_cache_clean_interval 3600 Second The time interval at which to clean file descriptors that have not been used for a certain period of time.
disk_stat_monitor_interval 5 Second The time interval at which to monitor health status of disks.
unused_rowset_monitor_interval 30 Second The time interval at which to clean the expired rowsets.
max_percentage_of_error_disk 0 % The maximum percentage of error that is tolerable in a storage volume before the corresponding BE node quits.
default_num_rows_per_column_file_block 1024 N/A The maximum number of rows that can be stored in each row block.
pending_data_expire_time_sec 1800 Second The expiration time of the pending data in the storage engine.
inc_rowset_expired_sec 1800 Second The expiration time of the incoming data. This configuration item is used in incremental clone.
tablet_rowset_stale_sweep_time_sec 1800 Second The time interval at which to sweep the stale rowsets in tablets.
snapshot_expire_time_sec 172800 Second The expiration time of snapshot files.
trash_file_expire_time_sec 259200 Second The time interval at which to clean trash files.
base_compaction_check_interval_seconds 60 Second The time interval of thread polling for a Base Compaction.
min_base_compaction_num_singleton_deltas 5 N/A The minimum number of segments that trigger a Base Compaction.
max_base_compaction_num_singleton_deltas 100 N/A The maximum number of segments that can be compacted in each Base Compaction.
base_compaction_interval_seconds_since_last_operation 86400 Second The time interval since the last Base Compaction. This configuration item is one of the conditions that trigger a Base Compaction.
cumulative_compaction_check_interval_seconds 1 Second The time interval of thread polling for a Cumulative Compaction.
update_compaction_check_interval_seconds 60 Second The time interval at which to check the Update Compaction of the Primary Key data model.
min_compaction_failure_interval_sec 120 Second The minimum time interval that a Tablet Compaction can be scheduled since the last compaction failure.
periodic_counter_update_period_ms 500 ms The time interval at which to collect the Counter statistics.
load_error_log_reserve_hours 48 Hour The time for which data loading logs are reserved.
streaming_load_max_mb 10240 MB The maximum size of a file that can be streamed into StarRocks.
streaming_load_max_batch_size_mb 100 MB The maximum size of a JSON file that can be streamed into StarRocks.
memory_maintenance_sleep_time_s 10 Second The time interval at which TCMalloc GC is triggered. StarRocks executes GC periodically, and returns the released memory memory to the operating system.
write_buffer_size 104857600 Byte The buffer size of MemTable in the memory. This configuration item is the threshold to trigger a flush.
tablet_stat_cache_update_interval_second 300 Second The time interval at which to update Tablet Stat Cache.
result_buffer_cancelled_interval_time 300 Second The wait time before BufferControlBlock release data.
thrift_rpc_timeout_ms 5000 ms The timeout for a thrift RPC.
txn_commit_rpc_timeout_ms 20000 ms The timeout for a transaction commit RPC.
max_consumer_num_per_group 3 N/A The maximum number of consumers in a consumer group of Routine Load.
max_memory_sink_batch_count 20 N/A The maximum number of Scan Cache batches.
scan_context_gc_interval_min 5 Minute The time interval at which to clean the Scan Context.
path_gc_check_step 1000 N/A The maximum number of files that can be scanned continuously each time.
path_gc_check_step_interval_ms 10 ms The time interval between file scans.
path_scan_interval_second 86400 Second The time interval at which GC cleans expired data.
storage_flood_stage_usage_percent 95 % The storage usage threshold (in percentage) that can trigger the rejection of a Load or Restore job if it is reached.
storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes 1073741824 Byte The minimum left capacity of the storage before the rejection of a Load or Restore job is triggered.
tablet_meta_checkpoint_min_new_rowsets_num 10 N/A The minimum number of rowsets to create since the last TabletMeta Checkpoint.
tablet_meta_checkpoint_min_interval_secs 600 Second The time interval of thread polling for a TabletMeta Checkpoint.
max_runnings_transactions_per_txn_map 100 N/A The maximum number of transactions that can run concurrently in each partition.
tablet_max_pending_versions 1000 N/A The maximum number of pending versions that are tolerable in a Primary Key table. Pending versions refer to versions that are committed but not applied yet.
max_hdfs_file_handle 1000 N/A The maximum number of HDFS file descriptors that can be opened.
parquet_buffer_stream_reserve_size 1048576 Byte The size of buffer that Parquet reader reserves for each column while reading data.

Configure BE static parameters

You can only set the static parameters of a BE node by changing them in the corresponding configuration file be.conf, and restart the BE node to allow the change to take effect.

BE static parameters are as follows:

Configuration item Default Unit Description
be_port 9060 N/A The BE thrift server port, which is used to receive requests from FEs.
brpc_port 8060 N/A The BE BRPC port, which is used to view the network statistics of BRPCs.
brpc_num_threads -1 N/A The number of bthreads of a BRPC. The value -1 indicates the same number with the CPU threads.
priority_networks Empty string N/A The CIDR-formatted IP address that is used to specify the priority IP address of a BE node if the machine that hosts the BE node has multiple IP addresses.
heartbeat_service_port 9050 N/A The BE heartbeat service port, which is used to receive heartbeats from FEs.
heartbeat_service_thread_count 1 N/A The thread count of the BE heartbeat service.
create_tablet_worker_count 3 N/A The number of threads used to create a tablet.
drop_tablet_worker_count 3 N/A The number of threads used to drop a tablet.
push_worker_count_normal_priority 3 N/A The number of threads used to handle a load task with NORMAL priority.
push_worker_count_high_priority 3 N/A The number of threads used to handle a load task with HIGH priority.
transaction_publish_version_worker_count 8 N/A The number of threads used to publish a version.
clear_transaction_task_worker_count 1 N/A The number of threads used for clearing transaction.
alter_tablet_worker_count 3 N/A The number of threads used for schema change.
clone_worker_count 3 N/A The number of threads used for clone.
storage_medium_migrate_count 1 N/A The number of threads used for storage medium migration (from SATA to SSD).
check_consistency_worker_count 1 N/A The number of threads used for check the consistency of tablets.
sys_log_dir ${STARROCKS_HOME}/log N/A The directory that stores system logs (including INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL).
user_function_dir ${STARROCKS_HOME}/lib/udf N/A The directory used to store the User-defined Functions (UDFs).
small_file_dir ${STARROCKS_HOME}/lib/small_file N/A The directory used to store the files downloaded by the file manager.
sys_log_level INFO N/A The severity levels into which system log entries are classified. Valid values: INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL.
sys_log_roll_mode SIZE-MB-1024 N/A The mode how system logs are segmented into log rolls. Valid values include TIME-DAY, TIME-HOUR, and SIZE-MB-<size>. The default value indicates that logs are segmented into rolls which are 1 GB each.
sys_log_roll_num 10 N/A The number of log rolls to reserve.
sys_log_verbose_modules Empty string N/A The module of the logs to be printed. For example, if you set this configuration item to OLAP, StarRocks only prints the logs of the OLAP module. Valid values are namespaces in BE, including starrocks, starrocks::vectorized, and pipeline.
sys_log_verbose_level 10 N/A The level of the logs to be printed. This configuration item is used to control the ouput of logs initiated with VLOG in codes.
log_buffer_level Empty string N/A The strategy how logs are flushed. The default value indicates that logs are buffered in memory. Valid values are -1 and 0. -1 indicates that logs are not buffering in memory.
num_threads_per_core 3 N/A The number threads started in each CPU core.
compress_rowbatches TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to compress the row batches in RPCs between BEs. This configuration item is used for the data transmission between query layers. The value true indicates to compress the row batches. The value false indicates not to compress the row batches.
serialize_batch FALSE N/A The boolean value to control if to serialize the row batches in RPCs between BEs. This configuration item is used for the data transmission between query layers. The value true indicates to serialize the row batches. The value false indicates not to serialize the row batches.
storage_root_path ${STARROCKS_HOME}/storage N/A The directory of the storage volume. Multiple volumes can be separated by ;, for example, /data1/starrocks;/data2/starrocks. If the storage medium is SSD, add .SSD at the end of the directory. If the storage medium is HDD, add .HDD at the end of the directory.
max_tablet_num_per_shard 1024 N/A The maximum number of tablets in each shard. This configuration item is used to restrict the number of tablet child directories under each storage directory.
max_garbage_sweep_interval 3600 Second The maximum time interval for garbage collection on storage volumes.
min_garbage_sweep_interval 180 Second The minimum time interval for garbage collection on storage volumes.
row_nums_check TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to check the row counts before and after the compaction. The value true indicates to enable the row count check. The value false indicates disable the row count check.
file_descriptor_cache_capacity 16384 N/A The number of file descriptors that can be cached.
min_file_descriptor_number 60000 N/A The minimum number of file descriptors in the BE process.
index_stream_cache_capacity 10737418240 Byte The cache capacity for the statistical information of BloomFilter, Min, and Max.
storage_page_cache_limit 0 The capacity of page cache. You can set it as a percentage ("20%") or a physical value ("100MB").
disable_storage_page_cache TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to disable the Page Cache. The value true indicates to disable the Page Cache. The value false indicates to enable the Page Cache.
base_compaction_num_threads_per_disk 1 N/A The number of threads used for Base Compaction on each storage volume.
base_cumulative_delta_ratio 0.3 N/A The ratio of cumulative file size to base file size. The ratio reaching this value is one of the conditions that trigger the Base Compaction.
max_compaction_concurrency -1 N/A The maximum concurrency of compactions (both Base Compaction and Cumulative Compaction). The value -1 indicates that no limit is imposed on the concurrency.
compaction_trace_threshold 60 Second The time threshold for each compaction. If a compaction takes more time than the time threshold, StarRocks prints the corresponding trace.
webserver_port 8040 N/A The HTTP server port.
webserver_num_workers 48 N/A The number of threads used by the HTTP server.
load_data_reserve_hours 4 Hour The reservation time for the files produced by small-scale loadings.
number_tablet_writer_threads 16 N/A The number of threads used for Stream Load.
streaming_load_rpc_max_alive_time_sec 1200 Second The RPC timeout for Stream Load.
fragment_pool_thread_num_min 64 N/A The minimum number of threads used for query.
fragment_pool_thread_num_max 4096 N/A The maximum number of threads used for query.
fragment_pool_queue_size 2048 N/A The upper limit of query number that can be processed on each BE node.
enable_partitioned_aggregation TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to enable the Partition Aggregation. The value true indicates to enable the Partition Aggregation. The value false indicates to disable the Partition Aggregation.
enable_token_check TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to enable the token check. The value true indicates to enable the token check. The value false indicates to disable the token check.
enable_prefetch TRUE N/A The boolean value to control if to enable the pre-fetch of the query. The value true indicates to enable the pre-fetch. The value false indicates to disable the pre-fetch.
load_process_max_memory_limit_bytes 107374182400 Byte The maximum size limit of memory resources can be taken up by all load process on a BE node.
load_process_max_memory_limit_percent 30 % The maximum percentage limit of memory resources can be taken up by all load process on a BE node.
sync_tablet_meta FALSE N/A The boolean value to control if to enable the synchronization of the tablet metadata. The value true indicates to enable the synchronization. The value false indicates to disable the synchronization.
routine_load_thread_pool_size 10 N/A The thread pool size of Routine Load.
brpc_max_body_size 2147483648 Byte The maximum body size of a BRPC.
tablet_map_shard_size 32 N/A The tablet map shard size. The value must be the power of two.
enable_bitmap_union_disk_format_with_set FALSE N/A The boolean value to control if to enable the new storage format of the BITMAP type, which can improve the performance of bitmap_union. The value true indicates to enable the new storage format. The value false indicates to disable the new storage format.
mem_limit 90% N/A BE process memory upper limit. You can set it as a percentage ("80%") or a physical limit ("100GB").
flush_thread_num_per_store 2 N/A Number of threads that are used for flushing MemTable in each store.

Configure broker

You can only set the configuration items of a broker by changing them in the corresponding configuration file broker.conf, and restart the broker to allow the change to take effect.

Configuration item Default Unit Description
hdfs_read_buffer_size_kb 8192 KB Size of the buffer that is used to read data from HDFS.
hdfs_write_buffer_size_kb 1024 KB Size of the buffer that is used to write data into HDFS.
client_expire_seconds 300 Second Client sessions will be deleted if they do not receive any ping after the specified time.
broker_ipc_port 8000 N/A The HDFS thrift RPC port.
sys_log_dir ${BROKER_HOME}/log N/A The directory used to store system logs (including INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL).
sys_log_level INFO N/A The log level. Valid values include INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL.
sys_log_roll_mode SIZE-MB-1024 N/A The mode how system logs are segmented into log rolls. Valid values include TIME-DAY, TIME-HOUR, and SIZE-MB-nnn. The default value indicates that logs are segmented into rolls which are 1 GB each.
sys_log_roll_num 30 N/A The number of log rolls to reserve.
audit_log_dir ${BROKER_HOME}/log N/A The directory that stores audit log files.
audit_log_modules Empty string N/A The modules for which StarRocks generates audit log entries. By default, StarRocks generates audit logs for the slow_query module and the query module. You can specify multiple modules, whose names must be separated by a comma (,) and a space.
audit_log_roll_mode TIME-DAY N/A Valid values include TIME-DAY, TIME-HOUR, and SIZE-MB-<size>.
audit_log_roll_num 10 N/A This configuration does not work if the audit_log_roll_mode is set to SIZE-MB-<size>.
sys_log_verbose_modules com.starrocks N/A The modules for which StarRocks generates system logs. Valid values are namespaces in BE, including starrocks, starrocks::vectorized, and pipeline.

Set system configurations

Linux Kernel

Linux kernel 3.10 or later is recommended.

CPU configurations

Configuration item Description Recommended value How to set
scaling_governor The parameter scaling_governor is used to control the CPU power mode. The default value is on-demand. The performance mode consumes more energy, produces better performance, and thereby is recommended in the deployment of StarRocks. performance echo 'performance' | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Memory configurations

Configuration item Description Recommended value How to set
overcommit_memory Memory Overcommit allows the operating system to overcommit memory resource to processes. We recommend you enable Memory Overcommit. 1 echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
transparent_hugepage Transparent Huge Pages is enabled by default. We recommend you disable this feature because it can interfere the memory allocator, and thereby lead to a drop in performance. madvise echo 'madvise' | sudo tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
swappiness We recommend you disable the swappiness to eliminate its affects on the performance. 0 echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

Storage configurations

We recommend you set different scheduler algorithms in accordance with the medium of your storage volumes.

Configuration item Description Recommended value How to set
scheduler mq-deadline scheduler algorithm suits SATA disks. mq-deadline echo mq-deadline | sudo tee /sys/block/vdb/queue/scheduler
scheduler kyber scheduler algorithm suits NVME or SSD disks. kyber echo kyber | sudo tee /sys/block/vdb/queue/scheduler
scheduler If your system does not support kyber scheduler algorithm, we recommend you use none scheduler algorithm. none echo none | sudo tee /sys/block/vdb/queue/scheduler

Network configurations

We recommend you use 10GB network in your StarRocks cluster. Otherwise, StarRocks will fail to achieve the expected performance. You can use iPerf to check the bandwidth of your cluster.

File system configurations

We recommend you use the ext4 journaling file system. You can run the following command to check the mount type:

df -Th

High concurrency configurations

If your StarRocks cluster has a high load concurrency, we recommend you set the following configurations.

echo 120000 > /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max
echo 60000 > /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
echo 200000 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max

User process configuration

You can set the maximum number of user processes by running the following command:

ulimit -u 40960

File descriptor configuration

Run the following command to the maximum number of file descriptors to 65535.

ulimit -n 65535

If this configuration becomes invalid after you re-connect to the cluster, you can set the UsePAM configuration item under /etc/ssh/sshd_config to yes, and restart the SSHD service.


Configuration item Recommended value How to set
tcp abort on overflow 1 echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_abort_on_overflow
somaxconn 1024 echo 1024 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn