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Package with Functions to Support the Advanced Trading API in R


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Overview of Package rcbatapi


Implements authorization and other functions to trade crypto using the Coinbase Advanced Trading API. There is a general function that permits the accessing of API endpoints, as well as functions that assist with the order endpoints.

This package is offered as is without any promise or guarantee of suitability for any given purpose. Test it out with small values.

The package name represents "R Coinbase Advanced Trade API."


  1. Install R (

  2. (Optional) I recommend that you install RStudio (

  3. On Windows, is is possible that you may need to install RTools ( Not needed on macOS and Linux. I am developing on Linux and have not tested it yet on Windows.

  4. Either

    a. Install rcbatapi package, or

    b. Copy and initialize the necessary functions, and load the following packages (after installing if necessary):


If you choose to install the package rcbatapi

First, if necessary install the package devtools in R (only needed once on a sytem):



devtools::install_github(repo = "Squirrel-hue/rcbatapi")

There are two ways to use the package.

  1. Use a string of functions to obtain the desired behavior (demonstrated below for market orders and many other endpoints).
  2. Add the API key(s) and secret key(s) to the authentication function. This will then allow you to authenticate automatically. But make sure that the function is not shared with anyone else, or you will have given away your secret keys. You can have several wallets, just make sure that each one is properly identified and selected. This will be discussed below (coming soon!)

Obtain and enter API Keys for Wallet

You will create these (or have created these) on Coinbase Advance Trading API. Make sure that you protect them (especially your secret key). Information can be found at

Make sure that you have the appropriate permission to access the desired currencies and endpoints for your wallet keys.

Assign keys as variables in R:

api_key <- rstudioapi::askForPassword(prompt = "Please Provide API Key")
secret_key <- rstudioapi::askForPassword(prompt = "Please Provide API Secret Key")
pair <- "BTC-USD" # The Pair that you wish to obtain information about.

Manage API Keys with Credential Manager

Alternatively, use a credential manager such as keyring:

# If necessary, install keyring package

# Load the package

# Store the wallet, with API Key and secret key
keyring::key_set_with_value(service = "wallet_name", 
                   username = "API_Key",
                   password = "secret_key")

# Access secret key in appropriate places in the code.
keyring::key_get(service = "wallet_name",

For more information, please refer to the credential manager of your choice.

Get Pair Information (BTC-USD in this case)

You will need to know what are the minimum sizes and dollar amounts that you can trade.

This code will provide that for you.

(base <- unlist(strsplit(pair, split = "-"))[1]) # The first currency listed (BTC in this example) 

(quote <- unlist(strsplit(pair, split ="-"))[2]) # The last currency listed (USD in this example)

Once you have assigned api_key, secret_key and pair, the code run by this function should work. The code in the function can be examined by navigating to the R folder.

(pair_info <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                             secret_key = secret_key, 
                                             method = "GET", 
                                             reqPath = paste0("/products/",

pair_info contains a lot of useful information. Some of it is highlighted below.

Maximum Base Currency Precision Digits

The maximum number of digits that can be used in expressing the quantity of Bitcoin quantity to transact.

(base_increment <- -log10(as.numeric(pair_info$base_increment)))

The parenthesis around the expression causes R to print the result. Otherwise, you would need to type base_increment to see the result.

Maximum Quote Currency Precision Digits

The maximum number of digits that can be used in expressing the dollar quantity. - If it is two (2), this means it can be expressed to two decimals, that is, $1.00 or $1.54.

(quote_increment <- -log10(as.numeric(pair_info$quote_increment)))

Smallest Base Currency Quantity

The smallest quantity of Bitcoin that can be transacted

(base_min_size <- pair_info$base_min_size)

Smallest Quote Currency Quantity

The smallest number of USD that can be transacted. At this point is in one (1), which means $1.00.

(quote_min_size <- pair_info$quote_min_size)

Get the price of Bitcoin in dollars

(BTCUSD_price <- as.numeric(pair_info$price))

How to Place a $1.00 Bitcoin Market Buy Order

Now that we have obtained information about the pairs, we can proceed to place a market order.

market_buy_payload <- rcbatapi::market_market_ioc_buy(client_order_id ="", 
                                                      product_id = "BTC-USD", 
                                                      quote_size = 1.00, 
                                                      quote_increment = quote_increment)

market_buy <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key, 
                                             secret_key = secret_key, 
                                             method = "POST",
                                             reqPath = "/orders",
                                             body = market_buy_payload)

Note that you could also use product_id = pair as the second argument to rcbatapi::market_market_ioc_buy

If you evaluate the variable market_buy_payload after running the first line above, it will provide you with the string that needs to be passed to the API.

How to Place a $1.00 Bitcoin Market Sell Order

Using all the same code from above.

market_sell_payload <- rcbatapi::market_market_ioc_sell(client_order_id = "", 
                                                        product_id ="BTC-USD", 
                                                        base_size = 1/BTCUSD_price, 
                                                        base_increment = base_increment)

market_sell <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key, 
                                              secret_key = secret_key,
                                              method = "POST",
                                              reqPath = "/orders",
                                              body = market_sell_payload)

Limit Order

A limit order can be placed by using the following syntax:

The following has not be extensively tested, but should be close to working. I will check it further and update as appropriate:

limit_buy_payload <- limit_limit_gtc(client_order_id = "", # The client order number is not needed; a random one will be generated.
                            product_id = "BTC-USD", 
                            side = "BUY"          # Can also use "buy", "B" or "b" for buy order
                            base_size = 0.000005, # The amount of bitcoin to purchase, in Satoshis
                            limit_price = 22000)  # The maximum price of Bitcoin you are willing to pay{

limit_buy <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key, 
                                              secret_key = secret_key,
                                              method = "POST",
                                              reqPath = "/orders",
                                              body = limit_buy_payload)


List Accounts

Obtain Information About Wallet or Account; or get a list of authenticated accounts for the current user.

Initialize your api key and secret key for the wallet in question (that is, put the required numbers in between the quotation marks).

api_key <- ""
secret_key <- ""

The following code will then pull the wallet information and assign this to the accounts variable.

(accounts <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                            secret_key = secret_key,
                                            method = "GET",
                                            reqPath = "/accounts"))

Can also Get Accounts using paginations and cursor if has_next is true. This code will not work is has_next is false.

limit  <- 49
cursor <- "8"
query <- paste0("?limit=", limit,
               "&cursor=", cursor)
list_accounts <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                                secret_key = secret_key,
                                                method = "GET",
                                                reqPath = "/accounts",
                                                query = query)

Get Accounts

Can get uuid by using accounts$account[[1]]$uuid or accounts$account[[2]]$uuid after having run the above code. Depending on the number of currencies linked to wallet and api key and secret key, there will be more numbers that can be added to the [[x]] following accounts$account.

(accounts <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                               secret_key = secret_key,
                               method = "GET",
                               reqPath = "/accounts"))

Can obtain information about a specific account.

account_uuid <- accounts$account[[1]]$uuid # Select this one, or
# account_uuid <- accounts$account[[2]]$uuid # or this one
# account_uuid <- "" # or enter it manually

# Make sure you select a uuid; the last command typed above will only have an empty string
# You can uncomment (remove the leading "#") to select different lines.

reqPath <- paste0("/accounts/", account_uuid)
get_account <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                               secret_key = secret_key,
                               method = "GET",
                               reqPath = reqPath)

More information will be posted regarding how to extract and manipulate this information.


List Products

list_products <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                                secret_key = secret_key,
                                                method = "GET",
                                                reqPath = "/products")

Get Products

Edit the string in product_id

product_id <- "BTC-USD"

reqPath <- paste0("/products/",product_id,"/")
get_product <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                              secret_key = secret_key,
                                              method = "GET",
                                              reqPath = reqPath)

Get Product Candles

Chose the desired product, start date ("YYYY-MM-DD"), end date ("YYYY-MM-DD"), and granularity (ONE_MINUTE, FIVE_MINUTE, FIFTEEN_MINUTE, THIRTY_MINUTE, ONE_HOUR, TWO_HOUR, SIX_HOUR, or ONE_DAY)

Edit the strings in product_id, start, end, and granularity.

product_id <- "BTC-USD"
start <- "2022-01-01 09:10:00 CST"
end <- "2022-01-01 22:05:00 CST"
granularity <- "FIVE_MINUTE"

start_unix <- format(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(start)), digits = 10)
end_unix <- format(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(end)), digits = 10)

reqPath <- paste0("/products/",product_id,"/candles")
query   <- paste0("?start=",start_unix,

get_product_candles <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                                      secret_key = secret_key,
                                                      method = "GET",
                                                      reqPath = reqPath,
                                                      query = query)

Get Market Trades

Edit product_id and limit.

product_id <- "BTC-USD"
limit <- 1000

reqPath <- paste0("/products/",product_id,"/ticker")
query   <- paste0("?limit=",limit)
get_market_trades <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                                    secret_key = secret_key,
                                                    method = "GET",
                                                    reqPath = reqPath)


Get Transactions Summary

Note that it seems that start_date and end_date are optional. The code can be modified so that they would not need to be specified.

start_date <-  "2023-01-01"
end_date   <-  "2023-01-15"
user_native_currency <- "USD"
product_type <- "SPOT"

reqPath <- paste0("/transaction_summary")
query   <- paste0("?start_date", start_date,
                  "&end_date", end_date,
                  "&user_native_currency=", user_native_currency,
                  "&product_type=", product_type)
get_transactions_summary <- rcbatapi::interact_AT_API_keys(api_key = api_key,
                                                           secret_key = secret_key,
                                                           method = "GET",
                                                           reqPath = reqPath)

Note that these code chunks can be combined together in scripts. I may also add more endpoints as functions.