The architecture and extension points provided by Astor framework are described in:
- Astor: Exploring the Design Space of Generate-and-Validate Program Repair beyond GenProg (Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus), Journal of Systems and Software, 2019.
GZoltar: use of third-party library GZoltar.
CoCoSpoon: use of third-party library CoCoSpoon.
Custom: name of class that implements interface
This extension point allows to specify the fault localization algorithm
that Astor executes to obtain the buggy suspicious locations.
The extension point takes as input
the program under repair and the test suite, and produces as output a
list of program locations, each one with a suspicious value. The
suspicious value associated to location
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.extensionFaultLocalizationStrategy
Then, the class must implement the method:
public FaultLocalizationResult searchSuspicious(ProjectRepairFacade projectToRepair) throws Exception;
The input ProjectRepairFacade projectToRepair
stores all the information of the project to repair (e.g., path to sources, dependencies, etc).
The output is an object of class FaultLocalizationResult
, which contains a list of all suspicious locations.
Statements: each modification point corresponds to a statement. Repair operators generate code at the level of statements.
Expressions: each modification point corresponds to an expression. Repair operators generate code at the level of expressions.
Logical-relational-operators: Modification points target to binary expression whose operators are logical (AND, OR) or relational (e.g.,
$>,==$ ). -
Custom: name of class that implements interface
The extension point EP_MPG allows to specify the granularity of code that is manipulated by a repair approach over Astor. The granularity impacts two components of Astor. First, it impacts the program representation: Astor creates modifications points only for suspicious code elements of a given granularity. Second, it impacts the repair operator space: a repair operator takes as input code of a given granularity and generates a modified version of that piece of code. For example, the approach jGenProg manipulates statements, i.e., the modification points refer to statements and it has 3 repair operators: add, remove and replace of statements. Differently, jMutation manipulates binary and unary expressions using repair operators that change binary and unary operators.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that extends the abstract class fr.inria.astor.core.manipulation.filters.TargetElementProcessor
Then, it is necessary to override the method that visit the elements that the new approach targets.
For example, if the approach targets Literals (i.e., a modification point is a literal) then the class must contain the overrided method:
public void process(CtLiteral element) {
Finally, the method process
must call the method add
(defined on the abstract class TargetElementProcessor
) to store the elements that it is interested in. (In the example, every literal is stored)
Exhaustive: complete navigation of the search space.
Selective: partial navigation of search space guided, by default, by random steps.
Evolutionary: navigation of the search space using genetic algorithm.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The extension point EP_NS allows to define a strategy for navigating the search space. Astor provides three navigation strategies: exhaustive, selective and evolutionary.
This strategy exhaustively navigates the search space, that is, all
the candidate solutions are considered and validated. An approach that
carries out an exhaustive search visits every modification point
The selective navigation visits a portion of the search space. This strategy is necessary when the search space is too large to be exhaustively navigated. On each step of the navigation, it uses two strategies for determining where to modify (i.e., modification points) and how (i.e., repair operators). By default, the selective navigation uses weighted random for selecting modification points, where the weight is the suspiciousness value, and uniform random for selecting operators. Those strategies can be customized using extension points EP_MPS and EP_OS, respectively.
Astor frameworks also provides the Genetic Programming [@Koza, 1992]
technique for navigating the solution search space. This technique was
introduced in the domain of the automatic program repair by JAFF
[@ArcuriEvolutionary] and GenProg [@Weimer et al. 2009]. The idea is to evolve a
buggy program by applying repair operators to arrive to a modified
version that does not have the bug. In Astor, it is implemented as
follows: one considers an initial population of size
To implement a new strategy of navigation of the search space (which it involves the creation of a new approach) it is necessary to create a class that extends fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.AstorCoreEngine
Then, that class must override the method public void startEvolution() throws Exception
to implement the desired navigation strategy.
Note that the suspicious space and the operator spaces are built according to the values of the extension point EP_FL and EP_OD, respectively.
Uniform-random: every modification point has the same probability to be selected and later changed by an operator.
Weighted-random: the probability of changed of a modification point depends on the suspiciousness of the pointed code.
Sequential: modification points are changes according to the suspiciousness value, in decreasing order.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The extension point EP_MPS allows to specify the strategy to navigate the search space of suspicious components represented by modification points. This extension point is invoked in every iteration of the navigation loop: the strategy selects the modification points where the repair algorithm will apply repair operators.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.navigationuspiciousNavigationStrategy
Then, the class must implement the method:
List<ModificationPoint> getSortedModificationPointsList(ProgramVariant variant);
The input of List<ModificationPoint> modificationPoints
is the list of modification points to be navigated in the order that the method getSortedModificationPointsList
The output is a list of the modification points FaultLocalizationResult
, which contains the points sorted according to a given criterion.
IRR-Statements: insertion, removement and replacement of statements.
Relational-Logical-operators: change of unary operators, and logical and relational binary operators.
Suppression: suppression of statement, change of if conditions by True or False value, insertion of remove statement.
R-expression: replacement of expression by another expression.
Custom: name of class that extends class
After a modification point is selected, Astor selects a repair operator from the repair operator space to apply into that point. Astor provides the extension point EP_OD for specifying the repair operator space used by a repair approach built on Astor. The operators space configuration depends on the repair strategy. For example, jGenProg has 3 operators (insert, replace and remove statement) whereas Cardumen has one (replace expression).
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that extends the abstract class fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.spaces.operators.OperatorSpace
That class has a field List<AstorOperator> operators
that corresponds to the operator space.
As initially it is empty, the class that we create can add operators from its constructor by calling the method public void register(AstorOperator operator)
The class OperatorSpace
provides a getter of the mentioned field List<AstorOperator> operators
Uniform-random: every repair operator has the same probability of be chosen to modify a modification point.
Weighted-random: selection of operator based on non-uniform probability distribution over the repair operators.
Custom: name of class that extends
The extension point EP_OS allows Astor's users to specify a strategy to
select, given a modification point
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that extends the abstract class fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.spaces.operators.OperatorSelectionStrategy
The class has a field, protected OperatorSpace operatorSpace
, passed as argument in the constructor, which corresponds to the operator space i.e., all the operators available. Then, the strategy will select operators from there.
The strategy must implement two methods:
public abstract AstorOperator getNextOperator(SuspiciousModificationPoint modificationPoint);
which has an input a modification point, and as output it retrieves an operator to apply to that point.
public abstract AstorOperator getNextOperator();
which returns one operator, according to the strategy implemented. Here, the operator selection does not consider the modification point where the operator will be applied.
File: pool with ingredients written in the same file where the patch is applied.
Package: pool with ingredients written in the same package where the patch is applied.
Global: pool with all ingredients from the application under repair.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The ingredient pool contains all pieces of code that an ingredient-based
repair approach can use for synthesizing a patch. The extension point EP_IPD allows
to customize the creation of the ingredient pool. Astor provides three
methods of building an ingredient pool: file, package and global scopes.
For synthesizing a candidate patch to be applied in the modification
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.spaces.ingredients.IngredientPool
A pool in Astor has a structure of a Map, i.e., there are keys and values related to one key.
A key can be, for instance, the location of an ingredient in an application.
IngredientPool is a parametrized interface, which parameters are:
Q type of the element to modify using an ingredient from this space.
K key of the ingredient, example, location of the ingredient according
I ingredient (e.g., a= b+c;)
T type of the ingredient (e.g., a statement, if, a while, etc)
Then, the class under construction must implement the methods:
public void defineSpace(ProgramVariant variant);
which creates the Space using the classes from a Variant.
List<I> getIngredients(Q elementToModify);
which returns the list of ingredients from location.
List<I> getIngredients(Q elementToModify, T type);
returns the list of ingredient of a given type from a location.
public void setIngredients(Q elementToModify, List<I> ingredients);
set the lists of ingredients in the location.
public K calculateLocation(Q elementToModify);
returns, for a given piece of code Q, the location according to the scope. For instance, if the scope of the Space is file, it returns the file name that contains Q, if the scope is package, it returns the package where Q is located.
public List<K> getLocations();
gets all the locations for a given scope. For instance, if the scope is 'Package' it will return all package with ingredients. If the scope is method, it returns all methods with at least one ingredient.
public T getType(I element);
returns the type of an ingredient.
Uniform-random: ingredient randomly chosen from ingredient pool.
Code-similarity-based: ingredient chosen from similar methods to the buggy method.
Name-probability-based: ingredient chosen based on the frequency of its variable's names.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The extension point EP_IS allows to specify the strategy that an ingredient-based repair approach from Astor uses for selecting an ingredient from the ingredient pool. Between the implementations of this point provided by Astor, there is one, used by default by jGenProg,which executes uniform random selection for selecting an ingredient from a pool built given a scope. Another, defined for DeepRepair approach, prioritizes ingredients that come from methods which are similar to the buggy method.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that extends the abstract class fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.spaces.ingredients.IngredientSearchStrategy
That class has a field IngredientPool ingredientPool
that corresponds to the ingredient pool.
When Astor instantiates the selection strategy, it passes the ingredient pool to it (i.e., the constructor must receive an IngredientPool
Then, the strategy must implement the method:
public abstract Ingredient getFixIngredient(ModificationPoint modificationPoint,
AstorOperator operationType);
The inputs of getFixIngredient
are two: a) the modification point where the candidate patch under construction will be located, b) the operator used to synthesize the patch (For some approaches such as jGenProg, Astor considers the type of the operator for querying the ingredient pool).
The output is an ingredient retrieved from the pool, which will be used to synthesize a patch at the modification point given as parameter.
No-transformation: ingredients are not transformed.
Random-variable-replacement: out-of-scope variables from an ingredients are replaced by randomly chosen in-scope variables.
Name-cluster-based: out-of-scope variables from an ingredients are replaced by similar named in-scope variables.
Name-probability-based: out-of-scope variables from an ingredients are replaced by in-scope variable based on the frequency of variable's names.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The extension point EP_IT allows to specify the strategy used for transforming ingredients selected from the pool. Astor provides four implementation of this extension point. For instance, the strategy defined for DeepRepair approach replaces each out-of-scope variable form the ingredient by one variable in the scope of the modification points. The selection of that variable is based on a cluster of variable names, which each cluster variable having semantically related names [@white et al. 2018]. Cardumen uses a probabilistic model for selecting the most frequent variables names to be used in the patch. On the contrary, jGenProg, as also the original GenProg, does not transform any ingredient.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.spaces.ingredients.transformations.IngredientTransformationStrategy
There is one method to implement:
public List<Ingredient> transform(ModificationPoint modificationPoint, Ingredient ingredient);
It takes two inputs: a) the modification point where the candidate patch will be located, b) the ingredient used to synthesize the patch
The output is a list of transformed ingredients, derived from that one received as argument.
Test-suite: original test-suite used for validating a candidate patch.
Augmented-test-suite: new test cases are generated for augmented the original test suite used for validation.
Custom: name of class that extends class
The extension point EP_PV executes the validation process of a patch. Astor framework provides to test-suite based repair approaches a validation process that runs the test-suite on the patched program.
Another strategy implemented in Astor was called MinImpact [@Zu et al., 2018], proposed to alleviate the problem of patch overfitting [@Smith et al., 2015]. MinImpact uses additional automatically generated test cases to further check the correctness of a list of generated test-suite adequate patches and returns the one with the highest probability of being correct. MinImpact implements the extension point EP_PV by generating new test cases (i.e., inputs and outputs) over the buggy suspicious files, using Evosuite [@Gordon et Arcuri] as test-suite generation tool. Once generated the new test cases, MinImpact executes them over the patched version. The intuition is that the more additional test cases fail on a tentatively patched program, the more likely the corresponding patch is an overfitting patch. MinImpact then sorts the generated patches by prioritizing those with less failures over the new tests.
Moreover, this extension point can be used to measure other functional and not functional properties beyond the verification of the program correctness. For example, instead of focusing on automated software repair, an approach built over Astor could target on minimizing the energy computation. For that, that approach would extend this extension point for measuring the consumption of a program variant.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that extends the abstract class fr.inria.astor.core.validation.processbased.ProgramVariantValidator
The class must implement the following method validate
public abstract VariantValidationResult validate(ProgramVariant variant, ProjectRepairFacade projectFacade);
As input, the validation strategy implemented in method validate
receives two parameters: a) ProgramVariant variant
the program variant to validate, b) ProjectRepairFacade projectFacade
, which contains all information related to the project under repair (classpath, location of sources, bytecodes, dependencies, etc.)
As outputs the method validate
must return an object that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.entities.VariantValidationResult
That interface was one method public boolean isSuccessful();
which indicates if the program is valid (TRUE) or invalid (FALSE) according to the validation done by the validation strategy that extends ProgramVariantValidator
Number-failing-tests: the fitness is the number of failing test cases. Lower is better. Zero means the patch is a test-suite adequate patch.
Custom: name of class that implements
The extension point EP_FF allows to specify the fitness function,
which consumes the output from the validation process of a program
On evolutionary approaches such as jGenProg, this fitness function
guides the evolution of a population of program variants throughout a
number of generations. In a given generation
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.population.FitnessFunction
There are two methods to implement:
public double calculateFitnessValue(VariantValidationResult validationResult);
which retrieves the results of a validation process (a object VariantValidationResult
, see explanation of Extension point EP_PV) and returns a numerical value (a double).
public double getWorstMaxFitnessValue();
which returns the max fitness value (i.e., the worst value). This is used when, for instance, a validation process of a program variant fails (e.g., an infinite loop that avoid to executing the test cases) so, this worst value is assigned to that program variant.
Chronological: generated valid patches are printing chronological order, according with the time they were discovered.
Less-regression: patches are presented according to the number of failing cases from those generated test cases, in ascending order.
Custom: name of class that implements
The extension point EP_SP allows to specify a method for sorting the discovered valid patches. By default, approaches over Astor present patches sorted by time of discovery in the search space. Astor proposes an implementation of this point named Less-regression. The strategy, defined by MinImpact [@Zu et al. 2018], sorts the original test-suite adequate patches with the goal of minimizing the introduction of regression faults, i.e., the approach prioritizes the patches with less failing test cases from those tests automatically generated during the validation process.
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.solutionsearch.extension.SolutionVariantSortCriterion
There is one method to implement:
public List<ProgramVariant> priorize(List<ProgramVariant> patches);
which receives as input a list of patches (i.e., program variant that are solutions) and returns as output a list of the patches sorted by a given criterion.
PatchJSONStandarOutpu: JSON format
Custom: name of class that implements
To implement the extension point, its necessary to create a class that implements the interface fr.inria.astor.core.output.ReportResults
There is one method to implement:
public Object produceOutput(List<PatchStat> statsForPatches, Map<GeneralStatEnum, Object> generalStats, String output);
which returns takes tree arguments as input: a) list of patches found (it can be empty), b) map with the statistics, c) path to the directory where Astor saves the results.
The output is an Object that represents the output in a given format. Example, one implementation of ReportResults
, the class PatchJSONStandarOutput
returns an JSON object which represents the output (patches + stats) in JSON format.