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File metadata and controls

705 lines (541 loc) · 24.4 KB


Version: 1.0

WCIF stands for WCA Competition Interchange Format and is a specification of competition data in JSON format. It's designed as a way for many applications to exchange data in a standardized manner.


The specification defines the following types:


Represents the root object and is usually referred to as a WCIF.

Attribute Type Description
formatVersion String Used to distinguish different versions of the format (most notably compared to the past 0.3).
id String The unique competition identifier.
name String The full name of the competition.
shortName String A briefer version of name, may be the same if name is already short.
persons [Person] List of all the people related to the competition.
events [Event] List of all events held at the competition.
schedule Schedule All the data related to time and scheduling.
competitorLimit Integer|null The maximal number of competitors that can register for the competition.
extensions [Extension] List of custom competition extensions.


  "formatVersion": "1.0",
  "id": "WC2019",
  "name": "WCA World Championship 2019",
  "shortName": "WCA WC 2019",
  "persons": [...],
  "events": [...],
  "schedule": {...},
  "competitorLimit": 1000,
  "extensions": [...]


Represents a person related to the competition (not necessarily a competitor).

Attribute Type Description
registrantId Integer The person identifier, unique within the competition.
name String The person full name. May include local name in parentheses.
wcaUserId Integer The identifier of the WCA account used to register for the competition.
wcaId String|null The WCA ID of the corresponding competitor profile.
countryIso2 CountryCode The person nationality.
gender "m"|"f"|"o" The person gender. Either male, female or other.
birthdate Date The person birthdate. Note: this attribute is not public.
email String The person email address. Note: this attribute is not public.
avatar Avatar|null The person avatar image.
roles [Role] List of roles assigned to this person at the competition.
registration [Registration]|null All the data related to the online registration for the competition. May be null if the person hasn't registered, but is still relevant to the competition (e.g. organizer, delegate).
assignments [Assignment] List of task assignments.
personalBests [PersonalBest] List of official personal records.


  "registrantId": 1,
  "name": "Sherlock Holmes",
  "wcaUserId": 221,
  "wcaId": "2015HOLM01",
  "countryIso2": "GB",
  "gender": "m",
  "birthdate": "1854-06-20",
  "email": "",
  "avatar": {...},
  "roles": [...],
  "registration": {...},
  "assignments": [...],
  "personalBests": [...]


A String representing the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the given country.




A String representing a role at the competition.

The specification defines the following roles:

  • "delegate"
  • "trainee-delegate"
  • "organizer"

Applications may define additional roles, however, other applications are not required to recognize or display these roles.




Represents person registration data.

Attribute Type Description
wcaRegistrationId Integer The identifier of the registration in the WCA registration system.
eventIds [String] List of identifiers of WCA events for which the person registered.
status "accepted"|"pending"|"deleted" The status of the registration in the registration system.
guests Integer The number of guests the person declared. Note: this attribute is not public.
comments String The additional information typed during registration. Note: this attribute is not public.


  "wcaRegistrationId": 1,
  "eventIds": ["333", "333fm", "444", "777"],
  "status": "accepted",
  "guests": 2,
  "comments": "I would like to opt-in for the pizza."


Represents an avatar image.

Attribute Type Description
url String The address of the avatar picture.
thumbUrl String The address of a thumbnail version of the picture.


  "url": "",
  "thumbUrl": ""


Represents an assignment of specific task during a specific time.

Attribute Type Description
activityId Integer The identifier of schedule activity for which the task is assigned.
assignmentCode AssignmentCode The identifier of the task type.
stationNumber Integer|null An optional attribute pointing to a specific station, if the task is to be performed only there.


  "activityId": 1,
  "assignmentCode": "competitor",
  "stationNumber": null


A String representing type of a task that may be assigned.

The specification defines the following codes:

  • "competitor"
  • "staff-judge"
  • "staff-scrambler"
  • "staff-runner"
  • "staff-dataentry"
  • "staff-announcer"

Applications may define additional roles under the staff namespace, however, other applications are not required to recognize or display these roles.




Represents an official personal record.

Attribute Type Description
eventId String Identifier of the WCA event.
best AttemptResult The actual record value.
type "single"|"average" The type of the record.
worldRanking Integer The position in the official world ranking.
continentalRanking Integer The position in the official continental ranking.
nationalRanking Integer The position in the official national ranking.


  "eventId": "333",
  "best": 790,
  "type": "single",
  "worldRanking": 995,
  "continentalRanking": 105,
  "nationalRanking": 6


Represents data of an event held at the competition.

Attribute Type Description
id String The WCA event identifier. Look here for the list of all the WCA events.
rounds [Round] List of rounds of the event held at the competition.
competitorLimit Integer|null The maximal number of competitors that can register for the event.
qualification Qualification|null The requirement that a person must meet in order to register for the event.
extensions [Extension] List of custom competition extensions.


  "id": "333",
  "rounds": [...],
  "competitorLimit": null,
  "qualification": null,
  "extensions": [...]


Represents data of a round held at the competition.

Attribute Type Description
id String The round identifier of the form {eventId}-r{roundNumber}. Note: this is a valid ActivityCode.
format "1"|"2"|"3"|"a"|"m" The round format. Look here for the list of all the WCA formats.
timeLimit TimeLimit|null The time limit in this round. For events with unchangeable time limit (3x3x3 MBLD, 3x3x3 FM) the value is null.
cutoff Cutoff|null The cutoff in this round.
advancementCondition AdvancementCondition|null The condition specifying which competitors advance to the next round.
results [Result] List of all round results.
scrambleSetCount Integer The number of scramble sets needed for this round.
scrambleSets [ScrambleSet] List of scramble sets used in this round.
extensions [Extension] List of custom competition extensions.


  "id": "333-r1",
  "format": "a",
  "timeLimit": {...},
  "cutoff": {...},
  "advancementCondition": {...},
  "results": [...],
  "scrambleSetCount": 4,
  "scrambleSets": [...],
  "extensions": [...]


Represents a time under which an attempt(s) must be completed. See regulation A1a for more details.

Attribute Type Description
centiseconds Integer The time.
cumulativeRoundIds [String] An empty array the time limit applies to each attempt.


  "centiseconds": 18000,
  "cumulativeRoundIds": []


Represents an attempt result the competitor needs to beat in one of the first phase attempts in order to be eligible for the remaining attempts. See regulation 9g for more details.

Attribute Type Description
numberOfAttempts Integer The number of attempts the competitors has to get an attempt better than attemptResult.
attemptResult [AttemptResult] The attempt result that needs to be beaten in order to be eligible for the remaining attempts.


  "numberOfAttempts": 2,
  "attemptResult": 3000,


Represents a requirement a competitor must satisfy in the given round in order to advance to the next round of the event. See regulation 9p2 for more details. Regardless of the advancement condition type, regulation 9p1 must be applied.

Attribute Type Description
type "ranking"|"percent"|"attemptResult" The type of advancement condition. Either of ranking (top N competitors), percent (top X% of competitors) or attempt result (competitors with result better than Y - either single or average as per 9p2+).
level Ranking|Percent|AttemptResult The parameter of advancement condition of the given type.


An Integer number of competitors.


An Integer (between 0 and 100, inclusive) representing a percent of competitors (rounded down to the nearest integer).


An Integer representing a competitor result in a single attempt.

The following values are defined to have special meaning:

  • 0 represents a skipped attempt (e.g. an attempt may be skipped if a competitor does not meet the cutoff)
  • -1 represents a DNF (Did Not Finish)
  • -2 represents a DNS (Did Not Start)

In the default case the value represents the number of centiseconds measured (e.g. 1:10.25 would be represented as 7025).

For 3x3x3 Fewest Moves the value represents the number of moves, but averages are represented as 100 times the average (i.e. an single result of 25 moves is represented as 25, while an average result of 25.33 moves is represented as 2533).

For 3x3x3 Multi-Blind the value encodes the time as well as the number of cubes attempted and solved (designed so that a lower value means a better result).
An attempt result 0DDTTTTTMM encodes the following information:

  • timeInSeconds = TTTTT (99999 means unknown)
  • difference = 99 - DD
  • missed = MM
  • solved = difference + missed
  • attempted = solved + missed

Note: the leading zero indicates that this is the New Multi-Blind format, as opposed to the Old one having a leading 1. As the other format is very old and doesn't need to be supported by new applications, the specification omits it entirely.


Represents a requirement that a person must satisfy to qualify to register for the given event. See paragraph 5.1 of WCA Competition Requirements Policy for more details.

Attribute Type Description
whenDate Date The date by which the qualification requirement must be satisfied. If a result is set in a multiple-day competition which begins by this date, that is considered to have been set by this date.
type "single"|"average"|"ranking" The type of result the requirement refers to.
level AttemptResult|Ranking The parameter of the qualification condition of the given type.


  "whenDate": "2020-04-25",
  "type": "single",
  "level": 6000
  "whenDate": "2020-04-25",
  "type": "ranking",
  "level": 50


Represents a competitor result in a single round.

Attribute Type Description
personId String The corresponding person registrantId.
ranking Integer|null The ranking in this round. May be null if the result is empty (yet to be entered).
attempts Attempt List of attempt results the competitor got. If there are fewer attempts than expected, the rest is considered skipped (effectively 0).
best AttemptResult The best attempt result of attempts.
average AttemptResult The average attempt result of attempts (depending on the format, either average of 5 or mean of 3).


  "personId": 1,
  "ranking": 10,
  "attempts": [...],
  "best": 720,
  "average": 950


Represents one of attempts a competitor got during the given round.

Attribute Type Description
result AttemptResult The achieved attempt result.
reconstruction String|null An optional reconstruction of the attempt.


  "result": 650,
  "reconstruction": "z y2 U Rw' D2 L F' L' D' ..."


Represents a set of scrambles used in the given round (in one or multiple simultaneous groups).

Attribute Type Description
id Integer The scramble set identifier, unique within the competition.
scrambles [Scramble] List of scrambles.
extraScrambles [Scramble] List of additional scrambles, used for extra attempts granted by the delegate.


  "id": 1,
  "scrambles": [...],
  "extraScrambles": [...]


A String representing a single scramble (a sequence of moves used to mix up the given puzzle). Scrambles for official competitions are generated by TNoodle.

For 3x3x3 Multi-Blind, where each attempt involves many physical puzzles to be mixed up, the value consists of all the individual scrambles separated by a new line ("\n").


"B D2 U2 B2 R2 F D2 L2 D2 F2 D2 L' F D' R' D L' U F L"


Represents the competition data related to time and scheduling.

Attribute Type Description
startDate Date The date when the competition starts. If the competition has multiple venues, this date must be the earliest one, considering every timezone.
numberOfDays Integer The number of days the competition spans.
venues [Venue] List of all the competition venues.


  "startDate": "2020-06-12",
  "numberOfDays": 2,
  "venues": [...]


Represents a physical location where the competition takes place.

Attribute Type Description
id Integer The venue identifier, unique within the competition.
name String The venue name.
latitudeMicrodegrees Integer The geographic latitude of the venue in microdegrees (degrees times 10^6).
longitudeMicrodegrees Integer The geographic longitude of the venue in microdegrees (degrees times 10^6).
countryIso2 CountryCode The country where the venue is locates.
timezone String The Olson timezone of the venue.
rooms [Room] List of all the relevant rooms at the venue.
extensions [Extension] List of custom competition extensions.


  "id": 1,
  "name": "Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre",
  "latitudeMicrodegrees": -37825214,
  "longitudeMicrodegrees": 144952280,
  "countryIso2": "AU",
  "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne",
  "rooms": [...],
  "extensions": [...],


Represents a specific room at the given venue. If there are multiple stages (areas with timing stations), each should be treated as a separate, virtual room.

Attribute Type Description
id Integer The room identifier, unique within the competition.
name String The room name.
color String The color representing the room. Must be an hexadecimal code (3 or 6 digits).
activities [Activity] List of all the activities taking place in the room.
extensions [Extension] List of custom competition extensions.


  "id": 1,
  "name": "Main stage",
  "color": "#00aeff",
  "activities": [...],
  "extensions": [...]


Represents an activity taking place in the given room in a specified timeframe.

Attribute Type Description
id Integer The activity identifier, unique within the competition.
name String The activity name.
activityCode ActivityCode The standardized code representing the activity.
startTime DateTime The point in time when the activity starts.
endTime DateTime The point in time when the activity ends.
childActivities [Activity] List of all the sub-activities taking place as part of the activity (e.g. groups in a round activity). Each child activity's activityCode must contain its parent's activityCode.
scrambleSetId Integer|null An optional attribute pointing to a specific ScrambleSet. If this activity is an Nth attempt, then the Nth scramble in that scramble set is used. Multiple activities may use the same scrambleSetId if desired. Can only be set for activities that represent a group or an attempt.
extensions [Extension] List of custom activity extensions.


  "id": 1,
  "name": "3x3x3 Cube, Round 1",
  "activityCode": "333-r1",
  "startTime": "2019-07-13T05:20:00Z",
  "endTime": "2019-07-13T08:00:00Z",
  "childActivities": [...],
  "scrambleSetId": 1,
  "extensions": [...]


A String identifying something happening at the competition.

Official WCA activities

Format: {eventId}[-r{roundNumber}][-g{groupName}][-a{attemptNumber}]

For example, these are all valid WCA activity codes (in decreasing specificity):

Activity code Name
333-r1-g3-a1 3x3x3 Cube, Round 1, Group 3, Attempt 1
333-r1-g3 3x3x3 Cube, Round 1, Group 3
333-r1 3x3x3 Cube, Round 1
333 3x3x3 Cube

In some events (e.g. 3x3x3 Multi-Blind, 4x4x4 Blindfolded, 5x5x5 Blindfolded) all attempts aren't necessarily done in the same group. Because of this, the code may specify an attempt without regard to group. Here are some valid WCA activity codes for 3x3x3 Multi-Blind (in decreasing specificity):

Activity code Name
333mbf-r1-g3-a2 3x3x3 Multi-Blind, Round 1, Attempt 2, Group 3
333-r1-a2 3x3x3 Multi-Blind, Round 1, Attempt 2 (any group)
333-r1 3x3x3 Multi-Blind, Round 1
333 3x3x3 Multi-Blind

Activities may be nested. If an activity A contains a child activity B, then activity B's code must contain all items from the parent activity's code.

For example:

  • 333-r1-g3 is a valid child of 333-r1
  • 444bf-r1-g3-a1 is a valid child of 444bf-r1-g3 or 444bf-r1
  • 333-g3 is not a valid child of 333-r1
  • 333-r2-g3 is not a valid child of 333-r1
Other activities

Format: other-{id}

The specification defines the following common IDs:

Activity code Name
other-registration Registration at the venue.
other-tutorial Tutorial for new competitors.
other-breakfast Breakfast time.
other-lunch Lunch time.
other-dinner Dinner time.
other-awards Awards ceremony.
other-unofficial-{activityCode} Unofficial event. The activity code should follow the rules above, except that the event id will be competition-specific. Where possible, the event ids listed here are recommended. For example, other-unofficial-magic-r1-g3 is a possible activity code.

All other activities not defined by the specification should use either other-misc or other-misc-{id}.


A String representing the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


A String representing a date and time according to ISO 8601 .


Represents custom data that may be added to several WCIF entities.

Attribute Type Description
id String The extension identifier. Should follow the Java package naming convention, starting with a URI related to the developer and specifying the object in question.
specUrl String A valid URI pointing to a published specification documenting the format of their extension (e.g. using JSON Schema).
data Object An object containing an arbitrary extension-specific data compliant with the documented format.


Users of custom extensions should have lower expectations about how permanent the specifications are. While fields defined by this specification should be expected not to change regularly, users of custom extensions should expect to update their code more regularly as the extension specifications evolve.

Developers who create extensions that become widely used are expected to propose additions of their custom fields to this specification.

Any application that consumes WCIF data should (whenever possible) save extensions as JSON blobs and include them in future WCIF outputs.


Many developers will find it useful to attach data related to their specific application, which may not be used widely-enough to include in this specification. For example:

  • references to entities in their datastores
  • data such as shirt sizes for competitors, which has not yet been proven to be generalized
  • data such as US states where competitors live, which is only relevant to applications in the USA

Finally, this helps to protect the specification from bloat or namespace pollution, by allowing developers to introduce new fields before they are proven to be generally useful.


  "id": "org.someapplication.Stage",
  "specUri": "",
  "data": {
    "timingStations": 16,
    "area": 50