We use SparklyPaper @ SparklyPower Survival, our survival server with things that you have never ever seen before in other servers!
If you want to check the results even further, some of the results may have a Spark Profile Result download, they are compressed with zstd
and you can decompress them with zstd -d NameOfTheFile.zst
. After extracting, you can open the profile result in Spark Viewer.
While it has 100 players online, the TPS/MSPT does fluctuate a lot. It stays around ~17 TPS when more players join.
The MSPT/TPS could be even better if the players used the dang Survival 2 world instead of using the default Survival world. angry
> ver
[20:42:30 INFO]: This server is running SparklyPaper version git-SparklyPaper-"ad57a12" (MC: 1.20.2) (Implementing API version 1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: ad57a12 on ver/1.20.2)
Unknown version
Previous version: git-SparklyPaper-"5391e9c" (MC: 1.20.2)
> list
[20:42:00 INFO]: There are 107 of a max of 250 players online: Black6777, sayyouth, mogmage, MrPlay7, y7Sunn, White_45, iNPeRZ, drmzn110, Lightyear2686, YperManitoZito, Turista, Vollstandig, tuiziin, Ticos, Winker, Luazinhalua, Arthursouza231, ppy, MacedoADM, pablinnmo, vinizinnnxzz, LuisPlay, ilxmfs, Zip_, Vitin6156, tokio123ff, SASUKE13557, brazucaminer, wertk99, redux_sz, Sulistaw, TinyMixX, stehhkk, vmz155, ZZPIZ1314, Caetano47, Jvzinn877, fushikk, Miguelbw99, LilacLemon72302, Chehalis1, Matcraft2009, Dany_ttk, OVRZN_, Angel_632, xXP4ncoXx, Gabrielshoxt, ShinraTSM, oysLnz, ColtyTriangle666, Sunnyzheetos, Dgzinrlq7, moraes22, Duzinho1688, Shzx7, SaintDz_, ArdentHawk90793, invinciblezy, Flausino, EmanuelBRluz, mjrpoka, gustavo0102199, chatonildo123, General_Thomas05, Gabri218727, LIGHT4443169, Wild_Snaker, MathEEus1904, Joaooozin, cheemsk, luy01kk, gaara771poke, wesquit0YT_org, BL4z32809, TzDotado, MinatoZ2453, Sollexdelax, Enzo_costa1825, giovanagg12, IamRikka__, Gomezxypz, Isaquethegamer, SrGusta777, Guizinho20, Novato, Aikobr321, Rnzneygs, dogeshm, Jhotta__, SUNLIGHT, ofxdilma, facada, Guinc20, zArthur_fds, ntzinxit, TempSilver99514, deivi77L, AnaNeves, NJota3621, SilverYTk, HopperPaint, batatinhaaauwu, Sacud9, luluzera13z, Denise_s3, Izuku_Mydoria, lkrmsz
> mspt
[20:42:10 INFO]: Server tick times (avg/min/max) from last 5s, 10s, 1m:
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ 52.6/41.7/97.8, 56.0/41.7/159.2, 55.0/41.7/186.2
[20:42:10 INFO]:
[20:42:10 INFO]: World tick times (avg/min/max) from last 5s, 10s, 1m:
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ world: 43.4/35.8/87.1, 44.9/35.8/99.9, 44.9/35.8/178.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ LorittaBedroom: 0.2/0.1/0.4, 0.1/0.1/0.4, 0.1/0.1/0.7
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ ArenasPvP: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ MinaRecheada: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.9
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ EtaTheEnd: 0.3/0.2/0.6, 0.3/0.2/0.6, 0.3/0.2/1.6
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ xizum: 0.2/0.2/0.6, 0.2/0.2/0.7, 0.2/0.1/1.2
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ TutorialIsland: 0.6/0.4/0.9, 0.6/0.4/1.1, 0.5/0.3/6.2
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Quiz: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Gladiador: 0.2/0.1/0.5, 0.2/0.1/0.7, 0.1/0.1/0.7
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ TNTRun: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ EventoFight: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Labirinto: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Nether: 2.8/2.0/4.4, 2.9/2.0/5.5, 2.7/1.8/7.9
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Splegg: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ WarpVIP: 0.7/0.5/1.2, 0.7/0.5/1.3, 0.7/0.4/4.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ DropParty: 0.1/0.0/0.2, 0.1/0.0/0.2, 0.1/0.0/0.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ TorreDaMorte: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Survival2: 3.5/2.5/8.7, 3.6/2.5/8.7, 2.7/1.5/8.7
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ RealArenasPvP: 0.3/0.2/1.1, 0.3/0.2/1.1, 0.3/0.2/2.0
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ DecorativeHeads: 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.1, 0.1/0.0/0.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ TheEndSlk: 0.1/0.1/0.2, 0.1/0.1/0.2, 0.1/0.0/0.4
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Resources: 3.0/1.8/10.2, 3.0/1.8/10.2, 3.6/1.8/38.3
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ Corrida: 0.1/0.1/0.1, 0.1/0.1/0.2, 0.1/0.1/0.2
[20:42:10 INFO]: ◴ tests_flat: 0.4/0.3/0.8, 0.4/0.2/0.8, 0.3/0.2/0.8
> tps
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] TPS from last 5s, 10s, 1m, 5m, 15m:
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] 19.4, 19.08, 18.24, 17.54, 17.98
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡]
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] Tick durations (min/med/95%ile/max ms) from last 10s, 1m:
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] 43.0/50.7/67.0/97.8; 41.7/52.5/71.3/186.2
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡]
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] CPU usage from last 10s, 1m, 15m:
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] 14%, 15%, 14% (system)
[20:42:18 INFO]: [⚡] 10%, 10%, 9% (process)