- Feel free to contribute and give us feedback
- Written with the static site generator lektor
- Add a wishlist / ideas section
- How to upgrade
- Validator that tells you what you'd need to change for the new version would be nice
- Multi version endpoint support?
- Would need new directory schema
- We probably should provide the directory update first
- Space logo should be provided in a raster format, svg doesn't work. We should document this.
- Check how many endpoints use SVG.
- Use MyHackerspace to check status
- Humidity / Temperature sensor
- How does one know if the value is current?
- Maybe we should provide a timestamp field for sensors
- Open / close status via IRC bot, physical buttons and website
- Custom python server
- Member count
- MQTT for sensors
- Try to use it for calender event aggregation
- Count people with WiFi devices
- Most people wrote their own server implementation
- Languages
- Rust
- Go
- Python
- Ruby / NodeRed
- If you are in a new town you can easily check the local spaces
- A "hackerspaces close to you" feature would be awesome
- Only one domain!!!
- spaceapi.net will expire in May 2020
- A flexible query API. Query all space names, logos, etc.
- Needs cached data to work reasonably
- The issue report channel should work
- We remove the fields from the schema 0.14 since it doesn't work currently
- Could be added back to the directory (just a contact email) along with multi-version support
- Hauro: In principle yes, but has time contraints
- metalgamer: dennis.fink@c3l.lu
- Improve the website (https://github.com/SpaceApi/website/issues)
- JS validator frontend: Improve (SpaceApi/website#42)
- Python validator backend: Allow validating URLs directly (SpaceApi/validator#32)