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Southclaws edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 25 revisions


Installing sampctl on Windows is a simple task. I use the beautifully simple app manager (it's like apt-get for Windows).

Installing scoop is a one-liner:

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

And installing sampctl is another one-liner:

scoop bucket add southclaws; scoop install sampctl

if you're extra lazy you can concatenate those two lines into one, separated by a ;!

You can then run sampctl from PowerShell, CMD, git-bash, etc. but you will need to restart any open terminals if you installed scoop for the first time so it is loaded into the PATH environment variable properly.


Simply update your scoop metadata then upgrade the sampctl app itself:

scoop update
scoop update sampctl

More information in the Scoop documentation.

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