pip install scrape-up
# Import the required module
from scrape_up import github
# Instantiate an object with the username provided.
user = github.Users(username="Suhani2")
# Call the followers function - it will return the number of followers
per user.followers()
- GitHub
- GitHub Education
- Codechef
- Hacker News
- HackerEarth
- HackerRank
- Hashnode
- ICC Rankings
- Academia
- BBC News
- Coin Market Cap
- Covid Info
- Cricbuzz
- Dribbble
- Ebay
- Flipkart
- Flyrobu
- HealthGrades
from scrape_up import github
Create an instance of the class Users
user = github.Users(username="Suhani2")
Methods | Details |
.followers() |
Returns the number of followers of a user. |
.following() |
Returns the number of following of a user. |
.get_avatar() |
Returns the avatar URL of a user. |
.get_bio() |
Returns the bio of a user. |
.get_repo() |
Returns the list of pinned repositories for a user. |
.repo_count() |
Returns the number of Repositories of a user. |
.star_count() |
Returns the number of stars of a user. |
.get_yearly_contributions() |
Returns the number of contributions made in 365 days frame. |
.get_repositories() |
Returns the list of repositories of a user. |
.get_starred_repos() |
Return the list of starred repositories of a user. |
.pul_requests() |
Return the number of pull requests opened in a repository. |
.get_followers() |
Returns the list of followers of a user. |
.get_following_users() |
Returns the list of users followed by a user. |
.get_achievements() |
Returns the list of achievements of a user. |
.get_status() |
Returns the status of a user. |
.get_contribution_streak() |
Returns the maximum contribution streak of a user in the past year starting from the current date. |
.get_repository_details() |
Returns the list of repositories with their details. |
.get_branch() |
Returns the list of branches in a repository. |
.get_merged_pull_requests() |
Returns the list of merged pull requests |
.get_open_issues() |
Returns the list of open issues |
.get_years_active() |
Returns the number of years that user have been active on github. |
Create an instance of the class Repository
repository = github.Repository(username="Suhani2", repository_name="scrape-up")
Methods | Details |
.fork_count() |
Returns the number of forks of a repository. |
.get_contributors() |
Returns the number of contributors of a repository. |
.topics() |
Returns the topics of a repository. |
.pull_requests() |
Returns the number of pull requests opened in a repository. |
.last_updated_at() |
Returns the last updated date of a repository. |
.tags() |
Returns the last ten tags of a repository. |
.releases() |
Returns the last ten releases of a repository. |
.issues_count() |
Returns number of issues in a repository |
.readme |
Saves the readme.md file of the given user to the current working directory. To view the readme.md with a live server, change ".md" to ".html" in "readme.md". |
.get_pull_requests_ids() |
Returns all ids of opened pull requests in a repository. |
.get_issues() |
Returns the list of all open issues in a repository. |
.commits() |
Returns the number of commits in a repository. |
.get_readme() |
Returns & saves README.md file of the special repository (if exists) |
.get_environment() |
Returns the latest deployed link of a repository (if exists). |
.watch_count() |
Returns the number of watchers of a repository |
.all_watchers() |
Returns the username of all watches of a repository |
Create an instance of the class Issue
repository = github.Issue(username="Suhani2", repository_name="scrape-up", issue_number=883)
Methods | Details |
.assignees() |
Returns the assignees of an issue. |
.labels() |
Returns the labels of an issue. |
.opened_by() |
Returns the name of the user, who opened the issue. |
.title() |
Returns the title of an issue. |
.is_milestone() |
Returns the milestone, if the issue is part of one or 'No milestone', if it's not. |
.opened_at() |
Returns a string containing the time when the issue was opened in ISO format. |
Create an instance of the class PullRequest
pull_request = github.PullRequest(username="Suhani2", repository_name="scrape-up", pull_request_number=30)
Methods | Details |
.commits() |
Returns the number of commits made in a pull request. |
.title() |
Returns the title of a pull request. |
.labels() |
Returns all the labels of a pull request, empty list in case of no labels. |
.files_changed() |
Returns the number of files changed in a pull request. |
.reviewers() |
Return the list of reviewers assigned in a pull request. |
Create an instance of class Organization
organization = github.Organization(organization_name="Clueless-Community")
Methods | Details |
.top_topics() |
Returns a list of the most used topics in an organization. |
.followers() |
Returns the number of followers of an organization. |
.top_languages() |
Returns the top languages used in an organization. |
.followers() |
Returns the number of followers of an organization. |
.avatar() |
Returns the avatar URL of an organization. |
.repositories() |
Returns the list of repositories of an organization. |
.people() |
Returns the list of people in an organization. |
.peoples() |
Returns the number of people in an organization. |
.get_location() |
Returns the location of an organization. |
.repository_details() |
Returns the list of repositories with their details. |
.pinned_repository() |
Returns the list of pinned repositories with their details. |
.get_organization_links() |
Returns a dictionary of important website links of a community. |
from scrape_up import github_education
Create an instance of the Events
events = github_education.Events()
Methods | Details |
.get_events() |
Returns the latest events along with their title, image_url, description, date, location, language, tags, and link. |
from scrape_up import codechef
Create an object of class Codechef
user1 = codechef.User(id="username")
Methods | Details |
get_profile() |
Returns name, username, profile_image_link, rating, details etc. |
from scrape_up import hackernews
Create an instance of the Articles
articles = hackernews.Articles()
Methods | Details |
.articles_list() |
Returns the latest articles along with their score, author, author URL, time, comment count, and link. |
.new_articles() |
Returns the latest new articles along with their score, author, author URL, time, comment count, and link. |
.past_articles() |
Returns the past articles along with their score, author, author URL, time, comment count, and link. |
.ask_articles() |
Returns the asked articles along with their score, author, author URL, time, comment count, and link. |
.show_articles() |
Returns the show articles along with their score, author, author URL, time, comment count, and link. |
.jobs() |
Returns the jobs along with their time and link. |
from scrape_up import hackerearth
Create an object of class Challanges
hackerearth = hackerearth.Challanges()
Methods | Details |
get_upcoming() |
Get the details of upcoming challenges on Hackerearth. |
get_ongoing() |
Get the details of ongoing challenges on Hackerearth. |
get_hiring() |
Get the details of hiring challenges on Hackerearth. |
from scrape_up import hackerrank
Create an object of class User
hackerank = hackerrank.User()
Methods | Details |
get_profile(id="username") |
Returns name, username, country, user_type, details, badges, verified_skills, social etc. |
get_skills() |
Returns a list of verified skills and their links |
Create an object of class Contest
hackerank = hackerrank.Contest()
Methods | Details |
active_contests() |
Returns information on active contests like title, status, and link |
archived_contests() |
Returns information regarding archived contests |
from scrape_up import hashnode
Create an instance of Hashnode
blogs = hashnode.Hashnode()
Methods | Details |
.get_feed() |
Returns the blogs with title, descriptions, author, read time, like and comment count, date and link |
.get_featured() |
Returns the featured blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link |
.get_recent() |
Returns the recent blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link |
.search(topic) |
Returns the blogs with title, descriptions, author, like and comment count, date and link for a topic |
from scrape_up import icc
Create an instance of ICC
scraper = icc.ICC()
Method | Details |
.team_rankings(format) |
Returns the list of rankings of teams of the desired format |
.player_ranking(type,format) |
Returns the list of player ranking of desired type and format |
.team_rankings_women(format) |
Returns the list of rankings of teams of the desired format |
.player_ranking_women(type,format) |
Returns the list of women player ranking of desired type and format |
from scrape_up import academia
Create an instance of Academia
academia = academia.Academia()
Method | Details |
get_research_topics(letter) |
Fetches and returns research topics starting with the given letter. |
get_research_papers(search) |
Fetches and returns research papers related to the given search term. |
from scrape_up import askubuntu
Create an instance of Questions
questions = askubuntu.Questions("topic")
Methods | Details |
.getNewQuestions() |
Returns the new questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
.getActiveQuestions() |
Returns the active questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
.getUnansweredQuestions() |
Returns the unanswered questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
.getBountiedQuestions() |
Returns the bountied questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
.getFrequentQuestions() |
Returns the frequently asked questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
.getHighScoredQuestions() |
Returns the most voted questions, views, votes, answer counts, and descriptions in JSON format |
from scrape_up import bbcnews
First create an object of class BBCNews
user = bbcnews.BBCNews()
Methods | Details |
.get_headlines() |
Returns the list of object containig the headlines |
get_article() |
Returns an object with proper details about the articles |
from scrape_up import coinmarketcap
Create an instance of Crypto
crypto = coinmarketcap.Crypto()
Method | Details |
get_top_cryptocurrencies() |
Fetches and returns data about the top cryptocurrencies. |
from scrape_up import covidinfo
Create an instance of the CovidInfo
response = covidinfo.CovidInfo()
Methods | Details |
.covid_data() |
Returns the list of all the covid data scraped from the website |
.total_cases() |
Returns the count of total covid cases all over the world |
.total_deaths() |
Returns the count of deaths covid cases all over the world |
.total_recovered() |
Returns the count of recovered covid cases all over the world |
.latest_news() |
Return the lastest news of the day |
from scrape_up import cricbuzz
Create an instance of Cricubzz
cricbuzz = cricbuzz.Cricubzz()
Methods | Details |
.get_live_matches() |
Returns a list of live matches from Cricbuzz. |
.get_recent_matches() |
Returns a list of recent matches from Cricbuzz. |
.get_upcoming_matches() |
Returns a list of upcoming matches from Cricbuzz. |
.get_series() |
Returns a dictionary of series in month and year format from Cricbuzz. |
.get_series_from_archive() |
Returns a list of series from archive from Cricbuzz. |
.get_matches_by_day() |
Returns a dictionary of matches by day from Cricbuzz. |
.get_series_matches() |
Returns a list of matches in a series from Cricbuzz. |
.get_series_stats() |
Returns a list of stats of players in a series from Cricbuzz. |
.get_teams_list() |
Returns a list of teams from Cricbuzz. |
.get_team_schedule() |
Returns a list of matches of a team from Cricbuzz. |
.get_team_players() |
Returns a list of players of a team from Cricbuzz. |
.get_team_results() |
Returns a list of past results of a team from Cricbuzz. |
.get_team_stats() |
Returns a list of player stats of a team from Cricbuzz. |
from scrape_up import dribbble
Create an instance of Dribbble
shots = dribbble.Dribbble()
Methods | Details |
.get_shots() |
Returns the latest shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
.search(topic) |
Returns the latest shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link for the searched topic. |
.get_animation() |
Returns the latest animation along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
.get_branding() |
Returns the latest branding along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
.get_illustration() |
Returns the latest illustration along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
.get_mobile() |
Returns the latest mobile shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
.get_webdesign() |
Returns the latest web-design shots along with their title, designer and designer url like and view count and link. |
from scrape_up import eazydiner
Create an instance of EazyDiner
restaurants = eazydiner.EazyDiner(location="city-name")
Methods | Details |
.get_restaurants() |
Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices. |
.get_breakfast() |
Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices for Breakfast. |
.get_lunch() |
Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices for Lunch. |
.get_dinner() |
Returns the restaurants name, location, rating, cuisine and prices for Dinner. |
.dinner_with_discount() |
Returns a list of restaurants from the entered location with a 50% offer. |
.get_top10() |
Returns a list of the top 10 restaurants from a given city. |
from scrape_up import espn
Create an instance of ESPN
espn = espn.ESPN()
Method | Details |
get_scoreboard() |
Fetches and returns the football scoreboards for a given date. |
get_tournaments() |
Fetches and returns information about football tournaments. |
get_teams() |
Fetches and returns information about football teams. |
from scrape_up import ebay
Create an instance of EBAY
quora = ebay.eBay()
Methods | Details |
.spotlights() |
Returns spotlight deals on eBay. |
.featured() |
Returns the featured deals on eBay. |
.specific_deals() |
Returns the specific deals on eBay. |
from scrape_up import flipkart
Create an instance of Flipkart
item = flipkart.Flipkart()
Methods | Details |
.TVs() |
Returns the list of TV sets on flipkart |
.bestseller_books() |
Returns the list of bestselling books data listed on Flipkart. |
.mobiles() |
Returns the list of mobile phones under 50K along with their data. |
.sport_shoes() |
Returns the list of trendong sport shoes data. |
.laptops() |
Returns the list of laptop from flipkart. |
.camera() |
Returns the list of camera from flipkart. |
.computer() |
Returns the list of computer from flipkart. |
.tablets() |
Returns the list of tablets from flipkart. |
.cycle() |
Returns the list of bicycles from flipkart. |
.printers() |
Returns the list of printers from flipkart. |
.monitor() |
Returns the list of monitors from flipkart. |
.ac() |
Returns the list of acs from flipkart. |
.refrigerator() |
Returns the list of refrigerators from flipkart. |
.VRbox() |
Returns the list of VRbox from flipkart. |
.Speakers() |
Returns the list of Speakers from flipkart. |
Create an instance of FlipkartClothing
cloth = flipkart.FlipkartClothing()
Methods | Details |
.scrape() |
Returns the list of t-shirts with other relevant info |
.range() |
Returns the list of t-shirts between a particular price range. |
.minrating() |
Returns the list of t-shirts havinga minimum given rating. |
.gendermale() |
Returns the list of t-shirts which are for males. |
.genderfemale() |
Returns the list of t-shirts which are there for females. |
.size() |
Returns the list of tshirts havning a particular size. |
formal_shirts_for_male() |
It returns those t-shirts which are of a particular size |
Create an instance of FlipkartLaptops
item = flipkart.FlipkartLaptops()
Methods | Details |
.laptops() |
Returns the list of laptops with details |
from scrape_up import flyrobu
Create an instance of Flyrobu
flyrobu = flyrobu.Flyrobu()
Methods | Details |
.search(keyword) |
Returns the json data of all the details related to search with informing about the total amount of items found |
.get_product_details(product_name) |
Returns the json data of the product details based on the given product_name |
from scrape_up import healthgrades
Create an instance of HealthGrades
hc = healthgrades.HealthGrades()
Method | Details |
get_best_hospitals(state) |
Fetches and returns information about the best hospitals in a state. |
from scrape_up import imdb
Create an instance of the IMDB
scraper = imdb.IMDB()
Methods | Details |
.top_rated() |
Returns the top-rated movies listed on IMDB. |
.scrape_genre_movies(genre) |
Returns the list of movies related to the genre you mentioned. |
.top_rated_shows() |
Returns the top-rated shows listed on IMDB. |
Create an instance of Movie
movie = imdb.Movie(movie_name)
Methods | Details |
.rating() |
Returns the IMDB rating of the movie |
.description() |
Returns the description, cast and director of the movie |
.more_movies() |
Returns similar movies recommended by IMDB |
.box_office() |
Returns budget, gross worldwide collections of the movie |
Create an instance of Actor
actor = imdb.Actor(actor_name)
Methods | Details |
.popular_movies() |
Returns the popular movies in which the actor has acted |
.all_movies() |
Returns all movies acted in and upcoming movies |
.awards() |
Returns the number of awards and nominations |
Create an instance of Celeb
celeb = imdb.Celeb()
Methods | Details |
.top_celebs() |
Returns the name, roles, famous movie of the celeb |
Create an instance of IndianMovies
indianmovies = imdb.IndianMovies()
Methods | Details |
.top_indian_movies() |
Returns the current list of top Indian movies |
Create an instance of BoxOffice
boxoffice = imdb.BoxOffice()
Methods | Details |
.top_movies() |
Returns the top box office movies, weekend and total gross and weeks released |