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⚠️ These instructions are deprecated and will be removed/replaced in a future release ⚠️

Launching complete network

Based on polkadot-launch, the tool to launch multiple relay and parachain nodes, the script launch.ts allows to start a complete network based on the different version of the runtimes

As the moonbeam and relay runtimes evolved, more configurations will be added to the script.

To make it easier and faster to run, it will detect and download the binaries from the given docker images.
(This is only supported on Linux. Other OS must use local configuration, see further)


(Docker is required for using network configurations other than "local")

npm install


npm run launch -- --parachain moonbase-0.18.1

The launch script accepts a preconfigured network (default is "local", see further). Those are listed directly inside launch.ts. Ex:

"moonriver-genesis": {
  relay: "kusama-9040",
  chain: "moonriver-local",
  docker: "purestake/moonbeam:moonriver-genesis",
  • "moonriver-genesis" is the name of the configuration
  • "relay" is the name of the configured relay (see relay preconfigured network in launch.ts)
  • "chain" is the chain (including which runtime) to use.
  • "docker" is from which docker image to take the binary matching this version

It is also possible to specify a binary instead of a docker image. Ex:

npm run launch -- --parachain local
# or
npm run launch

which uses the configuration (based on latest rococo, you can override using --relay local):

# parachain
local: {
  relay: "rococo-9004",
  chain: "moonbase-local",
  binary: "../target/release/moonbeam",

# relay
local: {
  binary: "../../polkadot/target/release/polkadot",
  chain: "rococo-local",

In addition, you can run a runtime different from the client using --parachain-runtime <git-tag>

  • "binary" is the path to the binary to execute (related to the tools folder)


See all parameters and possible choices doing

> npm run launch -- --help

Usage: launch [args]

  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]

  --parachain        which parachain configuration to run               [string]
                     [choices: "moonriver-genesis", "moonriver-genesis-fast",
                      "alphanet-8.1", "alphanet-8.0", "local"] [default: "local"]

  --parachain-chain  overrides parachain chain/runtime                  [string]
                     [choices: "moonbase", "moonriver", "moonbeam",
                      "moonbase-local", "moonriver-local",

  --parachain-runtime <git-tag> to use for runtime specs                [string]

  --parachain-id     overrides parachain-id             [number] [default: 1000]

  --relay            overrides relay configuration                      [string]
                     [choices: "kusama-9030", "kusama-9040", "kusama-9030-fast",
                      "kusama-9040-fast", "rococo-9001", "rococo-9003",
                      "rococo-9004", "westend-9030", "westend-9040", "local"]

  --relay-chain      overrides relay chain/runtime                      [string]
                     [choices: "rococo", "westend", "kusama", "polkadot",
                      "rococo-local", "westend-local", "kusama-local",

  --port-prefix      provides port prefix for nodes       [number] [default: 34]

  --help             Show help

Ex: Run only local binaries (with runtime moonriver and relay runtime kusama)

npm run launch -- --parachain-chain moonriver-local --relay local --relay-chain kusama-local

(no --parachain defaults to --parachain local)

Ex: Run alphanet-8.1 with westend 9030 runtime

npm run launch -- --parachain alphanet-8.1 --relay westend-9030

Fast local build

If you want to use your local binary for parachain or relay chain, you can reduce your compilation time by including only the native runtimes you need. For that you have to carefully check which runtimes you need, both on the moonbeam side and on the polkadot side.

Here is the list of cargo aliases allowing you to compile only some native rutimes:

command native runtimes
cargo moonbase moonbase, westend, polkadot
cargo moonbase-rococo moonbase, rococo, westend, polkadot
cargo moonriver moonriver, polkadot
cargo moonriver-rococo moonriver, rococo, polkadot
cargo moonriver-kusama moonriver, kusama, polkadot
cargo moonbeam moonbeam, polkadot
cargo moonbeam-rococo moonbeam, rococo, polkadot
  • The moonbase native runtime require westend native runtime to compile.
  • The polkadot native runtime is always included (This is requirement from polkadot repo).

Port assignments

The ports are assigned following this given logic:

const portPrefix = argv["port-prefix"] || 34;
const startingPort = portPrefix * 1000;

each relay node:
  - p2p: startingPort + i * 10
  - rpc: startingPort + i * 10 + 1
  - ws: startingPort + i * 10 + 2

each parachain node:
  - p2p: startingPort + 100 + i * 10
  - rpc: startingPort + 100 + i * 10 + 1
  - ws: startingPort + 100 + i * 10 + 2

For the default configuration, you can access through polkadotjs:

Example of output:

└────╼ npm run launch moonriver-genesis-fast

> moonbeam-tools@0.0.1 launch /home/alan/projects/moonbeam/tools
> ts-node launch "moonriver-genesis-fast"

🚀 Relay:     kusama-9030-fast    - purestake/moonbase-relay-testnet:kusama-0.9.3-fast (kusama-local)
     Missing build/moonriver-genesis-fast/moonbeam locally, downloading it...
     build/moonriver-genesis-fast/moonbeam downloaded !
🚀 Parachain: moonriver-genesis-fast   - purestake/moonbase-parachain:moonriver-genesis-fast (moonriver-local)
     Missing build/kusama-9030-fast/polkadot locally, downloading it...
     build/kusama-9030-fast/polkadot downloaded !

2021-06-06 04:28:46  Building chain spec

🧹 Starting with a fresh authority set...
  👤 Added Genesis Authority alice
  👤 Added Genesis Authority bob

⚙ Updating Parachains Genesis Configuration

⛓ Adding Genesis Parachains
⛓ Adding Genesis HRMP Channels

2021-06-06 04:28:52  Building chain spec

Connect with MetaMask

In order to connect to MetaMask, add a network in settings and use these inputs: New RPC URL: http://localhost:RPC_PORT Chain ID: 1280

You can obtain the RPC_PORT in the logs: Starting a Collator for parachain 1000: 5Ec4AhPZk8STuex8Wsi9TwDtJQxKqzPJRCH7348Xtcs9vZLJ, Collator port : 34100 wsPort : 34102 rpcPort : 34101

Here 34101 is the rpcPort for the collator.

Listing dependency pull request by labels

Using script [github/list-pr-labels.ts]:

npm run list-pull-request-labels -- --from polkadot-v0.9.4 --to polkadot-v0.9.5 --repo paritytech/substrate


  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --from        commit-sha/tag of range start                [string] [required]
  --to          commit-sha/tag of range end                  [string] [required]
  --repo        which repository to read                     [string] [required]
                [choices: "paritytech/substrate", "paritytech/polkadot"]
  --only-label  filter specific labels (using grep)                      [array]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]

Expected output

> npm run list-pr-labels -- --from polkadot-v0.9.4 --to polkadot-v0.9.5 --repo paritytech/substrate --only-label runtime

found 55 total commits in
===== E1-runtimemigration
  (paritytech/substrate#9061) Migrate pallet-randomness-collective-flip to pallet attribute macro
===== B7-runtimenoteworthy
  (paritytech/substrate#7778) Named reserve
  (paritytech/substrate#8955) update ss58 type to u16
  (paritytech/substrate#8909) contracts: Add new `seal_call` that offers new features
  (paritytech/substrate#9083) Migrate pallet-staking to pallet attribute macro
  (paritytech/substrate#9085) Enforce pub calls in pallets
  (paritytech/substrate#8912) staking/election: prolonged era and emergency mode for governance submission.

Download binary

Using npm run get-binary... it is possible to retrieve a binary from github builds or releases. Ex:

npm run get-binary -- --tag v0.25.0


npm run get-binary -- --tag sha-a9e8dfc1