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rdemaria edited this page Jul 4, 2014 · 4 revisions

SixDesk Library

work in progress

  • st_env should use the files in studyDir and not look in sixdeskhome/studies
  • when loading sixdesk env or setting new variables increment env_id only if a value is different and print in the out put that a change is occured
  • remove -- or - from commands
  • evaluate if find is more efficient than os.walk for finding fort.10
  • log files still in files table
  • in mad6t_run change mtime to mad_out_mtime
  • in mad6t_result change mtime to fort_mtime
  • in the db operations count how many records have inserted, deleted and replaced and print the information on the screen
  • print in one line: platform madlsfq lsfq; runtype e0
  • database file increases in size, but not data inside
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