Serialization is the process of converting a data object into a format that can be stored or transmitted over a network. It is commonly used in computer science to enable the transfer of data across different programming languages or platforms.
When an object is serialized, it is converted into a stream of bytes that can be written to a file, a database, or sent across a network. This stream of bytes can then be deserialized back into the original object.
Serialization is important because it allows objects to be easily stored and retrieved from a database or transferred between different systems. Without serialization, it would be difficult to transfer data between systems with different programming languages, operating systems, or hardware.
There are several different types of serialization, including binary, XML, and JSON. Binary serialization is the most efficient, as it produces the smallest output, but it is also the least portable. XML and JSON serialization are more portable, but they produce larger output files.
Serialization can also be used for caching, as it allows objects to be stored in memory or on disk, and retrieved quickly when needed. In addition, serialization can be used for versioning, as it allows different versions of an object to be stored and retrieved depending on the needs of the application.