The circuit breaker is a software design pattern that is used to enhance the stability and resilience of a system. It works by monitoring the operations of an application and temporarily disabling certain functions when the system reaches a predefined error threshold, to prevent the failure of the entire system. When the circuit breaker is tripped, it will automatically redirect the flow of requests to a fallback system until the primary system is restored.
The circuit breaker pattern was developed by Michael Nygard and is inspired by the electrical circuit breakers that are used in power systems. In software, the circuit breaker pattern is typically implemented using a combination of monitoring and programming techniques. The circuit breaker monitors the performance of the system and allows the system to adapt to changing conditions by adjusting the behavior of the application.
The circuit breaker pattern is particularly useful in distributed systems that depend on multiple services, where an error in one service could propagate to other services and cause a cascading failure. By using the circuit breaker pattern, it is possible to isolate the faulty service and prevent it from affecting the rest of the system.
Some benefits of using the circuit breaker pattern include:
Improved resilience and reliability: The circuit breaker pattern helps to improve the reliability of the system by isolating and containing failures.
Improved scalability: The circuit breaker pattern helps to prevent overload and enables better scalability by managing the flow of requests to the system.
Improved fault tolerance: The circuit breaker pattern helps to improve the fault tolerance of the system by reducing the impact of faults and allowing the system to recover quickly.