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SiriDB Connector C (libsiridb)

SiriDB Connector C (libsiridb) is a library which can be used to communicate with SiriDB using the C program language. This library contains useful functions but does not handle the connection itself. When using libuv you should look at libsuv which is a SiriDB connector build on top of libuv and libsiridb.

SiriDB can handle multiple queries and/or inserts on a single connection simultaniously. The order in which results are returned is not defined and as soon as a single request is finished the result will be returned. This means a client should keep track of each request. We do this by assigning a pid to each request. This pid is an unsigned 16bit integer value and the client is responsable for chosing a unique pid. SiriDB simply returns the same pid in its response so the client then should be able to map the result to the request. Assigning a unique pid to a request and mapping a response to the request is the resposibility of this library.


Note: libsiridb requires libqpack

Install debug or release version, in this example we will install the release version.

$ cd Release

Compile libsiridb

$ make all

Install libsiridb

$ sudo make install

Note: run sudo make uninstall for removal.

Example (libuv implementation)

For an example you can look at libsuv which contains a full example of how to use this library on top of libuv.



SiriDB Client type. Pending request are stored in a queue on this object until a response is received or the request is cancelled.

Public members

  • void * Space for user-defined arbitrary data. libsiridb does not use this field.

siridb_t * siridb_create(void)

Create and return a new SiriDB Client instance. In case of an error, NULL will be returned.

void siridb_destroy(siridb_t * siridb)

Cleanup a SiriDB Client instance. In case the queue has pending request then each request will be cancelled. This means the request status will be set to ERR_CANCELLED and the callback function will be called.

void siridb_on_pkg(siridb_t * siridb, siridb_pkg_t * pkg)

Should be called when a package is received on a SiriDB connection. This function then takes the request from the queue and calls the callback function. If this function is able to run the callback, 0 is returned. In case the request cannot be found, ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.

size_t siridb_queue_len(siridb_t * siridb)

Macro function which returns the numbers of requests in the queue.


SiriDB Request type. For each request (connecting, queries and inserts) to SiriDB a request is required. The request gets a pid assigned and will be stored in a siridb_t.queue until the request is cancelled or a response package with the corresponding pid is handled by siridb_on_pkg().

Public members

  • void * Space for user-defined arbitrary data. libsiridb does not use this field.
  • int siridb_req_t.status: Current status of the request. Status is 0 or an error code. (readonly)
  • uint16_t Assigned pid. (readonly)
  • siridb_pkg_t * siridb_req_t.pkg: Raw package after response package is handled by siridb_on_pkg(). (readonly)

This example shows how siridb_req_t should be used with siridb_t:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libsiridb/siridb.h>

void some_cb(siridb_req_t * req)
    if (req->status) {
        printf("error: %s\n", siridb_strerror(req->status));
    } else {
        // do something

int main(void)
    /* no error checking to keep the example simple */
    siridb_t * siridb = siridb_create();
    siridb_req_t * req = siridb_req_create(siridb, some_cb, NULL);

    /* Here you should usually connect to SiriDB and use the request for
     * authentication, a query or insert. In case you just run this
     * example, the request will be cancelled by siridb_destroy(). */


siridb_req_t * siridb_req_create(siridb_t * siridb, siridb_cb cb, int * rc)

Create and return a new request. A pid is assigned to the request which is unique in siridb.queue. A callback function is required and the siridb_req_t.status property should be checked by the callback function for errors. The initial status is ERR_PENDING. This function returns NULL in case of an error and optionally rc can be used for more information about the error. If rc is not NULL then the value is set to 0 if successful, ERR_MEM_ALLOC if memory could not be allocated or ERR_OCCUPIED if no unique pid could be assigned to the request (only happens if 65536 request are pending).

void siridb_req_destroy(siridb_req_t * req)

Cleanup request. This function should only be used by the callback function or after the callback function is called. Use siridb_req_cancel() if you want to cancel a request before a response is received.

void siridb_req_cancel(siridb_req_t * req)

Cancel a request. Use this function to cancel a created request. This function will remove the request from the queue (if exists), sets the request status to ERR_CANCELLED and calls the callback function. The callback function is responsable for destroying the request.


SiriDB Package type. When communicating with SiriDB, both sending and receiving is done with packages.

Members (in order)

  • uint32_t siridb_pkg_t.len: Length of[]. (readonly)

  • uint16_t Package identifiers. (readonly)

  • uint8_t Package type. (readonly)

    Request types

    • CprotoReqQuery: Request query.
    • CprotoReqInsert: Request insert.
    • CprotoReqAuth: Request authentication.
    • CprotoReqPing: Request ping.
    • CprotoReqAdmin: Request service task.

    Successful response types

    • CprotoResQuery: Response to successful query.
    • CprotoResInsert: Response to successful insert.
    • CprotoResAuthSuccess: Response to successful authentication. (no data)
    • CprotoResAck: Response ACK. (no data)
    • CprotoResInfo: Do not use. (only used by siridb-server)
    • CprotoResFile: Do not use. (only used by siridb-server)
    • CprotoAckAdmin: Response on successful service task. (no data)
    • CprotoAckAdminData: Response with data on successful service task.

    Error response types

    • CprotoErrMsg: Error with message.
    • CprotoErrQuery: Returned when the query is invalid.
    • CprotoErrInsert: Returned when the insert-data is invalid.
    • CprotoErrServer: Request could not be handled by the server.
    • CprotoErrPool: Request could not be handled because a required pool is unavailable.
    • CprotoErrUserAccess: Database user has not enough privileges to handle request.
    • CprotoErr: General error. (no data)
    • CprotoErrNotAuthenticated: Connection is not authenticated. (no data)
    • CprotoErrAuthCredentials: Credentials are invalid. (no data)
    • CprotoErrAuthUnknownDb: Database is unknown. (no data)
    • CprotoErrLoadingDb: Do not use. (only used by siridb-server)
    • CprotoErrFile: Do not use. (only used by siridb-server)
    • CprotoErrAdmin: Service error with message.
    • CprotoErrAdminInvalidRequest: Invalid service request. (no data)
  • uint8_t siridb_pkg_t.checkbit: Checkbit. (readonly)

  • unsigned char[]: Empty or content serialized using libqpack. (readonly)

siridb_pkg_t * sirinet_pkg_create(uint16_t pid, uint8_t tp, const unsigned char * data, uint32_t len)

Create and return a new package. For the pid you should create a siridb_req_t. In case of an error, NULL is returned.

Example creating a ping request package:

/* error handling is omitted to keep the example short */
siridb_req_t * ping_req;
siridb_pkg_t * ping_pkg;
ping_req = siridb_req_create(siridb, on_ping_cb, NULL);
ping_pkg = sirinet_pkg_create(ping_req->pid, CprotoReqPing, NULL, 0);
/* now you should write (char *) ping_pkg to the siridb socket connection */

Note: for the most frequently used packages we have specialized functions: siridb_pkg_auth(), siridb_pkg_query() and siridb_pkg_series().

siridb_pkg_t * siridb_pkg_auth(uint16_t pid, const char * username, const char * password, const char * dbname)

Create and return a new package for authenticating with SiriDB. Usually you should send an authentication package after creating a socket connection to SiriDB so the connection becomes authenticated. Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

siridb_pkg_t * siridb_pkg_query(uint16_t pid, const char * query)

Create and return a new package for querying SiriDB. Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

siridb_pkg_t * siridb_pkg_series(uint16_t pid, siridb_series_t * series[], size_t n)

Create and return a new package for inserting data into SiriDB. The content for the package is created from an array of siridb_series_t. Argument n is the number of series which are packed and must be equal or smaller than series[]. Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

siridb_pkg_t * siridb_pkg_dup(siridb_pkg_t * pkg)

Duplicate a package. Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

bool siridb_pkg_check_bit(siridb_pkg_t * pkg)

Macro function for checking if a package has a valid checkbit. When a package header is received, this functions should be used to check if the package is valid. Returns 1 (TRUE) if the package is valid or 0 (FALSE) if not.


Alias for qp_packer_t. We use an own defined type since siridb_packer_t created with siridb_packer_create() reserves sizeof(siridb_pkg_t) extra space at the beginning of the buffer. Despite of this extra space, a siridb_packer_t instance works with any qp_packer_t function except for the macro function qp_packer_print().

siridb_packer_t * siridb_packer_create(size_t alloc_size)

Like qp_packer_create except that the minimal alloc_size size is sizeof(siridb_pkg_t).

void siridb_packer_destroy(siridb_packer_t * packer)

Cleanup siridb_packer_t.

Note: Do not use this function after calling siridb_packer_2pkg().

siridb_pkg_t * siridb_packer_2pkg(siridb_packer_t * packer, uint16_t pid, uint8_t tp)

Create and return a new package from a siridb_packer_t.

Note: The packer will be destroyed and can not be used after calling this function. No new memory will be allocated by this function because the siridb_pkg_t is created from the siridb_packer_t.buffer.


SiriDB Response type. A response type can be created from a siridb_pkg_t and is easier to use compared to the raw package.

Public members

  • siridb_resp_tp Response object type.
    • SIRIDB_RESP_TP_UNDEF (value = 0, undefined response type)
    • SIRIDB_RESP_TP_MOTD (used only by siridb-server DEBUG-release)
    • SIRIDB_RESP_TP_DATA (used only for admin/service task response)
  • siridb_resp_via_t siridb_resp_t.via: Response data.
    • siridb_select_t * select
    • siridb_list_t * list
    • siridb_show_t * show
    • uint64_t count
    • uint64_t calc
    • char * success
    • char * success_msg
    • char * error
    • char * error_msg
    • char * help
    • char * motd
    • qp_res_t * data
  • siridb_timeit_t * siridb_resp_t.timeit: Optional timeit info or NULL.

siridb_resp_t * siridb_resp_create(siridb_pkg_t * pkg, int * rc)

Create and return a response. A siridb_req_t callback function should check for the request status and when this status is zero then the siridb_req_t.pkg property can be used to create a nice response object. In case of an error NULL is returned and an optional rc argument can be used to get more detailed information about the error.


void some_callback_func(siridb_req_t * req)
    if (req->status != 0) {
        printf("error: %s", siridb_strerror(req->status));
    } else {
        int rc;
        // we known for sure req->pkg is not NULL since req-status is 0
        siridb_resp_t * resp = siridb_resp_create(req->pkg, &rc);
        if (rc) {
            printf("error creating resp from pkg: %s", siridb_strerror(rc));
        } else {
            // do something with the response

            /* cleanup response */

    /* cleanup request */

void siridb_resp_destroy(siridb_resp_t * resp)

Cleanup siridb_resp_t.


SiriDB Series type. This type is used when a siridb_resp_t is created from a select query statement to SiriDB (see siridb_select_t. siridb_series_t can also be used to insert new data into SiriDB.

Public members

  • siridb_series_tp Series type.
    • SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_STR (not implemented in siridb-server at this moment)
  • char * Name (identifier) for the series.
  • size_t siridb_series_t.n: Number of points.
  • siridb_point_t siridb_series_t.points[]: Array of n points.

siridb_series_t * siridb_series_create(siridb_series_tp tp, char * name, size_t size)

Create and return a pointer to a siridb_series_t instance. Argument size defines the number of points the series can hold. If required it can be resized using siridb_series_resize().

Example creating an integer series with some sample data:

siridb_series_t * series = siridb_series_create(
    SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_INT64,     /* type integer */
    "just-an-example",          /* name for the series */
    5);                         /* number of points */

for (size_t i = 0; i < series->n; i++)
    point = series->points + i;
    /* set time-stamps for the last n seconds */
    point->ts = (uint64_t) time(NULL) - series->n + i;
    point->via.int64 = (int64_t) i;

void siridb_series_destroy(siridb_series_t * series)

Cleanup siridb_series_t.

int siridb_series_resize(siridb_series_t ** series, size_t n)

Resize an existing series object to n number of points. Returns 0 if successful or ERR_MEM_ALLOC in case or a memory allocation error.


SiriDB Point type. A point represents a time-stamp and value and is always part of a points array in an siridb_series_t object.

Public members

  • uint64_t siridb_point_t.ts: Time-stamp (readonly)
  • siridb_point_via_t siridb_point_t.via: Value. (Type is defined by the series, readonly)
    • int64_t int64
    • double real
    • char * str


Contains timeit info. Timeit info is available when a query to SiriDB is prefixed with the timeit keyword. In that case siridb_timeit_t.perfs[] contains an array of siridb_perf_t.

The last perf (siridb_timeit_t.n - 1) contains the server and time of the SiriDB server which has processed the query. Timing starts and ends on this server so the time is equal to the total time it took SiriDB to process the query. Timeit contains only perf data for servers which have actually worked on processing the query.

In case no timeit info is available in the response then siridb_resp_t.timeit is NULL.

Public members

  • size_t siridb_timeit_t.n: Number of perfs. (readonly)
  • siridb_perf_t siridb_timeit_t.perfs[]: Array of siridb_perf_t. (readonly)

Example using siridb_timeit_t:

printf("Query time: %f seconds\n", timeit->perfs[timeit->n - 1].time);
for (size_t i = 0; i < timeit->n; i++) {
        "server: %s time: %f\n",


Perf is part of timeit info.

Public members

  • char * siridb_perf_t.server: Server name.
  • double siridb_perf_t.time: Time in seconds the query took to process (per server).


Contains series with points. This is a response to a successful select query.

Public members

  • size_t siridb_select_t.n: Number of series. (readonly)
  • siridb_series_t * siridb_select_t.series[]: Array of series of length siridb_series_t.n. (readonly)

Example select query:

select * from 'net-interface-in', 'net-interface-out'

Example using siridb_select_t:

for (size_t m = 0; m < select->n; m++) {
    siridb_series_t * series = select->series[m];
    printf("series name: '%s'\n", series->name);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < series->n; i++) {
        siridb_point_t * point = series->points[i];
        printf("timestamp: %" PRIu64 " value: ", point.ts);
        switch (series->tp) {
        case SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_INT64: printf("%ld\n", point.via.int64); break;
        case SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_REAL: printf("%f\n", point.via.real); break;
        case SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_STR: printf("%s\n", point.via.str); break;


List contains a table with information. This is a response to a successful list query. Both headers and data are guaranteed of type QP_RES_ARRAY and every item inside the headers array is of type QP_RES_STR. No other assumptions should be made about the content of data.

Public members

  • qp_res_t * siridb_list_t.headers: Contains column names. (readonly)
  • qp_res_t * Contains rows. (readonly)

Example list query:

list series name, length where length > 1000 limit 10

Example using siridb_list_t:

printf("Headers: ");
qp_res_fprint(list->headers, stdout);

/* Lets manually loop over the data and print each row on a new line*/
for (size_t r = 0; r < list->data->via.array->n; r++) {
    qp_res_t * res = list->data->via.array->values + r;
    if (res->tp != QP_RES_ARRAY) {
        abort(); // do some error handling

    for (size_t c = 0; c < res->via.array->n; c++) {
        if (c) printf(", ");
        qp_res_fprint(res->via.array->values + c, stdout);


Show contains key/value pairs with info. This is a response to a successful show query.

Public members

  • size_t siridb_show_t.n: Number of items. (readonly)
  • siridb_item_t siridb_show_t.items[]: Array with siridb_show_t.n number of items. (readonly)


Item contains a key/value pair.

Public members

  • char * siridb_item_t.key: Name. (null terminated string, readonly)
  • qp_res_t * siridb_item_t.value: Value. (readonly)

Miscellaneous functions

const char * siridb_strerror(int err_code)

Returns the error message for a given error code.

const char * siridb_version(void)

Returns the version of libsiridb.