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TheFortex edited this page Feb 7, 2020 · 21 revisions

extends Snowflake

Represents a Discord guild role, which is used to assign priority, permissions, and a color to guild members.

Instances of this class should not be constructed by users.

Properties Inherited From Snowflake

Name Type Description
client Client A shortcut to the client object to which this container is visible.
createdAt number The Unix time in seconds at which this object was created by Discord. Additional decimal points may be present, though only the first 3 (milliseconds) should be considered accurate. Equivalent to Date.parseSnowflake(
id string The Snowflake ID that can be used to identify the object. This is guaranteed to be unique except in cases where an object shares the ID of its parent.
parent Container/Client The parent object of to which this container is a child. For example, the parent of a role is the guild in which the role exists.
timestamp string The date and time at which this object was created by Discord, represented as an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(


Name Type Description
color number Represents the display color of the role as a decimal value.
emojis FilteredIterable A filtered iterable of guild emojis that have this role. If you want to check whether a specific emoji has this role, it would be better to get the emoji object elsewhere and use Emoji:hasRole rather than check whether the emoji exists here.
guild Guild The guild in which this role exists.
hoisted boolean Whether members with this role should be shown separated from other members in the guild member list.
managed boolean Whether this role is managed by some integration or bot inclusion.
members FilteredIterable A filtered iterable of guild members that have this role. If you want to check whether a specific member has this role, it would be better to get the member object elsewhere and use Member:hasRole rather than check whether the member exists here.
mentionString string A string that, when included in a message content, may resolve as a role notification in the official Discord client.
mentionable boolean Whether this role can be mentioned in a text channel message.
name string The name of the role. This should be between 1 and 100 characters in length.
permissions number Represents the total permissions of the role as a decimal value.
position number The position of the role, where 0 is the lowest.

Methods Inherited From Snowflake


Defines the behavior of the == operator. Allows containers to be directly compared according to their type and __hash return values.

Returns: boolean



Returns: string


Defines the behavior of the tostring function. All containers follow the format ClassName: hash.

Returns: string


Returns a unique Date object that represents when the object was created by Discord. Equivalent to Date.fromSnowflake(

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Date



Permanently deletes the role. This cannot be undone!

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Disables all permissions for this role. This does not necessarily fully disallow the permissions.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Disallows anyone to mention this role in text messages.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
... Permission-Resolvables

Disables individual permissions for this role. This does not necessarily fully disallow the permissions.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Enables all permissions for this role. This does not necessarily fully allow the permissions.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Allows anyone to mention this role in text messages.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
... Permission-Resolvables

Enables individual permissions for this role. This does not necessarily fully allow the permissions.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Returns a color object that represents the role's display color.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Color


Returns a permissions object that represents the permissions that this role has enabled.

This method only operates on data in memory.

Returns: Permissions


Causes members with this role to display above unhoisted roles in the member list.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
n number

Moves a role down its list. The parameter n indicates how many spaces the role should be moved, clamped to the lowest position, with a default of 1 if it is omitted. This will also normalize the positions of all roles. Note that the default everyone role cannot be moved.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
n number

Moves a role up its list. The parameter n indicates how many spaces the role should be moved, clamped to the highest position, with a default of 1 if it is omitted. This will also normalize the positions of all roles. Note that the default everyone role cannot be moved.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
color Color-Resolvable

Sets the role's display color.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
name string

Sets the role's name. The name must be between 1 and 100 characters in length.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type
permissions Permissions-Resolvable

Sets the permissions that this role explicitly allows.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Causes member with this role to display amongst other unhoisted members.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

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