The proposed toolset for logs and alerting is based on:
- Loki is a highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It focuses on logs instead of metrics, collecting logs via push instead of pull.
- Promtail is an agent deployed on machines running applications to ship local logs to a Grafana Loki instance. It supports native log scraping from existing Docker containers.
- Grafana is already in use for cluster metrics. Use Loki as data source for both logs and alerting.
The high-level composition of the service is here sketched:
Promtail perform service discovery based on labels: the root components are tagged with
, while the cluster component are retrieved by the Promtail at cluster level by the label logging=cluster_promtail
At root level, each service is specified by:
At cluster level, each service is specified by:
Both two levels use different volumes for the configuration of the three services, respectively in root_orchestrator/config/ and cluster_orchestrator/config/. Both config
folders are structured as:
├── alerts
│ └── rules.yml #Loki rules for alerting based on Promtail ingested logs
├── grafana-datasources.yml # Loki datasource setup
├── loki.yml # Ingestion, storage config
├── promtail.yml # Service discovery & static logs configuration
The configuration files can also be written at runtime but the volumes link allows a faster startup and configuration reload at runtime.
⚠️ The observability stack can be ovverided to exclude the deployments of the three services at root/cluster deployment by:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f override-no-observe.yml up --build
⚠️ Bothloki
logging output has been inhibited to avoid output verbosity. This configuration can be changed both at root/cluster level by modifying docker-compose.yml and removing:
driver: none
The promtail.yml configuration is analyzed in each section, starting from the scraper source:
- job_name: root_logs_scraper
docker_sd_configs: # Service discovery
- host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
refresh_interval: 5s
- name: label
values: ["logging=promtail"]
The default labels for service discovery target docker_sd_config
has been identified as the following:
- source_labels: ['__meta_docker_container_id']
target_label: 'container_id'
- source_labels: ['__meta_docker_network_ip']
target_label: 'container_ip'
- source_labels: ['__meta_docker_container_name']
regex: '/(.*)'
target_label: 'container_name'
- source_labels: ['__meta_docker_container_log_stream']
target_label: 'logstream'
- source_labels: ['__meta_docker_container_label_logging_jobname']
target_label: 'job'
More base labels can be extracted based on the docker_sd_configs configuration. A careful evaluation of which labels are useful and which values can assume must be priorly done to avoid perfromance degradation at ingestion level.
The specific logging format for each service allows also to exploit automatic filtering and extraction of labels by using Prontail Pipeline stages, here specified:
- json:
level: level
service: service
filename: filename
- regex: #Regex for `default` logging format
expression: '(?P<level>[^\[\]]+?)(?P<timestamp>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (?P<service>[^:]+) (?P<file>[^:]+):(?P<line>\d+)\] (?P<message>.+)'
- logfmt:
- labels:
level: level
service: service
file: line
If one of the format matches the ingested log lines, the specified list of labels are extracted.
The rules.yml contains the rules expression in LogQL based on the labels extracted by Promtail. Both the service discovery and pipeline stages labels can also be used in rules.yml to detect specific conditions on extracted labels.
Here the rules.yaml
configuration defining two generic alarm based on base labels:
- alert: SystemManagerErrorAlert #Service-specifix rule
expr: |
(count_over_time({container_name="system_manager"} | level = `E` [1m]) > 1)
for: 1m
severity: error
team: infrastructure
category: logs
title: "System Manager Error Log Alert"
description: "Service reported an error in the last 1 minute"
impact: "impact"
action: "action"
- alert: StderrHighLoadAlert # Output target generic rules
expr: |
count_over_time({logstream="stderr"} [1m]) > 10
for: 10s
severity: warning
team: infrastructure
category: logs
title: "Standard Error High Load Alert"
description: "Service reported high load on stderr in the last 1 minute"
impact: "impact"
action: "action"