The Animations section of the Jetpack Compose Cookbook is designed to enhance your app's user experience with dynamic and engaging animations. Jetpack Compose provides a flexible and intuitive API to create a range of animations, making your UI elements not only interactive but also visually appealing.
Basic | Content | Gesture |
Learn how to create fundamental animations for the actions like:
A sudden change in content without animation can be jarring and disrupt the user experience. Discover how to smooth out these transitions with animations:
- Animate the change in size and content of a composable
- Create animations that expand short text into longer content and vice versa
- FAB Button Expansion and Collapse Animation
These techniques will make content updates feel more seamless and engaging.
Gesture animations bring a touch of fluidity and responsiveness to user interactions. By incorporating animations that react to gestures, you can create a more intuitive and engaging user experience.
Infinite | Shimmer | TabBar |
Infinite animations provide continuous and seamless effects, ideal for capturing user attention. Let's implement some indefinite animation
Shimmer animations add a polished touch to loading states, creating an engaging visual effect while content is being loaded.
Choose an animation API - Decide which animation API fits your needs based on your use case.
Material Design Motion - Principles of motion design according to Material Design guidelines, useful for creating consistent and engaging animations.