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File metadata and controls

109 lines (82 loc) · 2.56 KB

Silex Coding Style

Throughout all our projects we aim to use one unified coding style for best readability and transferability. You can see the coding style clarified by examples below.

PHP (and JavaScript)

Pure PHP-scripts starts with the <?php tag in line 1 but never closing it at the end. This prevents an inadvertent output of whitespaces.

Indentation and Brace Style
The brace style follows the 1TBS, the one true brace style. Tabulators are used to indent subordinated code.

Between the function- or statement names and their brackets there are no spaces. Operators (except "++", "--", "::", "->" or ".") have spaces before and after.

All variable, function- and method names are lowerCamelCase, meaning the first letter is always lower case. Classes, including interfaces, are named using UpperCamelCase, capitalising the first letter. Interface's names are prepended with an I (capital i). However, keys of arrays are named lower case and by using underscores _. Constants are named all upper case and using underscores, e.g. DEBUG_CONSTANT.



class ExampleClass implements IFooInterface {
	const RANDOM_CONSTANT = 42;

	protected $fooVar = 0;
	protected $array = [];
	protected $fooBool = false;

	// Abbreviations keep the case of the first letter throughout the whole abbreviation
	protected $htmlUsesHTTP;

	public function makeItWork($iAmAnArgument) {
		// Hey, do something pretty
		if ($this->fooBool) {
			$this->array['herp_derp'] .= $fooVar++;

		return $fooVar;

	public static function staticMethod($value) {
		if ($value <= 4) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function isFoo() {
		return $this->fooBool;
	public function getArray() {
		return $this->array;



Indent with tabs and keep everything lower case! For classes and IDs, multiple-word identifiers are separated by hyphens. Template variable names are separated by underscores.


<div class="i-am-a-class">
	<span id="hurr">{$variable_with_underscores}</span>
	{if $var_name > 10}
		<div class="useless">{$var.array_key}</div>


IDs, classes and fairly everything else is lower case. Descendants may be indented. Multiple-word identifiers are separated by hyphens (classes, ids).


.i-am-a-class {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;

	.i-am-a-class #hurr {
		height: 20px;
		background: #fff;
		padding: 10px 5px;

	.i-am-a-class .useless {
		display: none;
#i-am-an-id {
	content: "Hi";