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Luke edited this page May 28, 2017
4 revisions
Hook | Description |
OTAPI.Hooks.Chest.QuickStack | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Collision.PressurePlate | Occurs when an entity triggers a pressure plate. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Command.Process | Occurs when a console command has been sent and is to be processed |
OTAPI.Hooks.Command.StartCommandThread | Occurs when the server is to start listening for commands. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Console.Write | Occurs each time vanilla calls Console.Write |
OTAPI.Hooks.Console.WriteLine | Occurs each time vanilla calls Console.WriteLine |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.Christmas | Occurs when christmas is being checked for. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.Halloween | Occurs when hallowwn is being checked for. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.PostInitialize | Occurs at the end of the games initialize method. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.PostUpdate | Occurs at the end of the games update loop. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.PreInitialize | Occurs at the first point of call when the Initialze method is ran. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.PreUpdate | Occurs at the first point of call when the game is running the update loop. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.Started | Occurs right after server initialisation and before the server loop starts |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.StatusTextUpdate | Occurs when Terraria.Main.DedServ is checking if it needs to write console data |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game.StatusTextWrite | Occurs when the Terraria.Main.statusText variable is written to |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PostNetDefaults | Occurs when the NetDefaults(int) method ends Arg 1: The item instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PostSetDefaultsById | Occurs when the SetDefaults(int,bool) method ends Arg 1: The item instance 2: Type 3: noMatCheck flag |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PostUpdate | Occurs at the end of the UpdateItem method. Arg 1: item 2: item whoAmI value |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PreCheckMaterial | Occurs at the start of the checkMat() method. Arg 1: The item instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PreNetDefaults | Occurs at the start of the NetDefaults(int) method. Arg 1: The item instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PreSetDefaultsById | Occurs at the start of the SetDefaults(int,bool) method Arg 1: The item instance 2: Type 3: noMatCheck flag |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item.PreUpdate | Occurs at the start of the UpdateItem method. Arg 1: item 2: new item whoAmI value |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.AfterBroadcastChatMessage | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.AfterSendChatMessageToClient | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.BeforeBroadcastChatMessage | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.BeforeSendChatMessageToClient | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.CheckBytes | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.ReceiveData | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.RemoteClient.PostReset | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.RemoteClient.PreReset | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.SendBytes | Occurs when the server is about to send data to a client |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.SendData | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.SendUnknownPacket | Occurs when a unknown packet is required to be written to the BinaryWriter. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.Socket.Accepted | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.Socket.Create | Occurs when the server socket is to be created. Return null if you wish for default functionality. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.BossBagItem | Occurs when a boss item is to drop Arg 1: The npc instance TODO: the following arguments are vanilla, these need to be documented. Currently only supported using the server API |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.Create | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.Killed | Occurs when an npc has been killed |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostAI | Occurs when the AI() method ends Arg 1: The projectile instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostDropLoot | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostNetDefaults | Occurs when the NetDefaults(int) method ends Arg 1: The npc instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostSetDefaultsById | Occurs when the SetDefaults(int,float) method ends Arg 1: The npc instance 2: Type 3: ScaleOverride |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostTransform | Occurs when an npc transforms Arg 1: The npc instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PostUpdate | Occurs at the end of the UpdateNPC method. Arg 1: npc 2: npc whoAmI value |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreAI | Occurs at the start of the AI() method. Arg 1: The projectile instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreDropLoot | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreNetDefaults | Occurs at the start of the NetDefaults(int) method. Arg 1: The npc instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreSetDefaultsById | Occurs at the start of the SetDefaults(int,float) method Arg 1: The npc instance 2: Type 3: ScaleOverride |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreTransform | Occurs when an npc transforms Arg 1: The npc instance 2: The new type that the npc will be transforming to |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.PreUpdate | Occurs at the start of the UpdateNPC method. Arg 1: npc 2: new npc whoAmI value |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.Spawn | Occurs when an npc is about to be spawned into the world. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc.Strike | Occurs at the start of the NetDefaults(int) method. Arg 1: The npc instance 2: Value to be returned if the hook cancelled the event 3: damage 4: knock back 5: hit direction 6: Type 7: crit 8: no effect 9: from net 10: entity who may be striking the npc |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.Announce | Occurs at the start of the greetPlayer method. Arg 1: playerid |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.NameCollision | Occurs when a connecting player is about to be booted due to having the same name as a player whom is already playing. Arg 1: player instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.PostGreet | Occurs at the end of the greetPlayer method. Arg 1: playerid |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.PostUpdate | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.PreGreet | Occurs at the start of the greetPlayer method. Arg 1: playerid |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player.PreUpdate | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PostAI | Occurs when the AI() method ends Arg 1: The projectile instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PostKilled | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PostSetDefaultsById | Occurs when the SetDefaults(int) method ends Arg 1: The projectile instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PostUpdate | Occurs when the Update(int) method ends Arg 1: The projectile instance 2: The root of whoAmI |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PreAI | Occurs at the start of the AI() method. Arg 1: The projectile instance |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PreKill | |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PreSetDefaultsById | Occurs at the start of the SetDefaults(int) method. Arg 1: The projectile instance 2: Type |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile.PreUpdate | Occurs at the start of the Update(int) method. Arg 1: The projectile instance 2: The root of whoAmI |
OTAPI.Hooks.Tile.CreateCollection | Occurs on the static constructor of Terraria.Main when the Terraria.Main.tile field is being initialised. Use this to create custom tile providers. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Tile.CreateTile | Occurs whenever a tile instance is to be created in the Terraria assembly. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Tile.CreateTileFrom | Occurs whenever a tile instance is to be created in the Terraria assembly. |
OTAPI.Hooks.Wiring.AnnouncementBox | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.DropMeteor | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.Generate | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.HardmodeTileUpdate | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.IO.PostLoadWorld | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.IO.PostSaveWorld | Occurs when the saveWorld(bool,bool) method ends Arg 1: Flag to save to the "cloud" 2: The root of whoAmIFlag to indicate if the time is to be reset |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.IO.PreLoadWorld | |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.IO.PreSaveWorld | Occurs at the start of the saveWorld(bool,bool) method. Arg 1: Flag to save to the "cloud" 2: The root of whoAmIFlag to indicate if the time is to be reset |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.PostHardmode | Occurs when the StartHardmode() method ends |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.PreHardmode | Occurs at the start of the StartHardmode() method. |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.SpawnNpc | Occurs when the game is to spawn an npc |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.SpreadGrass | Occurs when the game is attempting to spread grass |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.Statue | Occurs when the game is to spawn a statue |
Hook | Count |
Total hooks in OTAPI v2 | 82 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Chest | 1 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Collision | 1 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Command | 2 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Console | 2 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Game | 9 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Item | 7 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net | 9 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.RemoteClient | 2 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Net.Socket | 2 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Npc | 17 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Player | 6 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Projectile | 8 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Tile | 3 |
OTAPI.Hooks.Wiring | 1 |
OTAPI.Hooks.World | 8 |
OTAPI.Hooks.World.IO | 4 |
void Main()
XmlDocCommentReader reader = new XmlDocCommentReader(typeof(OTAPI.Hooks).Assembly);
var hooks = GetAllTypes(typeof(OTAPI.Hooks))
.SelectMany(x => x.GetFields())
"## Hooks\n" +
"Hook | Description\n" +
"---- | -----------\n" +
String.Join("\n", hooks
.Select(x => new
Field = x.DeclaringType.FullName.Replace("+", ".") + "." + x.Name,
Comments = reader.GetComments(x)?.Value ?? ""
.OrderBy(x => x.Field)
.Select(x => x.Field + " | " + String.Join("<br>",
.Split(new [] {'\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(l => l.Trim())
+ "\n\n## Stats\n" +
"Hook | Count\n" +
"---- | -----------\n" +
"Total hooks in OTAPI v2 | " + hooks.Count() + "\n" +
.Select(x => x.DeclaringType.FullName)
.OrderBy(x => x)
.Select(x => x.Replace("+", ".") + " | " + hooks.Where(y => y.DeclaringType.FullName == x).Count())
+ "\n\n### Page generated using LINQPad 5 + Jolt + App.Config\n```C#\n```"
static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypes(Type parent)
foreach (var nested in parent.GetNestedTypes())
yield return nested;
foreach (var child in GetAllTypes(nested))
yield return child;