All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AvailabilityApi | generation_availability_summary14_d_get | GET /generation/availability/summary/14D | Fourteen-day generation forecast |
AvailabilityApi | generation_availability_summary3_yw_get | GET /generation/availability/summary/3YW | Three-year generation forecast |
BalancingMechanismDynamicApi | balancing_dynamic_all_get | GET /balancing/dynamic/all | Market-wide dynamic data (SEL, SIL, MZT, MNZT, MDV, MDP, NTB, NTO, NDZ) |
BalancingMechanismDynamicApi | balancing_dynamic_get | GET /balancing/dynamic | Dynamic data per BMU (SEL, SIL, MZT, MNZT, MDV, MDP, NTB, NTO, NDZ) |
BalancingMechanismDynamicApi | balancing_dynamic_rates_all_get | GET /balancing/dynamic/rates/all | Market-wide rate data (RDRE, RURE, RDRI, RURI) |
BalancingMechanismDynamicApi | balancing_dynamic_rates_get | GET /balancing/dynamic/rates | Rate data per BMU (RDRE, RURE, RDRI, RURI) |
BalancingMechanismPhysicalApi | balancing_physical_all_get | GET /balancing/physical/all | Market-wide physical data (PN, QPN, MILS, MELS) |
BalancingMechanismPhysicalApi | balancing_physical_get | GET /balancing/physical | Physical data per BMU (PN, QPN, MILS, MELS) |
BalancingServicesAdjustmentDisaggregatedApi | balancing_nonbm_disbsad_details_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/disbsad/details | Disaggregated balancing services adjustment per settlement period (DISBSAD) |
BalancingServicesAdjustmentDisaggregatedApi | balancing_nonbm_disbsad_summary_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/disbsad/summary | Disaggregated balancing services adjustment time series (DISBSAD) |
BalancingServicesAdjustmentNetApi | balancing_nonbm_netbsad_events_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/netbsad/events | Net balancing services adjustment events (NETBSAD) |
BalancingServicesAdjustmentNetApi | balancing_nonbm_netbsad_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/netbsad | Net balancing services adjustment time series (NETBSAD) |
BidOfferApi | balancing_bid_offer_all_get | GET /balancing/bid-offer/all | Market-wide bid-offer data (BOD) |
BidOfferApi | balancing_bid_offer_get | GET /balancing/bid-offer | Bid-offer data per BMU (BOD) |
BidOfferAcceptancesApi | balancing_acceptances_all_get | GET /balancing/acceptances/all | Market-wide bid-offer acceptances (BOALF) |
BidOfferAcceptancesApi | balancing_acceptances_all_latest_get | GET /balancing/acceptances/all/latest | Latest market-wide bid-offer acceptances (BOALF) |
BidOfferAcceptancesApi | balancing_acceptances_get | GET /balancing/acceptances | Bid-offer acceptances per BMU (BOALF) |
CreditDefaultNoticeApi | c_dn_get | GET /CDN | [DEPRECATED] Credit default notices (CDN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_abuc_get | GET /datasets/ABUC | Amount Of Balancing Reserves Under Contract (ABUC / B1720) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_abuc_stream_get | GET /datasets/ABUC/stream | Amount Of Balancing Reserves Under Contract (ABUC / B1720) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_agpt_get | GET /datasets/AGPT | Actual Aggregated Generation Per Type (AGPT / B1620) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_agpt_stream_get | GET /datasets/AGPT/stream | Actual Aggregated Generation Per Type (AGPT / B1620) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_agws_get | GET /datasets/AGWS | Actual Or Estimated Wind And Solar Power Generation (AGWS / B1630) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_agws_stream_get | GET /datasets/AGWS/stream | Actual Or Estimated Wind And Solar Power Generation (AGWS / B1630) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_aobe_get | GET /datasets/AOBE | Accepted Offered Balancing Energy (AOBE) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_aobe_stream_get | GET /datasets/AOBE/stream | Accepted Offered Balancing Energy (AOBE) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_atl_get | GET /datasets/ATL | Actual Total Load Per Bidding Zone (ATL / B0610) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_atl_stream_get | GET /datasets/ATL/stream | Actual Total Load Per Bidding Zone (ATL / B0610) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_b1610_get | GET /datasets/B1610 | Actual Generation Output Per Generation Unit (B1610) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_b1610_stream_get | GET /datasets/B1610/stream | Actual Generation Output Per Generation Unit (B1610) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_beb_get | GET /datasets/BEB | Balancing Energy Bids (BEB) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_beb_stream_get | GET /datasets/BEB/stream | Balancing Energy Bids (BEB) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_boalf_get | GET /datasets/BOALF | Bid Offer Acceptance Level Flagged (BOALF) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_boalf_stream_get | GET /datasets/BOALF/stream | Bid Offer Acceptance Level Flagged (BOALF) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_bod_get | GET /datasets/BOD | Bid Offer Data (BOD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_bod_stream_get | GET /datasets/BOD/stream | Bid-Offer Data (BOD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_cbs_get | GET /datasets/CBS | Current Balancing State (CBS) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_cbs_stream_get | GET /datasets/CBS/stream | Current Balancing State (CBS) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ccm_get | GET /datasets/CCM | Cost of Congestion Management (CCM / B1330) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ccm_stream_get | GET /datasets/CCM/stream | Cost of Congestion Management (CCM / B1330) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_cdn_get | GET /datasets/CDN | Credit default notices (CDN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_cdn_stream_get | GET /datasets/CDN/stream | Credit default notices (CDN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dag_get | GET /datasets/DAG | Day-Ahead Aggregated Generation (DAG / B1430) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dag_stream_get | GET /datasets/DAG/stream | Day-Ahead Aggregated Generation (DAG / B1430) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_datl_get | GET /datasets/DATL | Day-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (DATL / B0620) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_datl_stream_get | GET /datasets/DATL/stream | Day-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (DATL / B0620) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dci_get | GET /datasets/DCI | Demand control instructions (DCI) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dci_stream_get | GET /datasets/DCI/stream | Demand control instructions (DCI) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dgws_get | GET /datasets/DGWS | Day-Ahead Generation For Wind And Solar (DGWS / B1440) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_dgws_stream_get | GET /datasets/DGWS/stream | Day-Ahead Generation For Wind And Solar (DGWS / B1440) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_disbsad_get | GET /datasets/DISBSAD | Disaggregated Balancing Services Adjustment Data (DISBSAD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_disbsad_stream_get | GET /datasets/DISBSAD/stream | Disaggregated Balancing Services Adjustment Data (DISBSAD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_feib_get | GET /datasets/FEIB | Financial Expenses and Income for Balancing (FEIB / B1790) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_feib_stream_get | GET /datasets/FEIB/stream | Financial Expenses and Income for Balancing (FEIB / B1790) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fou2_t14_d_get | GET /datasets/FOU2T14D | 2 to 14 days ahead generation availability aggregated by fuel type (FOU2T14D) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fou2_t3_yw_get | GET /datasets/FOU2T3YW | 2 to 156 weeks ahead generation availability aggregated by fuel type (FOU2T3YW) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_freq_get | GET /datasets/FREQ | System frequency (FREQ) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_freq_stream_get | GET /datasets/FREQ/stream | System frequency (FREQ) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fuelhh_get | GET /datasets/FUELHH | Half-hourly generation outturn by fuel type (FUELHH) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fuelhh_stream_get | GET /datasets/FUELHH/stream | Half-hourly generation outturn by fuel type (FUELHH) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fuelinst_get | GET /datasets/FUELINST | Instantaneous generation outturn by fuel type (FUELINST) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_fuelinst_stream_get | GET /datasets/FUELINST/stream | Instantaneous generation outturn by fuel type (FUELINST) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_igca_get | GET /datasets/IGCA | Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated (IGCA / B1410) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_igca_stream_get | GET /datasets/IGCA/stream | Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated (IGCA / B1410) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_igcpu_get | GET /datasets/IGCPU | Installed Generation Capacity per Unit (IGCPU / B1420) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_igcpu_stream_get | GET /datasets/IGCPU/stream | Installed Generation Capacity per Unit (IGCPU / B1420) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_imbalngc_get | GET /datasets/IMBALNGC | Day and day-ahead indicated imbalance (IMBALNGC) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_imbalngc_stream_get | GET /datasets/IMBALNGC/stream | Day and day-ahead indicated imbalance (IMBALNGC) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_inddem_get | GET /datasets/INDDEM | Day and day-ahead indicated demand (INDDEM) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_inddem_stream_get | GET /datasets/INDDEM/stream | Day and day-ahead indicated demand (INDDEM) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_indgen_get | GET /datasets/INDGEN | Day and day-ahead indicated generation (INDGEN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_indgen_stream_get | GET /datasets/INDGEN/stream | Day and day-ahead indicated generation (INDGEN) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_indo_get | GET /datasets/INDO | Initial National Demand outturn (INDO) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_indod_get | GET /datasets/INDOD | Initial National Demand outturn daily (INDOD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_indod_stream_get | GET /datasets/INDOD/stream | Initial National Demand outturn daily (INDOD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_itsdo_get | GET /datasets/ITSDO | Initial Transmission System Demand outturn (ITSDO) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_lolpdrm_get | GET /datasets/LOLPDRM | Loss of load probability and de-rated margin (LOLPDRM) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_lolpdrm_stream_get | GET /datasets/LOLPDRM/stream | Loss of load probability and de-rated margin (LOLPDRM) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_matl_get | GET /datasets/MATL | Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (MATL / B0640) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_matl_stream_get | GET /datasets/MATL/stream | Month-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (MATL / B0640) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mdp_get | GET /datasets/MDP | Maximum Delivery Period (MDP) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mdp_stream_get | GET /datasets/MDP/stream | Maximum Delivery Period (MDP) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mdv_get | GET /datasets/MDV | Maximum Delivery Volume (MDV) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mdv_stream_get | GET /datasets/MDV/stream | Maximum Delivery Volume (MDV) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_melngc_get | GET /datasets/MELNGC | Day and day-ahead indicated margin (MELNGC) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_melngc_stream_get | GET /datasets/MELNGC/stream | Day and day-ahead indicated margin (MELNGC) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mels_get | GET /datasets/MELS | Maximum Export Limit (MELS) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mels_stream_get | GET /datasets/MELS/stream | Maximum Export Limit (MELS) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_metadata_latest_get | GET /datasets/metadata/latest | Returns the time when each dataset was last updated |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mid_get | GET /datasets/MID | Market Index Data (MID) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mid_stream_get | GET /datasets/MID/stream | Market Index Data (MID) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mils_get | GET /datasets/MILS | Maximum Import Limit (MILS) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mils_stream_get | GET /datasets/MILS/stream | Maximum Import Limit (MILS) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mnzt_get | GET /datasets/MNZT | Minimum Non-Zero Time (MNZT) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mnzt_stream_get | GET /datasets/MNZT/stream | Minimum Non-Zero Time (MNZT) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mzt_get | GET /datasets/MZT | Minimum Zero Time (MZT) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_mzt_stream_get | GET /datasets/MZT/stream | Minimum Zero Time (MZT) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndf_get | GET /datasets/NDF | Day and day-ahead National Demand forecast (NDF) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndf_stream_get | GET /datasets/NDF/stream | Day and day-ahead National Demand forecast (NDF) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndfd_get | GET /datasets/NDFD | 2-14 days ahead National Demand and surplus forecast (NDFD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndfd_stream_get | GET /datasets/NDFD/stream | 2-14 days ahead National Demand and surplus forecast (NDFD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndfw_get | GET /datasets/NDFW | 2-52 weeks ahead National Demand and surplus forecast (NDFW) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndfw_stream_get | GET /datasets/NDFW/stream | 2-52 weeks ahead National Demand and surplus forecast (NDFW) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndz_get | GET /datasets/NDZ | Notice to Deviate from Zero (NDZ) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ndz_stream_get | GET /datasets/NDZ/stream | Notice to Deviate from Zero (NDZ) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_netbsad_get | GET /datasets/NETBSAD | Net Balancing Services Adjustment Data (NETBSAD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_netbsad_stream_get | GET /datasets/NETBSAD/stream | Net Balancing Services Adjustment Data (NETBSAD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nonbm_get | GET /datasets/NONBM | Non-BM STOR (NONBM) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nonbm_stream_get | GET /datasets/NONBM/stream | Non-BM STOR (NONBM) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nou2_t14_d_get | GET /datasets/NOU2T14D | 2 to 14 days ahead generation availability aggregated data (NOU2T14D) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nou2_t3_yw_get | GET /datasets/NOU2T3YW | 2 to 156 weeks ahead generation availability aggregated data (NOU2T3YW) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ntb_get | GET /datasets/NTB | Notice to Deliver Bids (NTB) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ntb_stream_get | GET /datasets/NTB/stream | Notice to Deliver Bids (NTB) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nto_get | GET /datasets/NTO | Notice to Deliver Offers (NTO) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_nto_stream_get | GET /datasets/NTO/stream | Notice to Deliver Offers (NTO) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmf3_y2_get | GET /datasets/OCNMF3Y2 | 2-156 weeks ahead demand margin forecast (OCNMF3Y2) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmf3_y2_stream_get | GET /datasets/OCNMF3Y2/stream | 2-156 weeks ahead demand margin forecast (OCNMF3Y2) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmf3_y_get | GET /datasets/OCNMF3Y | 2-156 weeks ahead demand surplus forecast (OCNMF3Y) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmf3_y_stream_get | GET /datasets/OCNMF3Y/stream | 2-156 weeks ahead demand surplus forecast (OCNMF3Y) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmfd2_get | GET /datasets/OCNMFD2 | 2-14 days ahead demand margin forecast (OCNMFD2) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmfd2_stream_get | GET /datasets/OCNMFD2/stream | 2-14 days ahead demand margin forecast (OCNMFD2) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmfd_get | GET /datasets/OCNMFD | 2-14 days ahead demand surplus forecast (OCNMFD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ocnmfd_stream_get | GET /datasets/OCNMFD/stream | 2-14 days ahead demand surplus forecast (OCNMFD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_pbc_get | GET /datasets/PBC | Procured Balancing Capacity (PBC) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_pbc_stream_get | GET /datasets/PBC/stream | Procured Balancing Capacity (PBC) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_pn_get | GET /datasets/PN | Physical Notifications (PN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_pn_stream_get | GET /datasets/PN/stream | Physical Notifications (PN) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ppbr_get | GET /datasets/PPBR | Prices Of Procured Balancing Reserves (PPBR / B1730) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ppbr_stream_get | GET /datasets/PPBR/stream | Prices Of Procured Balancing Reserves (PPBR / B1730) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_qas_get | GET /datasets/QAS | Balancing Services Volume (QAS) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_qas_stream_get | GET /datasets/QAS/stream | Balancing Services Volume (QAS) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_qpn_get | GET /datasets/QPN | Quiescent Physical Notifications (QPN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_qpn_stream_get | GET /datasets/QPN/stream | Quiescent Physical Notifications (QPN) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rdre_get | GET /datasets/RDRE | Run Down Rate Export (RDRE) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rdre_stream_get | GET /datasets/RDRE/stream | Run Down Rate Export (RDRE) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rdri_get | GET /datasets/RDRI | Run Down Rate Import (RDRI) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rdri_stream_get | GET /datasets/RDRI/stream | Run Down Rate Import (RDRI) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_remit_get | GET /datasets/REMIT | The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Markets Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_remit_stream_get | GET /datasets/REMIT/stream | The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Markets Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rure_get | GET /datasets/RURE | Run Up Rate Export (RURE) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_rure_stream_get | GET /datasets/RURE/stream | Run Up Rate Export (RURE) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ruri_get | GET /datasets/RURI | Run Up Rate Import (RURI) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_ruri_stream_get | GET /datasets/RURI/stream | Run Up Rate Import (RURI) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_sel_get | GET /datasets/SEL | Stable Export Limit (SEL) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_sel_stream_get | GET /datasets/SEL/stream | Stable Export Limit (SEL) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_sil_get | GET /datasets/SIL | Stable Import Limit (SIL) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_sil_stream_get | GET /datasets/SIL/stream | Stable Import Limit (SIL) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_soso_get | GET /datasets/SOSO | SO-SO prices (SOSO) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_soso_stream_get | GET /datasets/SOSO/stream | SO-SO prices (SOSO) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_syswarn_get | GET /datasets/SYSWARN | System warnings (SYSWARN) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_syswarn_stream_get | GET /datasets/SYSWARN/stream | System warnings (SYSWARN) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_temp_get | GET /datasets/TEMP | Temperature data (TEMP) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdf_get | GET /datasets/TSDF | Day and day-ahead Transmission System Demand forecast (TSDF) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdf_stream_get | GET /datasets/TSDF/stream | Day and day-ahead Transmission System Demand forecast (TSDF) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdfd_get | GET /datasets/TSDFD | 2-14 days ahead Transmission System Demand and surplus forecast (TSDFD) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdfd_stream_get | GET /datasets/TSDFD/stream | 2-14 days ahead Transmission System Demand and surplus forecast (TSDFD) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdfw_get | GET /datasets/TSDFW | 2-52 weeks ahead Transmission System Demand and surplus forecast (TSDFW) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tsdfw_stream_get | GET /datasets/TSDFW/stream | 2-52 weeks ahead Transmission System Demand and surplus forecast (TSDFW) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tudm_get | GET /datasets/TUDM | Trading unit data (S0491_TUDM) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_tudm_stream_get | GET /datasets/TUDM/stream | Trading unit data (S0491_TUDM) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_uou2_t14_d_get | GET /datasets/UOU2T14D | 2 to 14 days ahead generation availability aggregated by Balancing Mechanism Units (UOU2T14D) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_uou2_t14_d_stream_get | GET /datasets/UOU2T14D/stream | 2 to 14 days ahead generation availability aggregated by Balancing Mechanism Units (UOU2T14D) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_uou2_t3_yw_get | GET /datasets/UOU2T3YW | 2 to 156 weeks ahead generation availability aggregated by Balancing Mechanism Units (UOU2T3YW) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_uou2_t3_yw_stream_get | GET /datasets/UOU2T3YW/stream | 2 to 156 weeks ahead generation availability aggregated by Balancing Mechanism Units (UOU2T3YW) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_watl_get | GET /datasets/WATL | Week-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (WATL / B0630) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_watl_stream_get | GET /datasets/WATL/stream | Week-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (WATL / B0630) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_windfor_get | GET /datasets/WINDFOR | Wind generation forecast (WINDFOR) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_windfor_stream_get | GET /datasets/WINDFOR/stream | Wind generation forecast (WINDFOR) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_yafm_get | GET /datasets/YAFM | Year Ahead Forecast Margin (YAFM / B0810) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_yafm_stream_get | GET /datasets/YAFM/stream | Year Ahead Forecast Margin (YAFM / B0810) stream |
DatasetsApi | datasets_yatl_get | GET /datasets/YATL | Year-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (YATL / B0650) |
DatasetsApi | datasets_yatl_stream_get | GET /datasets/YATL/stream | Year-Ahead Total Load Forecast Per Bidding Zone (YATL / B0650) stream |
DemandApi | demand_actual_total_get | GET /demand/actual/total | Actual total load (ATL/B0610) |
DemandApi | demand_get | GET /demand | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
DemandApi | demand_outturn_daily_get | GET /demand/outturn/daily | Initial National Demand outturn per day (INDOD) |
DemandApi | demand_outturn_daily_stream_get | GET /demand/outturn/daily/stream | Initial National Demand outturn per day (INDOD) stream |
DemandApi | demand_outturn_get | GET /demand/outturn | Initial National Demand outturn (INDO) |
DemandApi | demand_outturn_stream_get | GET /demand/outturn/stream | Initial National Demand outturn (INDO) stream |
DemandApi | demand_outturn_summary_get | GET /demand/outturn/summary | System demand summary (FUELINST) |
DemandApi | demand_peak_get | GET /demand/peak | Peak demand per day (ITSDO) |
DemandApi | demand_peak_indicative_get | GET /demand/peak/indicative | Indicative peak demand per day (S0142, ITSDO, FUELHH) |
DemandApi | demand_peak_indicative_operational_triad_season_get | GET /demand/peak/indicative/operational/{triadSeason} | Operational data demand peaks for a Triad season (ITSDO, FUELHH) |
DemandApi | demand_peak_indicative_settlement_triad_season_get | GET /demand/peak/indicative/settlement/{triadSeason} | Settlement data demand peaks for a Triad season (S0142) |
DemandApi | demand_peak_triad_get | GET /demand/peak/triad | Triad demand peaks (S0142, ITSDO, FUELHH) |
DemandApi | demand_rolling_system_demand_get | GET /demand/rollingSystemDemand | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
DemandApi | demand_stream_get | GET /demand/stream | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
DemandApi | demand_summary_get | GET /demand/summary | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
DemandApi | demand_total_actual_get | GET /demand/total/actual | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_daily_evolution_get | GET /forecast/demand/daily/evolution | Evolution of the fourteen-day demand forecast over time (NDFD, TSDFD) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_daily_get | GET /forecast/demand/daily | Fourteen day demand forecast (NDFD, TSDFD) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_daily_history_get | GET /forecast/demand/daily/history | History of the fourteen-day demand forecast (NDFD, TSDFD) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_earliest_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/earliest | Historic view of the earliest forecasted demand (NDF, TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_earliest_stream_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/earliest/stream | Historic view of the earliest forecasted demand (NDF, TSDF) stream |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_evolution_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/evolution | Evolution of the day-ahead demand forecast over time (NDF, TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead | Day-ahead demand forecast (NDF, TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_history_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/history | History of the day-ahead demand forecast (NDF, TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_latest_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/latest | Historic view of the latest forecasted demand (NDF, TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_latest_stream_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/latest/stream | Historic view of the latest forecasted demand (NDF, TSDF) stream |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_day_ahead_peak_get | GET /forecast/demand/day-ahead/peak | Peak forecasted demand per day (TSDF) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_total_day_ahead_get | GET /forecast/demand/total/day-ahead | Day-ahead total load forecast (DATL/B0620) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_total_week_ahead_get | GET /forecast/demand/total/week-ahead | Week-ahead total load forecast (WATL/B0630) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_total_week_ahead_latest_get | GET /forecast/demand/total/week-ahead/latest | Latest week-ahead total load forecast (WATL/B0630) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_weekly_evolution_get | GET /forecast/demand/weekly/evolution | Evolution of the one-year demand forecast over time (NDFW, TSDFW) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_weekly_get | GET /forecast/demand/weekly | One-year demand forecast (NDFW, TSDFW) |
DemandForecastApi | forecast_demand_weekly_history_get | GET /forecast/demand/weekly/history | History of the one-year demand forecast (NDFW, TSDFW) |
GenerationApi | generation_actual_per_type_day_total_get | GET /generation/actual/per-type/day-total | Current snapshot of actual generation by fuel type categories (AGPT/B1620) |
GenerationApi | generation_actual_per_type_get | GET /generation/actual/per-type | Historic actual generation automatically down-sampled (AGPT/B1620) |
GenerationApi | generation_actual_per_type_wind_and_solar_get | GET /generation/actual/per-type/wind-and-solar | Historic actual or estimated wind and solar power generation (AGWS/B1630) |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_current_get | GET /generation/outturn/current | Current snapshot of generation by fuel type categories (FUELINST, FUELHH) |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_fuelinsthhcur_get | GET /generation/outturn/FUELINSTHHCUR | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_get | GET /generation/outturn | Total generation outturn (FUELINST) |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_half_hourly_interconnector_get | GET /generation/outturn/halfHourlyInterconnector | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_interconnectors_get | GET /generation/outturn/interconnectors | Historic half-hourly interconnector flows (FUELINST) |
GenerationApi | generation_outturn_summary_get | GET /generation/outturn/summary | Historic generation automatically down-sampled (FUELINST) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_daily_evolution_get | GET /forecast/availability/daily/evolution | Evolution of the fourteen-day generation capacity forecast over time (FOU2T14D) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_daily_get | GET /forecast/availability/daily | Fourteen-day generation capacity forecast (FOU2T14D) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_daily_history_get | GET /forecast/availability/daily/history | History of the fourteen-day generation capacity forecast (FOU2T14D) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_summary14_d_get | GET /forecast/availability/summary/14D | Down-sampled fourteen-day generation forecast (FOU2T14D) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_summary3_yw_get | GET /forecast/availability/summary/3YW | Down-sampled three-year generation forecast (FOU2T3YW) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_weekly_evolution_get | GET /forecast/availability/weekly/evolution | Evolution of the three-year generation capacity forecast over time (FOU2T3YW) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_weekly_get | GET /forecast/availability/weekly | Three-year generation capacity forecast (FOU2T3YW) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_availability_weekly_history_get | GET /forecast/availability/weekly/history | History of the three-year generation capacity forecast (FOU2T3YW) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_day_ahead_get | GET /forecast/generation/day-ahead | Day-ahead aggregated generation (DAG/B1430) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_and_solar_day_ahead_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind-and-solar/day-ahead | Day-ahead generation forecast for wind and solar (DGWS/B1440) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_earliest_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/earliest | Historic view of the earliest forecasted wind generation (WINDFOR) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_earliest_stream_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/earliest/stream | Historic view of the earliest forecasted wind generation (WINDFOR) stream |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_evolution_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/evolution | Evolution of the wind generation forecast over time (WINDFOR) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind | Current wind generation forecast (WINDFOR) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_history_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/history | History of the wind generation forecast (WINDFOR) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_latest_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/latest | Historic view of the latest forecasted wind generation (WINDFOR) |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_latest_stream_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/latest/stream | Historic view of the latest forecasted wind generation (WINDFOR) stream |
GenerationForecastApi | forecast_generation_wind_peak_get | GET /forecast/generation/wind/peak | Peak wind generation forecast for each day (WINDFOR) |
HealthCheckApi | health_get | GET /health | Health check |
IndicatedForecastApi | forecast_indicated_day_ahead_evolution_get | GET /forecast/indicated/day-ahead/evolution | Evolution indicated day-ahead forecast (INDDEM, INDGEN, IMBALNGC, MELNGC) |
IndicatedForecastApi | forecast_indicated_day_ahead_get | GET /forecast/indicated/day-ahead | Latest indicated day-ahead forecast (INDDEM, INDGEN, IMBALNGC, MELNGC) |
IndicatedForecastApi | forecast_indicated_day_ahead_history_get | GET /forecast/indicated/day-ahead/history | Historical indicated day-ahead forecast (INDDEM, INDGEN, IMBALNGC, MELNGC) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_acceptance_volumes_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/acceptance/volumes/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate} | Acceptance volumes by settlement date (BOAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_acceptance_volumes_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/acceptance/volumes/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Acceptance volumes by settlement period (BOAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_acceptances_all_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/acceptances/all/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Historic acceptances by settlement period (ISPSTACK, BOALF, BOD) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_default_notices_get | GET /balancing/settlement/default-notices | Default notices (CDN) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_indicative_cashflows_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/indicative/cashflows/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate} | Indicative period BMU cashflows by settlement date (EBOCF) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_indicative_cashflows_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/indicative/cashflows/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Indicative period BMU cashflows by settlement period (EBOCF) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_indicative_volumes_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/indicative/volumes/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate} | Indicative volumes by settlement date (DISPTAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_indicative_volumes_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/indicative/volumes/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Indicative volumes by settlement period (DISPTAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_market_depth_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/market-depth/{settlementDate} | Market depth by settlement date (IMBALNGC, BOD, DISEBSP, DISPTAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_market_depth_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/market-depth/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Market depth by settlement period (IMBALNGC, BOD, DISEBSP, DISPTAV) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_messages_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/messages/{settlementDate} | Settlement messages by settlement date (SMSG) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_messages_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/messages/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Settlement messages by settlement date and period (SMSG) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_stack_all_bid_offer_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/stack/all/{bidOffer}/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Settlement bid-offer stacks by settlement period (ISPSTACK) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_summary_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/summary/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Settlement calculation summary (ISPSTACK, DISEBSP, MID, NETBSAD) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_system_prices_settlement_date_get | GET /balancing/settlement/system-prices/{settlementDate} | Settlement system prices by settlement date (DISEBSP) |
IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi | balancing_settlement_system_prices_settlement_date_settlement_period_get | GET /balancing/settlement/system-prices/{settlementDate}/{settlementPeriod} | Settlement system prices by settlement date and period (DISEBSP) |
LegacyApi | interop_message_detail_retrieval_get | GET /interop/MessageDetailRetrieval | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. Use /remit/* or /datasets/REMIT endpoints instead. |
LegacyApi | interop_message_list_retrieval_get | GET /interop/MessageListRetrieval | This endpoint is obsolete, and this location may be removed with no further notice. Use /remit/* or /datasets/REMIT endpoints instead. |
LossOfLoadProbabilityAndDeRatedMarginApi | lolpdrm_forecast_evolution_get | GET /lolpdrm/forecast/evolution | Loss of load probability and de-rated margin forecast (LOLPDRM) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_daily_evolution_get | GET /forecast/margin/daily/evolution | Evolution daily margin forecast (OCNMFD2) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_daily_get | GET /forecast/margin/daily | Daily margin forecast (OCNMFD2) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_daily_history_get | GET /forecast/margin/daily/history | Historical daily margin forecast (OCNMFD2) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_weekly_evolution_get | GET /forecast/margin/weekly/evolution | Evolution daily margin forecast (OCNMFW2, OCNMF3Y2) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_weekly_get | GET /forecast/margin/weekly | Weekly margin forecast (OCNMFW2, OCNMF3Y2) |
MarginForecastApi | forecast_margin_weekly_history_get | GET /forecast/margin/weekly/history | Historical weekly margin forecast (OCNMFW2, OCNMF3Y2) |
MarketIndexApi | balancing_pricing_market_index_get | GET /balancing/pricing/market-index | Market Index Data (MID) price time series |
NonBMSTORApi | balancing_nonbm_stor_events_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/stor/events | Non-BM STOR events (NONBM) |
NonBMSTORApi | balancing_nonbm_stor_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/stor | Non-BM STOR time series (NONBM) |
NonBMVolumesApi | balancing_nonbm_volumes_get | GET /balancing/nonbm/volumes | Balancing services volume (QAS) |
REMITApi | remit_get | GET /remit | Bulk fetch message details by IDs |
REMITApi | remit_list_by_event_get | GET /remit/list/by-event | List messages by event time |
REMITApi | remit_list_by_event_stream_get | GET /remit/list/by-event/stream | List messages by event time (stream) |
REMITApi | remit_list_by_publish_get | GET /remit/list/by-publish | List messages by publish time |
REMITApi | remit_list_by_publish_stream_get | GET /remit/list/by-publish/stream | List messages by publish time (stream) |
REMITApi | remit_message_id_get | GET /remit/{messageId} | Fetch message details by ID |
REMITApi | remit_revisions_get | GET /remit/revisions | List all message revisions |
REMITApi | remit_search_get | GET /remit/search | Fetch message details by mRID |
ReferenceApi | reference_bmunits_all_get | GET /reference/bmunits/all | BM Units |
ReferenceApi | reference_fueltypes_all_get | GET /reference/fueltypes/all | Fuel types |
ReferenceApi | reference_interconnectors_all_get | GET /reference/interconnectors/all | Interconnectors |
ReferenceApi | reference_remit_assets_all_get | GET /reference/remit/assets/all | Assets |
ReferenceApi | reference_remit_fueltypes_all_get | GET /reference/remit/fueltypes/all | REMIT fuel types |
ReferenceApi | reference_remit_participants_all_get | GET /reference/remit/participants/all | Participants |
RollingSystemDemandApi | generation_outturn_get | GET /generation/outturn | Total generation outturn (FUELINST) |
SOSOPricesApi | soso_prices_get | GET /soso/prices | SO-SO prices (SOSO) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_daily_evolution_get | GET /forecast/surplus/daily/evolution | Evolution daily surplus forecast (OCNMFD) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_daily_get | GET /forecast/surplus/daily | Daily surplus forecast (OCNMFD) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_daily_history_get | GET /forecast/surplus/daily/history | Historical daily surplus forecast (OCNMFD) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_weekly_evolution_get | GET /forecast/surplus/weekly/evolution | Evolution weekly surplus forecast (OCNMFW, OCNMF3Y) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_weekly_get | GET /forecast/surplus/weekly | Weekly surplus forecast (OCNMFW, OCNMF3Y) |
SurplusForecastApi | forecast_surplus_weekly_history_get | GET /forecast/surplus/weekly/history | Historical weekly surplus forecast (OCNMFW, OCNMF3Y) |
SystemApi | system_demand_control_instructions_get | GET /system/demand-control-instructions | Demand control instructions (DCI) |
SystemApi | system_frequency_get | GET /system/frequency | System frequency (FREQ) |
SystemApi | system_frequency_stream_get | GET /system/frequency/stream | System frequency (FREQ) stream |
SystemApi | system_warnings_get | GET /system/warnings | System warnings (SYSWARN) |
SystemForecastApi | forecast_system_loss_of_load_get | GET /forecast/system/loss-of-load | Loss of load probability and de-rated margin forecast (LOLPDRM) |
TemperatureApi | temperature_get | GET /temperature | Temperature data (TEMP) |