This is a comprehensive API that provides state and details as of the current day.
"StateCode": {
"delta": {
"confirmed": <deltaConfirmedForState>",
"deceased": <deltaDeceasedForState>",
"recovered": <deltaRecoveredForState>"
"districts": {
"District1": {
"confirmed": <deltaConfirmedForDistrict>",
"deceased": <deltaDeceasedForDistrict>",
"recovered": <deltaRecoveredForDistrict>"
"meta": {
"population": <districtPopulation>,
"tested": {
"last_updated": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"source": "uri",
"notes": "notesForDistrict"
"total": {
"confirmed": <cumulativeConfirmedNumberForDistrict>,
"deceased": <cumulativeDeceasedNumberForDistrict>,
"recovered": <cumulativeRecoveredNumberForDistrict>,
"tested": <cumulativeTestedNumberForDistrict>
"meta": {
"last_updated": "yyyy-mm-ddHH24:M:S+GMT",
"population": <statePopulation>,
"tested": {
"last_updated": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"source": "uri"
"notes": "notesForState"
"total": {
"confirmed": <cumulativeConfirmedNumberForState>,
"deceased": <cumulativeDeceasedNumberForState>,
"recovered": <cumulativeRecoveredNumberForState>,
"tested": <cumulativeConfirmedNumberForState>
- The API is an object with keys corresponding to the two letter StateCode for each state.
- Each State object has the following keys: districts, delta, meta and total. The districts object is a hash object where the keys represent individual districts in the state. The remaing three keys have the save behaviour across states and district objects. They are explained below:
- meta: This substructure provides the following details:
- last_updated: This tells when the current state/district value was updated.
- population: This gives the population of the state (based on NCP projections) and districts (based on 2011 census)
- tested: This has the source and last_updated values for the testing data of the current State/District.
- notes: This gives any special notes added at the State/District level.
- delta: This substructure contains the confirmed, deceased and recovered cases for the current day for the current State/District.
- total: This substructure contains the confirmed, deceased and recovered cases till today for the current State/District.
- This API has data that corresponds to the data seen on the website as of today. This includes, cumulative, delta and testing numbers across states and districts.
- The keys under delta, meta and total are present only if there is a corresponding value for the same. Example, if a specific district does not see any change in recovery numbers for today, the recovered key under delta for that district will not be present.