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File metadata and controls

163 lines (120 loc) · 7.1 KB
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Menu Control
The Windows Community Toolkit Menu control defines a top level menu for commands, options, properties and much more within your UWP apps.
windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp community toolkit, uwp toolkit, Menu, xaml, xaml control

Menu Control


This control will be removed in a future major release.

The Menu Control defines a menu of choices for users to invoke, it is inheriting from ItemsControl. The default ItemsPanel for the menu control is WrapPanel and it only supports MenuItem as an item\children.

The Menu Control positions it's items the way the WrapPanel does based on the selected orientation Virtical\Horizontal (Developers can change the control ItemsPanel). The Menu items must be of type MenuItem, each MenuItem can be opened using keyboard or pointer.

MenuItem is inheriting from ItemsControl and the allowed controls must be derived from MenuFlyoutItemBase like MenuFlyoutSubItem, MenuFlyoutItem, etc...

To invoke any command on any Menu, MenuItem or MenuFlyoutItem you must use property InputGestureText

If the tooltip is allowed on the Menu control when clicking Alt a tooltip with the input gesture text will show\hide.

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Try it in the sample app


    <controls:MenuItem Name="FileMenu"

        <MenuFlyoutSubItem Text="New">
            <MenuFlyoutItem controls:Menu.InputGestureText="Ctrl+Shift+N"
                Command="{StaticResource NewProject}"
                Text="Project" />

            <MenuFlyoutItem controls:Menu.InputGestureText="Ctrl+N"
                Command="{StaticResource NewFile}"
                Text="File" />

Sample Output

Menu Overview


Menu Properties

Property Type Description
FlyoutPlacement FlyoutPlacementMode Gets or sets the placement of the flyoutMenu (Auto, Top, Bottom, Left, Right and Full)
IsOpened bool Gets a value indicating whether the menu is opened or not
MenuFlyoutStyle Style Gets or sets the menu style for MenuItem
Orientation Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the Menu, Horizontal or vertical means that child controls will be added horizontally until the width of the panel can't fit more control then a new row is added to fit new horizontal added child controls, vertical means that child will be added vertically until the height of the panel is received then a new column is added
SelectedMenuItem MenuItem Gets the current selected menu header item
TooltipPlacement PlacementMode Gets or sets the tooltip placement on menu
TooltipStyle Style Gets or sets the tooltip styles for menu

External Properties

Property Type Description
AllowTooltip bool Specify whether to allow tooltip on Alt click or not
InputGestureText string Sets the text describing an input gesture that will call the command tied to the specified item or to open the MenuItem FlyoutMenu. ex (Alt+F)


InputGestureText supports Ctrl, Alt or Shift.

MenuItem Properties

Property Type Description
Header object Gets or sets the header of the MenuItem. if you added '^' before any header character this character will be highlighted on pressing or holding Alt, this feature is used to visualize which character can be used beside Alt to open this MenuItem.
HeaderTemplate DataTemplate Gets or sets the data template that is used to display the content of the MenuItem
IsOpened bool Gets a value indicating whether the menu is opened or not


Menu Methods

Methods Return Type Description
static GetAllowTooltip(Menu) bool Gets AllowTooltip attached property
static GetInputGestureText(FrameworkElement) string Gets InputGestureText attached property
static SetAllowTooltip(Menu, Boolean) void Sets AllowTooltip attached property
static SetInputGestureText(FrameworkElement, String) void Sets InputGestureText attached property

MenuItem Methods

Methods Return Type Description
HideMenu() void This method is used to hide the menu for current item
static ShowMenu() void This method is used to show the menu for current item


The following sample demonstrates how to add Menu Control.

<Page .... 

            <commands:NewProjectCommand x:Key="NewProject" />

            <controls:MenuItem Name="FileMenu" controls:Menu.InputGestureText="Alt+F" Header="File">
                <MenuFlyoutSubItem Text="New">
                    <MenuFlyoutItem controls:Menu.InputGestureText="Ctrl+Shift+N"
                                    Command="{StaticResource NewProject}" Text="Project" />
internal class NewProjectCommand : ICommand
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return true;

    public async void Execute(object parameter)
        var dialog = new MessageDialog("Create New Project");
        await dialog.ShowAsync();

    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;

Sample Project

Menu Sample Page Source. You can see this in action in the Windows Community Toolkit Sample App.

Default Template

Menu XAML File is the XAML template used in the toolkit for the default styling.


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls