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AnimationSet class
The AnimationSet class defines an object for storing and managing Storyboard and CompositionAnimations for an element
windows 10, uwp, windows community toolkit, uwp toolkit, animationset, animationset class


The AnimationSet class defines an object for storing and managing Storyboard and CompositionAnimations for an element. AnimationSet includes Blur, Fade, Light, Offset, Rotate, Saturation and Scale animations. AnimationSet animations is applied to all the XAML elements in its parent control/panel. AnimationSet animations doesn't affect the functionality of the control.


<Page ...

        <behaviors:Blur Value="10" Duration="2500" AutomaticallyStart="True"/>
        <behaviors:Scale ScaleX="2" ScaleY="2" Duration="2500" AutomaticallyStart="True"/>
        <!-- Others -->
var anim = MyUIElement.Light(5).Offset(offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100).Saturation(0.5).Scale(scaleX: 2, scaleY: 2);
Dim anim = MyUIElement.Light(5).Offset(offsetX:=100, offsetY:=100).Saturation(0.5).Scale(scaleX:=2, scaleY:=2)

Sample Output

AnimationSet animations


Property Type Description
Element UIElement Gets the UIElement
State AnimationSetState Gets the current state of the AnimationSet
UseComposition Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether composition must be use even on SDK > 10586
Visual Visual Gets the Visual object that backs the XAML element


You can change the way how the animation interpolates between keyframes by defining the EasingType.

EasingType Explanation Graphical Explanation
Default Creates an animation that accelerates with the default EasingType which is specified in AnimationExtensions.DefaultEasingType which is by default Cubic
Linear Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates linear
Back Retracts the motion of an animation slightly before it begins to animate in the path indicated BackEase
Bounce Creates a bouncing effect BounceEase
Circle Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates using a circular function CircleEase
Cubic Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t3 CubicEase
Elastic Creates an animation that resembles a spring oscillating back and forth until it comes to rest ElasticEase
Quadratic Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t2 QuadraticEase
Quartic Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t4 QuarticEase
Quintic Create an animation that accelerates or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t5 QuinticEase
Sine Creates an animation that accelerates or decelerates using a sine formula SineEase


Methods Description
AddCompositionAnimation(String, CompositionAnimation) Adds a composition animation to be run on StartAsync()
AddCompositionDirectPropertyChange(String, Object) Adds a composition property that will change instantaneously
AddCompositionEffectAnimation(CompositionObject, CompositionAnimation, String) Adds a composition effect animation to be run on backing Visual
AddStoryboardAnimation(String, Timeline) Adds a storyboard animation to be run
Dispose() Dispose resources
RemoveCompositionAnimation(String) Removes a composition animation from being run on Visual property
RemoveCompositionDirectPropertyChange(String) Removes a composition property change
SetDelay(Double) Ovewrites the delay time on all animations after last Then() to the specified value
SetDelay(TimeSpan) Ovewrites the delay time on all animations after last Then() to the specified value
SetDelayForAll(Double) Ovewrites the delay time on all animations to the specified value
SetDelayForAll(TimeSpan) Ovewrites the delay time on all animations to the specified value
SetDuration(Double) Ovewrites the duration on all animations after last Then() to the specified value
SetDuration(TimeSpan) Ovewrites the duration on all animations after last Then() to the specified value
SetDurationForAll(Double) Ovewrites the duration on all animations to the specified value
SetDurationForAll(TimeSpan) Ovewrites the duration on all animations to the specified value
Start() Starts all animations. This method is not awaitable.
StartAsync() Starts all animations and returns an awaitable task
Stop() Stops all animations
Then() Wait for existing animations to complete before running new animations


Events Description
Completed Occurs when all animations have completed


  • AnimationSet has endless possibility. Here is an example of creating popup effect

    Sample Code

    FrameworkElement preElement = null;
    private void MyUIElement_PointerEntered(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
        preElement = sender as FrameworkElement;
        preElement.Blur(value: 0).Fade(value: 1).Scale(centerX: 100, centerY: 100, easingType: EasingType.Sine)
    private void MyUIElement_PointerExited(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
        if (preElement != null)
            preElement.Blur(value: 0).Fade(value: 0.1f).Scale(scaleX: 0.5f, scaleY: 0.5f, centerX: 100, centerY: 100, easingType: EasingType.Sine)
    Private Sub MyUIElement_PointerEntered(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PointerRoutedEventArgs)
        preElement = TryCast(sender, FrameworkElement)
        preElement.Blur(value:=0).Fade(value:=1).Scale(centerX:=100, centerY:=100, easingType:=EasingType.Sine).SetDurationForAll(500).Start()
    End Sub
    Private Sub MyUIElement_PointerExited(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PointerRoutedEventArgs)
        If preElement IsNot Nothing Then
            preElement.Blur(value:=0).Fade(value:=0.1F).Scale(scaleX:=0.5F, scaleY:=0.5F, centerX:=100, centerY:=100, easingType:=EasingType.Sine).SetDurationForAll(500).Start()
        End If
    End Sub

    Sample Output

    Use Case 1 Output

  • Use Then() to create a successive animation

    Sample Code

    MyUIElement.Blur(value: 10).Fade(value: 0.5f)
               .Fade(value: 1).Scale(scaleX: 2, scaleY: 2, centerX: 100, centerY: 100, easingType: EasingType.Sine)
    MyUIElement.Blur(value:=10) _
               .Fade(value:=0.5F) _
               .[Then]() _
               .Fade(value:=1) _
               .Scale(scaleX:=2, scaleY:=2, centerX:=100, centerY:=100, easingType:=EasingType.Sine) _
               .SetDurationForAll(2500) _

    Sample Output

    Use Case 2 Output


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Animations
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Animations

