- The entire help is fully translated into Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro].
- Added additional conditions for filtering records by fields: new "contains/not contains" filters without a mask (case-sensitive), old ones renamed to "contains/not contains mask".
- Localizations updated: Afrikaans [Steyn van der Walt], Chinese Simplified [Jeff Li, learn1], Dutch [Annelotte], French [Guy Arbus], German [Christian Bettinger], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [mtsx68k], Kazakh [karatal], Spanish [Miguel A. Pérez Valdenebro], Turkish [Emre Gecher].
- Added a button to the location editing dialog for taking coordinates from the cursor on the map.
- Added protection for empty records (individual, notes and multimedia) in files from other programs.
- Added option in tree diagrams - use additional dates (baptism, burial) if the main ones (births, deaths) are missing.
- Added options in tree diagrams: text paddings, date designations and mourning edges.
- Added text effect options in tree diagrams (GKv2 only).
- Added an option to disable the search for places without coordinates in geocoders (general maps).
- Added the feature to display on maps all subordinate locations and persons of the selected hierarchy of locations.
- Added mode for displaying parents' ages in tree diagrams.
- Added an option to simplify the form of woman single surnames in extended mode (output without brackets if there are no other surnames).
- Added protection against problems with folders in Windows if the file name has a space before the extension.
- Added statistics type on parents' ages at child's birth.
- Fixed a frequent error saving images to cache "A generic error occurred in GDI+".
- Added the feature to save trees to PDF files.
- Supplemented citations (links) to repositories to support source call numbers.
- Added partial (local) views of record lists.
- Added output of portraits to pedigrees.
- Fixed clearing text in the source citation dropdown list [GKv3].
- Filtering and quick search methods have been combined.
- Localizations updated: Dutch [Annelotte], German [ChakaDragon, Christian Bettinger], Chinese Simplified [Jeff Li], Kazakh [karatal], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [mtsx68k].
- Added the feature to enter user's references in family, media, source and repository records.
- Added the option to include page numbers of sources in pedigrees.
- Added place analyzer/constructor to locations management tool.
- Added a section for links to subordinate locations in the location information panel.
- Added function for duplicating location records.
- The feature of selecting and exporting a separate list of records (notes, multimedia, locations) to a GEDCOM file has been added to the database splitting tool.
- Added saving of column width settings for all lists.
- Completed Spanish localization [Miguel Á. Pérez Valdenebro].
- Added remembering and the feature to select from a list of causes and agencies of events.
- Added an option to select list filtering methods (differences in speed).
- Added an option to display the full name in one line in trees, for countries with a short form of the full name (hieroglyphs).
- Added custom event types, the feature to turn off events and add custom ones.
- Added localizable names for tree borders.
- Fixed an issue where blood group fact values would get stuck after use and when a different fact type was subsequently selected.
- Added data checking option: search for notes and sources without links.
- Added a call to detailed information about sources and persons in the lists of citations to sources, children, parents and spouses (pop-up menu).
- Added display of multimedia and notes on the info-panel for events.
- Fixed multiple lines in the Author column of source citation lists (GKv3).
- Improved output of portraits from photos with DPI > 100 (GKv3).
- Added options for displaying tree diagrams: highlighting lines of a selected person, tracking (highlighting) lines of persons with matching sources.
- Localizations updated: Afrikaans [Steyn van der Walt], Dutch [Annelotte and Leo Krap], German [Christian Bettinger], Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], Japanese [Takashi Namba], Polish [burtek].
- Added normalization of Polish feminine forms of surnames to masculine ones (burtek).
- Improved saving of notes with text aligned with spaces.
- Improved output of portraits from photos with DPI > 100 in GKv3.
- Improved age calculation for some date combinations.
- Improved sorting of children when adding in trees to diagrams.
- Fixed cancellation of adding children in tree diagrams.
- Fixed black background of tree diagram in print preview (GKv3/Windows).
- Fixed type selection in the event dialog.
- Fixed an error in opening the download link for the new version.
- Added localization to Afrikaans language [Steyn van der Walt].
- Added call to detailed information about places in the place management tool (pop-up menu).
- Fixed loading of some jpeg images.
- Updated localizations: Hungarian [Kékesi Lajos], German [Christian Bettinger], Dutch [Annelotte], Japanese [難波鷹史] and Czech [Jerry Verner].
- Added the "Extended locations" option, which includes substitution of full place names depending on the date of events when using the historical ATD hierarchy.
- Added a tool for batch adding photos.
- Added support for multiple names and date periods in location records (GEDCOM 5.5 EL).
- Added a non-standard date attribute to source records (for clarifying and sorting censuses, parish books, confession books and personal documents).
- Fixed missing empty lines in notes.
- Fixed an error in attaching unknown (and webp) multimedia files.
- Added columns for signs of the presence of multimedia, notes and sources to the lists of events/facts.
- Added a call to quickly view information in the record selection dialog (list pop-up menu).
- Added a simple definition of the list of censuses in which persons from the database can be found (so far only for the Russian Empire 1718-1859).
- Fixed stability of setting the storage type when selecting a multimedia file.
- Restored the original mode for calculating age and lifetime, the dependence of age on the use of the Time Line plugin.
- Added the feature to add multiple people in the photo viewing window.
- Restored the possibility of empty value of residence facts.
- Added localization to Japanese [Takashi Namba (難波鷹史)].
- Fixed encoding detection when reading CSV files [Alex Zaytsev].
- Updated Hungarian, German and Icelandic localizations.
- Added display of person bookmarks in tree diagrams.
- Added localization into Dutch [Leo Krap].
- Added separate options for selecting the numbering of ascending and descending pedigrees.
- Added indistinct matching feature to record filtering.
- Added filter to manage places dialog.
- Added place substitution from the input field of the event editing dialog to the adding/selecting record dialog.
- Added sorting of languages by frequency of use in the dialog for editing personal names.
- Added options for using surnames and dates of birth of children in the parent selection dialog filter (or parents in the children selection filter).
- Added a check to add the person himself as a parent.
- Added report "Record card".
- Added the feature to copy the text of an record from the info panel.
- Fixed selection of background image file for tree diagram.
- Fixed file viewing in media edit dialog.
- Added conversion from _FSFTID (FamilSearch Family Tree ID) to RFN (from RootsMagic files).
- Fixed error sending mail in Linux.
- Fixed error opening media files with a space in the name in Linux.
- Fixed ancestor circle segment calculation error.
- Added the option to define adoption, common-law marriage, and half-siblings to the kinship analysis.
- Improved Polish localization [Waldemar Stoczkowski].
- Improved English localization [Alexander Zaytsev].
- Added partial (initial) localization into Belarusian.
- Improved French localization [Christophe Gadaud].
- German translation and proofreading completed [Christian Bettinger].
- Returned window management functions.
- Fixed a bug with changing date periods in the event editing dialog.
- Added the feature to hide spouses of descendants (tree diagram display modes).
- Added the feature to restore default values for each of the settings categories.
- Added tree diagrams option to fix the same width of cards.
- Added option to enable warnings about overwriting database files.
- Added search and replace modes for facts and associations in individual records.
- Added a definition for the Icelandic relationship of father/mother brother (uncle) and father/mother sister (aunt).
- Added display of citations of sources of events in the information panel.
- Added output of all associations from the database to Navigator.
- Name display options extended to more places.
- Added partial (initial) localizations into Portuguese and Spanish.
- Added partial localization into Icelandic [Stridmann].
- Improved Ukrainian localization [Stridmann].
- Added localization into Hungarian [Lajos Kékesi].
- Added partial localization into Serbian.
- Minor fixes to localization files.
- Fixed font selection in tree diagram options (GKv3).
- Missing text issue on very large tree diagrams with very small font (GKv3) is partially resolved.
- Added option (tree diagram window, mode menu) to display person IDs in trees (GKv2/3).
- Crash when saving very wide trees to bitmap files (GKv2/3) has been fixed.
- Fixed output and saving trees with background color or image to file (GKv2/3).
- Fixed display of the Russian language when executing scripts (GKv3).
- Adjusted line colors in trees (GKv2/3).
- Fixed display of notes in lists (GKv3).
- The display of portraits in the person edit dialog (GKv2) has been fixed.
- Added an option to remember the overall size of the records info panels.
- Added control and closing of dependent windows when the main one is closed.
- Fixed errors in displaying tree diagrams.
- GKv3 has disabled support for the built-in VLC-based media player until a better option is found.
- Added pop-up years calculator to event editing.
- Implemented assembly of GKv3 package for MacOS [Alex Zaytsev].
- Updated, cleaned up and ported to GKv3 all plugins except GEDmill.
- The first release of the 3rd cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) generation of GEDKeeper - GKv3 has been released. This version is for Linux only.
- Updated Czech translation of plugins [Jerry Verner].
- Fixed many minor bugs in GKv3/Linux.
- Help updated.
- The .NET Framework has been downgraded to version 4.7.1 to be compatible with some versions of Mono (Fedora, FreeBSD).
- Fixed error loading images that require scaling.
- Fixed many minor bugs and shortcomings in the Linux implementation [tested by Andrey Maltsev].
- Fixed bug with missing spaces in notes.
- Updated Czech translation [Jerry Verner].
- Added display of days remaining until birth anniversaries, multiples of 10 and 25 years.
- Added display of marker tooltips with place names and dates in maps.
- Removed restriction on date ranges without known years.
- Added optional multipage printing of charts.
- Added the option to send the result of calculating the year of events from the Calculator plugin to the event editing dialog.
- Added feature to write to CSV from Lua scripts.
- Added sorting of event types by frequency of use in the event editing dialog.
- Added remembering filters in the record selection dialog (filter applying is now on the Enter button).
- Added remembering the last selected person in tree diagrams, and restoring when no other person is selected.
- Added protection for the output of "extended woman surnames": if displaying only maiden or married surnames is selected, but there are none, then the surname that is available is displayed (especially for children).
- Improved calculation of ages by chronological difference of years.
- Fixed display of person names in lists and tree (always the first in the list if the filtering language is not selected in the Navigator).
- Added recognition in files of non-standard designations of months in Russian, Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
- Added output of links to external resources by RFN tag.
- Fixed marriage surname and nickname reset when changing secondary structures of a person.
- Added remembering folders for saving scripts, images and reports.
- Added option to shorten date ranges in years only mode in tree charts.
- Removed plugins GKFoldersPlugin, GKImageViewerPlugin, GKTreeVizPlugin.
- The .NET Framework has been updated to version 4.7.2.
- "Data Quality" plugin has been merged with the "Check сonnection of families" tool.
- Added option to search and filter by all names.
- Program language cultures linked to system cultures for improved string sorting.
- Added handling hyperlinks in fact values.
- Removed experimental prototype of the terminal (console) implementation of the program.
- Removed sample plugin.
- Added support (recognition) of multimedia formats doc(x), xls(x), ppt(x), odt, ods, odp, djvu, zip, rar, 7z.
- The .NET Framework has been updated to version 4.6.2.
- Fixed many bugs.
- Added settings files for each of the supported language cultures.
- Added the ability to build a tree from a selected family record.
- The control of the maximum number of persons in the tree has been changed, taking into account the number of generations specified in the options.
- Fixed bugs loading places in maps.
- Added option to display special notes to persons in the tree (user references).
- Added option to switch the order of surnames in the tree.
- Export to Excel has been redesigned to export directly the contents of any list of records; added export to CSV format; function renamed to "Export table".
- Updated processing of Lua scripts; added operation to set
flag for multimedia links. - Fixed bug with exporting statistics to Excel.
- Added support for themes; font options can be set in themes and alternative icons of interface elements.
- The .NET Framework has been updated to version 4.5.2.
- The "Calendar" plugin completely redesigned into a date converter.
- Added feature "Find and Replace".
- Fixed inconsistent display of names between list of persons and the information panel.
- Added output of event sources to the pedigree report.
- Improved support for portrait photos when importing files from FTB.
- Added option to highlight inaccessible media files.
- Added new diagnostic: detection of persons without any places.
- Added "Open in new window" function in tree chart.
- Added a new ancestry statistics report.
- Added automatic photo orientation correction.
- Updated German localization [Flexmaen].
- Fixed output of multimedia files in the GEDmill website generator.
- Fixed entering dates in regional formats.
- Added fan chart mode to ancestor circle chart.
- Added options to enable extended tree mode and maximize chart windows.
- Added an extended mode for displaying trees - with the ancestors of the spouses of the central person.
- Added output method and a file with useful tips for working with the program.
- Added options for advanced users: enable extended notes and disable saving "rich" names in GEDCOM files.
- Added option to save portraits inline in SVG files (or external files).
- Added output of portraits in SVG export files of tree diagrams.
- Fixed display error of some relationships [se-sss].
- Changed the display of several families of parents in the information panel.
- Added diagnostics for several families of parents in personal records.
- Added option to turn off extra tree chart controls.
- Added copy/paste operations in the list of associations.
- Improved merging of group and repository records, added copy/paste citations to repositories.
- Added functions of repair broken/partial links.
- Added new diagnostic for broken/partial links between persons and families.
- Added output of notes of events/facts in pedigrees.
- Added copy/paste operations in the lists of events (persons and families) and citations to sources.
- Added selection of person portrait areas for any number of arbitrary image files.
- Fixed bug with displaying portrait areas in collective photos.
- Improved relationship calculator.
- Switching previously used filters has been added to the Navigator plugin.
- Updated Czech translation [Jerry Verner].
- Added option to display localized signatures for calendars in dates.
- Added extended file backup plugin.
- Added an option to select the сertainty assessment algorithm.
- Improved and included in the distribution plugin Navigator.
- Added the feature to switch languages for display names in the Navigator plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the database splitting tool.
- Fixed support for negative coordinates in FTB files.
- Added option to display surnames in capital letters.
- Fixed error resetting name in person edit dialog when adding father/mother.
- Fixed double display of the surname in the person page in the generated site.
- Fixed an error in determining the kinship of cousins.
- Added the feature to display age in a person's card in the tree.
- Fixed a bug with displaying dialogs relative to the main window.
- Fixed issue with typing Return in note editor.
- Fixed declension of partial names in birthday message.
- Fixed a bug with calling the log and help in Linux.
- Fixed display of parents' names in person and family dialogs.
- Improved safely remove or fix media records with missing files.
- Fixed maximum text length limit in note editor.
- Fixed display of custom names of generalized events and facts.
- Added a tab and an editable list of children directly in the person's dialog.
- Added website generator plugin (GEDmill).
- Added an option to turn off minimizing the width of tree diagrams.
- Added the function to jump to the primary branch from the duplicate one in tree diagrams.
- Fixed display of divorce color in descendant trees.
- Fixed the work of the tool for splitting databases.
- Added option to display only localities when displaying places in tree diagrams.
- Removed locking the display of places with the "Years only" option in tree diagrams.
- Fixed a fail in the initialization of the regional culture object, the settings did not open.
- Added partial Kazakh localization [Erik].
- Polish localization proofreading [Waldemar Stoczkowski].
- Improved support for Linux Fedora packages.
- Added initial support for Linux Manjaro packages.
- Introduced the display of the borders of the tree diagram.
- Fixed a bug with filtering by locations, groups and sources.
- Added option to display names in reverse order - first name at the beginning, surname at the end.
- Fixed a bug in the work of events when creating an empty file, before loading any GEDCOM files.
- Added an option for short form of kinship in the relationship calculator and tree diagrams.
- Fixed full activation and data filling when calling plugins.
- Fixed getter and setter of items in comboboxes of calendars and interface language.
- Proofreading of Ukrainian localization [Oleksiy Diedush].
- Added a sample of Taras Shevchenko's genealogy [Oleksiy Diedush].
- Fixed focus issue in lists.
- Fixed extracting patronymic from complex name [Alex Zaytsev].
- Added ability to assign multiple places at once in the places manager [Alex Zaytsev].
- Optimized data model to save memory [Alex Zaytsev] (new achievement: 635 mb file (2.674.481 records) loaded in 3:46 minutes).
- Added option for separate depth of ancestors and descendants in tree diagrams [Milan Kosina].
- Added option to restrict geo-search by country.
- Added option to bold names in tree diagrams.
- To the record list added a context menu to merge selected items.
- In the tool for verification of database added: dialog of details, quick transition to a record and copying XRef to clipboard.
- In the tool for analyzing connectivity/fragmentation of data, added: display of an identifier, a dialog of details and a quick transition to a person record.
- Implemented support for years between 32 BC and 32 AD [Alex Zaytsev].
- Fixed slow display of large notes with html markup inside.
- Added some links to open data [Alex Zaytsev].
- Fixed a bug in the language editing dialog [Alex Zaytsev].
- Fixed drawing horizontal lines to adopted child in descendants diagram [Alex Zaytsev].
- Fixed bug with Hungarian date format for event editing dialog.
- Fixed pre-populating names for new records [Alex Zaytsev].
- Fixed patronymic editing according to the language of the name [Alex Zaytsev].
- Improved import of GEDCOM format from Ages files in terms of determining adopted children.
- Added optional feature to display dates and places in separate lines in tree diagrams.
- Fixed line break error in the information panel.
- Added feature of downloading and viewing multimedia via http links.
- Added transition to record of selected person from tree diagram.
- Added display of scale in the status bar of tree diagrams.
- Added three new reports: places, sources and repositories.
- Added experimental support for the Family.Show file format.
- Improved support of Geni file loading.
- Fixed a logical error in the default records filtering method.
- Optimized data model to save memory when loading large files (over 100 MB).
- Updated German translation [Patrik Studer].
- FreeBSD port developed [Alexey Dokuchaev].
- Improved import from WikiTree.
- Updated Czech translation [Jerry Verner].
- Added the feature to interrupt some long-running functions.
- Temporary fix for maps output (OSM replaced with GoogleMaps).
- Fixed work of geocoders.
- Added option for dotted lines of adopted children in the diagrams.
- Editing dates in dialogs adapted to regional formats.
- Added optional warnings for closing editing dialogs with unsaved changes.
- Added configurable DepthLimit for complete tree [Milan Kosina].
- Optimized regex searching in "Selecting record" form.
- Fixed bug of second first names displayed in a readonly 'Patronymic' field.
- Added option to automatically correct the first capital letter in the names.
- Fixed bug when adding spouse to existing person.
- Improved import from Geni (tag _MARNM).
- Fixed bug during importing data from "MyHeritage Family Tree Builder" [Milan Kosina].
- Fix inconsistent error message when loading GedML file [Walter Rawley].
- Added display of marriage dates of parents in tree diagrams.
- Added call quick information about the person in the tree diagrams.
- Implements maximum number of backups for each revision backup [Milan Kosina].
- Implemented moving notes up and down [Milan Kosina].
- Implemented line wrapping in the HyperView of information panel.
- Added check for file existence when creating multimedia records.
- Added verification of the database for multimedia records (lack of files, archives, storages).
- Added support for relative paths to media files [Milan Kosina].
- Fixed the choice of the type of file storage in the multimedia dialog.
- Implemented the removal of multimedia files when deleting their records.
- Fixed event output if an additional event type is not specified.
- Fixed renaming and deleting of location records.
- Fixed merging family and individual records, transition buttons in editing dialogs, button images.
- Fixed editing dates of events with periods.
- Added new diagnostics for data verification: for families without spouses and/or children [Kevin D. Sandal].
- Added hotkey for saving files from tree diagrams.
- Fixed support for formats with zero IDs of records.
- Fixed opening files and OSM geocoder operation.
- Cleaning and optimization, improved support for two third-party GEDCOM formats.
- Fixed the script of the portable package.
- Fixed the work of the "Compare databases" tool.
- Fixed external viewing of PDF files (and other not supported by the embedded viewer).
- Proofreading of the English manual [Kevin D. Sandal].
- Implemented preliminary support for GedML format.
- Fixed pedigrees localization.
- Fixed Calendar plugin.
- Fixed overlapping of neighboring persons in tree diagrams.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of interpretable dates from Ahnenblatt.
- Fixed missing substructures in media records from extraneous files.
- Fixed convert links to sources in source records .
- Fixed convert media links to media records, and convert non-standard x-references.
- Fixed reading standard coordinates of the place.
- Minor improvement of circle chart.
- Improved support for several GEDCOM file formats.
- Fix of sorting the columns of some tables.
- Fix of long-distance displacement of male nodes (tree chart) in the presence of more than one marriage and a large tree of descendants from the first wife.
- Improved date input in the event dialog with regional format settings.
- Bugfixes for FlowInput plugin.
- Added the possibility to create and connect plugins to replace record's edit dialogs.
- Restored loading recent files.
- Created a new plugin for managing "folders" in GEDCOM files (to separate work areas in large files).
- Added option to automatically detect charset of GEDCOM files at load.
- Fixed execution of Lua scripts.
- Reduced memory consumption when loading large files (25-42%).
- Optimized a number of functions, allowing to significantly increase the speed of loading and processing large files (from 30 thousand records to very large files - 91mb, 538 thousand records, load time 25 seconds!).
- Added control unit for several families of parents and for the type of child/parent linkage (adoption, foster, etc.).
- Improved handling of parts of names.
- Added option to disable checking for a valid tree size (in most cases, checking is outdated, but can sometimes be useful).
- Added saving and restoring selected sorting columns in tables.
- Added the feature to disable the sorting of children and enable sorting of spouses for family's records.
- Added the feature to select colors for persons in tree charts.
- Created the Czech translation [Michal Novák].
- Added GKTray application (birthdays reminder and recent files manager).
- Added detection of data loops.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Added new validations of data.
- Fixed the bug with adding/removing portraits of persons.
- Returned the status bar to the chart's windows and added information about the size of the image.
- Fixed bug of loading FTBv6 files with the encoding Win1251 (ANSI + Rus).
- Improved collapsing tree branches.
- Fixed several minor bugs and simplified development projects.
- Finalized and included the generator of the Tree Album.
- Added the option of circle charts: arc text on/off.
- Added options for tree charts: margins, intervals between branches and intervals between generations.
- Added options for tree charts: hide unknown spouses and show birth and death places.
- Restored the work of the maps module.
- Implemented portable mode of the program.
- Fixed the bug of reading standard GEDCOM notes.
- Implemented the saving of circle charts in SVG.
- Fixed bug in the tree's chart with folding of branches.
- Fixed bug in the plugin "History Data".
- Fixed bug in the plugin "Data quality".
- Added option "Automatically check for updates".
- Fixed bug of loading of files "Agelong Tree" with incorrect encoding ANSEL.
- Fixed a crash in checking for new versions in WinXP.
- Added the folding of tree branches.
- The generator "Family Book" has been revised.
- Added option of displaying dates of marriages in tree diagrams.
- Added the inverted tree mode (ancestors at the bottom, descendants at the top).
- Added control keys for the number of generations displayed in circle charts.
- Fixed drawing of background of circle charts when outputting to a file.
- Fixed working of option "Hide empty segments" in circle charts.
- Added reports "Phonetics" and "Contemporaries".
- Created the first reporting plugin (reports "Frequency of names" and "Personal events").
- Created the subsystem of external reporting plugins.
- Fixed auto-scrolling of tree diagram when clicking on personal record.
- Added an examples of the databases "The Human Origins" (rus, lat) and "Ancient Kingdoms" (rus).
- Added a new plugin "History Data (links)".
- Added support for editing names in different languages.
- Added support for saving a snapshot of a tree in SVG format.
- Rpm-packages for Fedora / Rosa Linux are added.
- Added a new geocoder (OSM).
- Added a new plugin "Data Quality".
- Added possibility of highlighting portraits on general photos.
- Restored supporting of Ansel GEDCOM encoding.
- Fixed minor translation errors.
- Added a new plugin "WordsCloud".
- Fixed the problem of extra lines in family records while saving GEDCOM files, which led to import problems in other programs.
- Created the Chinese translation [Cui Jianquan (崔建全)].
- Created the German translation [Gleb Buzhinsky].
- The way in the interface for working with multiple files is changed from MDI to SDI (preparation for the future full porting).
- Considerable redesign of the program architecture.
- Created the Italian translation of the program [Amalia Boffa].
- Various minor improvements.
- Fixed error sending error log in Ubuntu 1604 LTS (Unity).
- Added a new plugin "Chronicle of events".
- Fixed saving of column widths in the list of individual records.
- Improved checking and excluding the second instance of the program.
- Improved operation of the record lists and processing of the columns.
- Implemented the formatting of text notes.
- Automatic replacement of direct links paths to multimedia files when using the program simultaneously between two operating systems (Windows / Linux); you need to manually edit the file of paths.
- Implemented display of progression when adding very large media files.
- Implemented option to disable the ability to add multimedia files with direct links.
- Replacement of absolute paths to multimedia files is realized when using the program and databases between Windows and Linux (for advanced users).
- Fixed the cache of portraits in case of two links to one photo.
- Added French localization (thanks to Diana Shilnikova).
- Added images cache for portraits. This improves tree chart performance with large number of attached portraits.
- Partially fixed the issue with access to media files when user switches between two different operating systems - Linux and Microsoft Windows (the issue was fixed only for relative paths).
- GEDKeeper is ready to introduce tips with national holidays.
- Updated photo displaying in the media viewer.
- Optimized the lists and added sorting arrow icons.
- Implemented VLC-based internal media player (VLC must be installed separately).
- Added a new warning (and option to disable the warning) when user adds a media file from removable disk.
- Added a new option to disable reopening of the most recent opened databases on the program startup.
- Included YAML-parser implementation to process external databases and configurations.
- Added ability to print a circle chart with print preview available.
- Improved charts rendering, zooming, scrolling and navigation inside circle and tree charts [@ruslangaripov].
- Added new control to manage number of visible generations in a tree chart.
- Improved the popup control for tree chart zooming [@ruslangaripov].
- Fixed HOME directory processing error occurred after new operating system has been installed (both Linux and Microsoft Windows).
- Added generating and exporting of a new document type - "Album of Trees".
- "GEDKeeper GUI localization manual" was updated and translated to English [@ruslangaripov].
- GUI improved within tree editor, person portraits management and setting up default portraits showing in the tree [@g10101k].
- Made small improvements and optimizations.
- Considered more national language features aware of name processing.
- Added a geocoding engine (Yandex) and their choice in the options (Google/Yandex).
- Restored search for locations in the editor of locations and window of maps (GoogleAPI).
- Added language selection in the properties of the GEDCOM file.
- Save files in any encoding except UTF-8 are deprecated and disabled.
- Added check for updates on the website sourceforge.net.
- Added localization for Polish (Jacek).
- Fixed problems with European encodings of GEDCOM files.
- Small adaptation of import from the Ahnenblatt.
- Allow to process and edit maiden and married last names of women. Add several printing formats for such names.
- Improve culture-specific and culture-independent processing of names. Prepare a framework to attach languages to names and store this in a database.
- Create auto-update application sample.
- Combine GUI dialogs "Adding person" and "Edit person".
- Add new types of facts: blood group, hair color and eyes color.
- Add demo databases for the Bach and Nehru–Gandhi families.
- Add demo databases for mitochondrial and Y-chromosome gaplogroups (for ones who are keen on molecular genealogy).
- To improve modifications safety, GEDKeeper locks a record while user is changing it.
- Implement modifications canceling after changes have been made in editing GUI dialogs.
- Fix application behavior after clicking buttons that change parents or parents’ families while user is changing a person in the GUI editor.
- Improve supporting of multi-monitor configurations [@ruslangaripov].
- Made a static analysis of the source code – fix over 60 possible defects and errors.
- Fix many small issues and improve overall application stability.
- Fix some errors.
- Add coding style guide.
- Use Russian name declination in birthday notifications and calculator of relation degree.
- Improve birthday notifications displaying [@ruslangaripov].
- Fix behavior of child MDI (database) windows.
- Improve calculation of UDN and dates sorting when mixing calendar types [@ruslangaripov].
- Improve English localization [@ruslangaripov].
- Add calculator of relation degree.
- Correct English localization of the user interface [@ruslangaripov].
- Add preliminary version of demonstration database for USA users (President).
- Refine and optimize the source code, fix some errors. GEDKeeper successfully passed a stress test processing a database with more than 60,000 people.
- Change default interface language to English to improve further internationalization of GEDKeeper.
- Move the question with calendars to a completion state.
- Begin unification of a part of the source code that handles locale-specific processing of people names.
- Add demonstration database for Russian users (Pushkin's family).
- Add prototype of the new plug-in: "Navigator".
- Clean and optimize code.
- Included are a selection of the interface language at first run after installation.
- Implemented selection of portraits from photos.
- Added a diagram of the circle of descendants.
- Improved options of the circle of ancestors.
- Added generation of ascending pedigrees (ancestors).
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Added periodic autosave.
- In the installer for Windows added support for switching languages.
- Added backup of files before saving.
- Fixed display of links in location information.
- Added English localization of help [@ruslangaripov].
- Export pedigrees to RTF.
- Add package for distribution on Debian/Ubuntu Linux.
- Add Mono-supporting (Linux).
- Add new unique framework for unified encoding and sorting dates in any calendar, with any precision [@ruslangaripov].
- Restore html-pedigree generation to be compatible with Linux.
- Simplify help content down to html only to improve Linux compatible (help content has no CHM files).
- Add a function to duplicate person entries (for cases when you need to share data between two entire namesakes).
- Add context menu to tables in the main work window.
- Show calendar label for a date.
- Remove supporting of Ansel GEDCOM encoding.
- Add ability to edit several names of one person.
- Add new statistics: demography, death-rate estimation for men and women on each five years of age.
- Fix incorrect tree output happened in some modes.
- Improve personal records merger.
- Fix notes filtering, when adding into other records.
- Fix small error on displaying person's associations.
- Improve plug-in for 3D rendering of tree, but there is a lot more work to do (need a collaborator get used to 3D and dynamic transformation programming).
- Implement many small fixes and code improvements (speed, safety and stability).
- Remake pedigree import.
- Update pedigree import plug-in; it works again.
- Restore Word and Excel documents loading in pedigree import plug-in.
- Improve "Ancestors circle" diagram, add ancestors list analysis mode.
- Improve scrolling of text summaries and tree diagrams.
- Add slide show used for all images.
- Fix sorting by age and duration of life columns.
- Add export to Excel function to the statistics block.
- Improve sorting on columns in all lists of GEDKeeper.
- Complete storing and loading encrypted files.
- Increase size of help content appreciably.
- Optimize sorting of main lists with records.
- Remove flickering when scrolling main lists with records.
- Print tree diagrams with preview.
- Fix dates handling in filter dialog.
- Completely re-implement dates processing when sorting on columns of main lists (sorting now is aware of relative dates; dates rendering is completely separated from dates processing and sorting).
- Optimize file loading.
- Remove text flickering when output text in record summaries.
- Add an experiment: storing and loading encrypted files (it is unable to use it on regular basis - there is no complete specification for encrypted file format).
- Update English and Ukrainian localizations.
- Improve locking against modifying of person records and families using privacy/protection property.
- Optimize filtering by name of a person record.
- Fix privacy switch for persons and families.
- Improve handling of reopening the same database.
- Fix opening multiple program instances.
- Improve test coverage for GEDCOM code infrastructure up to 70% (this allows us to get and fix some new errors introduced by new code, before we will make a release).
- Fix navigation in tree diagrams ("Previous record" and "Next record" buttons).
- Add four new types of user-defined reference for religion: Islam, Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Old Belief.
- Completely re-implement algorithms in "Ancestors circle" diagram; the plug-in was removed and its code was merged into the main code base.
- Fix statistics window when changing GUI language.
- Fix opening of the scripts window.
- Improve the "Life" plug-in.
- Fix drawing in the "Life" plug-in.
- Improve GUI: toolbars in the database main window and in the tree diagrams window have the same buttons for filtering and navigation ("Previous record" and "Next record" buttons)
- Increase size of help content appreciably.
- Add new type of user-defined: "Repressed".
- Add new statistics: men distribution by month of birth.
- Improve family book generation.
- Add quick search to search by name in database main window.
- Implement many code optimizations; code refactoring.
- Add authenticity index estimation and indices distribution diagram into the statistics.
- Add new option to tree editor: user can toggle estimated authenticity indices visibility (indices are estimated basing on confidence factor of information sources).
- Save columns width in the persons list between application sessions. Optimize column options.
- Calculate statistics for filtered entries set when filter is enabled.
- Add persons search in tree editor by matching a part of name.
- Fix ordering of persons list when generate pedigrees.
- Improve tree editor rendering; add scrolling smoothness.
- Improve navigation in tree editor; improve code performance.
- Implement small improvements in tree editor.
- Fix small errors; code refactoring and optimizations.
- Add new plug-in to view images in a window sibling peered to database window. (this, for example, allows to view scanned image of a census and add data simultaneously, without having resort to third party image viewers).
- Move "Ancestors circle" diagram into an optional plug-in.
- Restore optional "Life" plug-in - a game to relax a little bit.
- Fix changing e-mails, web sites and phone numbers in addresses.
- Switch to 'semver' versioning. There is no more build number in version, only: major.minor.patch.
- Fix small errors.
- Improve extensions API for plug-ins. Four code blocks were moved out from program to plug-ins.
- Implement emergency save - save user data when application get crashed.
- Improve multimedia content viewing.
- Improve diagram functions and controlling.
- Change output of pedigree generation from HTML to PDF.
- Complete new filters framework on all lists.
- Add prototype of API for extensions (plug-ins).
- Add diagram for viewing patriarchs and their interrelations ("Service\Tools").
- Add ability to show nicknames in tree diagrams.
- Improve editing of events and materials.
- Optimize program kernel; pass main tests.
- Fix large number of errors and defects.
- Fix an issue with code pages on export to Excel.
- Improve large database loading (speed up up to 20-30%).
- Remove databases merger by synchronization (it is a dead-end siding).
- Remove export to Web (it lacks of prospects).
- Remove Undo/Redo history (it is useless).
- Add ability to change foreground and background colors on trees.
- Fix small errors and defects.
- Replace names fuzzy search in duplicates finding with much faster implementation.
- Add prototype for exporting data to PDF.
- Add new diagram: "Ancestors circle".
- Improve UAC compatibility.
- Fix checking format of input files.
- Add ability to send application log with e-mail.
- Simplify handling of multimedia-storage and multimedia-archive.
- Improve processing of multimedia content.
- Fix errors and defects.
- Improve files opening speed, processing and statistics calculation.
- Improve lists sorting (up to 75%).
- Improve lists speed on large databases.
- Add search for duplicating families.
- Add new material type: "DNA marker".
- Improve database checking tool.
- Complete full-text search.
- Add full-text search pre-release.
- Restore maps, statistics, network and archive support.
- Optimize and refactor the code.
- Clean up the code from porting footprints.
- Complete code porting to a new platform and language.
- Complete porting to C#.
- Remove rest of VCL code.
- Complete GUI porting to Windows Forms.
- Discontinue support for PedigreeGen project.
- Start porting to .NET framework.
- Fix defects and optimize.
- Add person photos and shows it in the tree.
- Support changeable languages for GUI.
- Add English localization.
- Add Ukrainian localizations.
- Add ability to save current workspace.
- Fix multimedia processing.
- Add calendar to the names reference book.
- Add new tree type: combined tree with ancestors and descendants.
- Implement new help system.
- Optimize tree generation.
- Add new improved filters on tree diagrams.
- Improve and optimize tree diagram generation.
- Fix errors from the previous release.
- Add complementary export to Excel.
- Optimize file loading (speed up up to 7%) and lists filtering (speed up up to 8%).
- Fix small defects in design and functions.
- Output locations on map for selected person: add ordering by date.
- Improve lists sorting (up to 50% faster on large data).
- Fix making screenshots on scaled trees.
- Fix rendering of multimedia content.
- Fix and optimize the code.
- Add Lua scripting support; this makes GEDKeeper more flexible and extensible. Add help content pre-release.
- Remake trees output engine. It now supports generation and rendering of superdimensioned trees while wasting minimal amount of memory resources.
- Add persons filtering by materials' content.
- Add font settings in to tree generation.
- Add support for stream data input from register of births and audit tales (beta pre-release).
- Add support for exporting large images of trees into EMF files.
- Improve events dialog - user can specify calendar for dates.
- Improve statistics calculation speed.
- Add new tests for database checking.
- Improve supporting MyHeritage GEDCOM loading.
- Improve and enable for users: a function to determine relation degree in trees.
- Optimize work with very large lists (thousands of personal records).
- Add ability to edit a tree with GUI (preliminary implementation).
- Add organizer (addresses, phone numbers, mails).
- Import from databases that are ADO compatible (MDB, CSV).
- Add locations management.
- Add database checking to verify conformity of name and sex (required when importing large data arrays from exterior sources).
- Add new option for tree generation: show only years of life.
- Add options for person highlighting in lists: persons having no parents or families.
- Add bookmarks.
- Improve duplicates finder and data filters.
- Improve pedigree generation.
- Optimize tools for databases splitting and merger.
- Improve pedigree import from TXT, DOC and XLS sources.
- Improve maps supporting and add mini-map in locations finder.
- Add new diagram option to exclude children that did not reach childbearing age (this can reduce size of large trees).
- Extend nickname showing (the column may be disabled).
- Add locations filter.
- Add diagrams into statistics.
- Add search of patriarchs to the toolset.
- Improve "Time line" mode.
- Modify and improve an algorithm used to save a file.
- Improve Web exporting.
- Modify maps generation: it now considers current filters.
- Improve user interface.
- Improve creation of conventional pedigrees (UIRO format).
- Implement "Window of time" block.
- Add new type of individual materials.
- Improve compatibility with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
- Add "Endless calendar".
- Add names reference book.
- Add expressions calculator.
- Optimize rendering and filtering of lists.
- Optimize maps creation.
- Fix adding and saving addresses.
- Add preliminary implementation of "trusted" synchronization of databases.
- Improve lists' information panel.
- Improve delete operation.
- Improve pedigrees import from Excel.
- Add user-defined references.
- Fix large amount of errors.
- Add groups to research.
- Add access restriction to confidential data.
- Add simple scaling of a tree image.
- Add choose of output format for pedigree generation; modify the generation partially according to formats.
- Improve speed of duplicates finding.
- Add hints.
- Improve filtering.
- Optimize lists.
- Improve Excel export.
- Fix some small errors.
- Increase number of columns in the persons list; improve adjustment.
- Add FAQ.
- Fix many errors.
- Save variants of relations in associations.
- Improve user interface.
- Fix lists of references from people and family facts to locations.
- Fix task list and correspondence list in researches.
- Add namesake list to information about a person.
- Fix some errors: processing event year number in statistics and list updating.
- Improve "Add location" dialog (name copying).
- Fix pedigree import: extent numeration recognition.
- Add Undo/Redo basis.
- Improve performance of lists updating.
- Remake navigation.
- Fix errors and defects.
- Fix and improve web-trees generation.
- Fix web-export.
- Add quick filter.
- Add quality rating for quotes taken from a source.
- Fix researches, tasks and correspondence interface.
- Add new object: locations.
- Implement basis for new objects: research, task and correspondence.
- Fix saving proxy settings into the settings file.
- Fix large amount of errors and defects.
- Support archives and storages of multimedia content.
- Add support of multiple document interface (MDI).
- Add preliminary support of multimedia content.
- Refactor and optimize large amount of code; fix small defects.
- Support archives according to the standard.
- Add tree navigation.
- Complete import of text pedigrees.
- Improve pedigree import.
- Fix errors and defects.
- Improve source quotation.
- Save filters by name and modified files.
- Improve user interface.
- Optimize updating of lists.
- Develop new navigation style.
- Refactor source code.
- Improve handling of events and attributes.
- Fix code defects.
- Add new navigation functions.
- Add six new non-standard tags: "hobby", "award", "military service", "drafted", "demobilized", "rank".
- Redesign the entire application.
- Improve output of descending trees.
- Fix generation of descending trees.
- Redesign project architecture.
- Fix errors.
- Improve help content and installer.
- Change project tree.
- Fix some source code defects.
- Optimize performance.
- Refactor list update and filtering.
- Add fuzzy comparison with dates checking into duplicates finder.
- Fix output of sources in pedigree generation.
- Show numbers of generations in pedigrees as Roman numerals.
- Fix small defects.
- Add Google maps supporting.
- Fix errors and defects.
- Fix errors.
- Improve files comparison.
- Improve design.
- Improve filtering and user interface.
- Modify editor of persons, families, groups and their relationships.
- Refactor editor code.
- Add support for groups.
- Improve adding and modifying records.
- Improve Web export.
- Refactor code and resources. Optimize and cut down lines of further development.
- Improve cognate linkers and diagrams finder.
- Improve Web export.
- Complete pedigree builder.
- Refactor source code.
- Add export to Excel.
- Add initial code for pedigree builder.
- Add russian last names "processing" for statistics.
- Add hypertext survey for a person.
- Fix some errors. Add two editing functions.
- Fix some errors.
- Add a warning before deleting an object.
- Work through database cleaning.
- Fix small errors in dates processing and dates output in diagrams.
- Fix defects.
- Improve record list.
- Fix some small defects.
- Add ability to delete person record.
- Fix a fundamental error in tree calculation; now tree with descendants and their wives works.
- Improve tree output; fix errors. Add tree picture saving.
- Add statistics types.
- Add preliminary file checking.
- Work through output of tree with ancestors and descendants.
- Add statistics for names and number of ancestors.
- Add autocomplete for patronymic name and first name.
- Fix some errors.
- Add application log.
- Fix errors.
- Add first and patronymic names parser, and dictionary.
- Complete descendants tree.
- Add preliminary version of service to check relation degree.
- Complete event editing (notes, sources, multimedia).
- Complete ancestors tree.
- Add ability to modify author of a document.
- Improve file headers.
- Improve user interface.
- Complete dates processing.
- Add preliminary version of descendant tree.
- Fix some errors.
- Improve dates processing.
- Fix file headers.
- Add preliminary help content [ElenAlexs].
- Adjust design.
- Add lists sorting.
- Improve event editing.
- Add and remove children from families.
- Add the first tree - ancestors tree; add setup.
- Add preliminary print preview.
- Save a tree setting between application sessions.
- Add dates processing.
- Refactor and optimize source code.
- Add events, notes, objects and sources to families.
- Add filter by field into the person selector dialog (when it is necessary).
- Add "About" window.
- Add events, notes, objects and sources to person records.
- Add event, note, object and source dialogs.
- Add preliminary modify function to change family records.
- Add modifying person records.
- Add ability to add new person, to modify and select the parents.
- Start the project up.