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File metadata and controls

287 lines (232 loc) · 31.9 KB

Krita Ren’Py Scripter is a Krita docker plugin that creates text of two different formats:

  • Scripting to display images in a Ren’Py project just as they positionally appear as individual layers in a Krita document, calculated to the correct coordinates at whichever scale you specify. Advanced ATL display behavior, such as motions, must still be written manually.
  • Scripting to define the images for a Ren’Py project by using the Krita document’s layer stack as the name of the file directory.

For both formats, the resulting text is written onto the plugin’s window, ready to copy and paste into your Ren’Py file!

Additionally, KRS has a calculator to help you determine which scale to use to fit the dimensions of your project.

While this plugin was made initially for my motion graphics comic (composite image panels primarily with pos statements), I've expanded it with features that creators of the more standard visual novel format Ren'Py projects may find useful too!

VerSean 2 has been fully-reworked to be far more efficient to use, to take sharply reduced space on Krita's docker, to be more feature-packed, and to be highly customizable.

Batch Exporter Synergy

KRS is designed to work in tandem with the Krita Batch Exporter plugin by GDQuest, for these reasons:

  • That plugin is officially included in Krita.
  • Batch exporting is a perfect fit for Ren'Py projects.
  • The metadata tag system has several applications that are useful for KRS's needs, detailed below in the Tag System section. Optionally, you can have the two docker plugins grouped together as tabs, minimizing the space usage.

The Two Components


  • The window for outputting Ren'Py scripting. Access to its settings is also provided there.

Scale Calculator and Renamer

  • Calculator
    • Use this to check the dimensions of the canvas at different scales.
  • Renamer
    • Use this to create copies of the images batch exported by KBE, with KBE's scale syntax removed. Those copies would then be ready to transfer to your Ren'Py project directory.

The Flow

With all those features, using this plugin goes something like this:

  1. Use KRS's calculator to determine which image scale you want to use.
  2. Update your layers' scale tags.
  3. Use KBE to export the images.
  4. Use KRS's Renamer to make copies of those exported images with the scales removed from the names. Transfer the copies to your Ren'Py project directory.
  5. Use KRS's Scripter to write the display text and/or image definitions. Copy and paste the output into your Ren'Py text files, wherever you need it.



  • ATL Display Scripting
    • pos Output
      • To display images at the given x, y coordinates, referring to the positions of the top left corners of those images.
      • Three formats: pos (x, y) xpos x ypos y at setPos(x, y)
    • align Output
      • To display images aligned to divisions on the canvas space. The divisions are picked with the "Spacing Count" slider.
        • For example, 4 spacings would be across [0.0, 0.333, 0.666, 1.0] both horizontally and vertically, which would be "rule of thirds" alignment.
          • There is also a dedicated Rule of Thirds toggle, which sets the count to 4.
      • Two formats: align (x, y) and xalign x yalign y
  • Image Definition
    • KRS uses Krita's layer stack to determine the directory paths for the image files.
    • Two Formats
      • Normal Images
        • This is the basic image johnny = "characters/johnny.png" syntax.
      • Layered Images

zoom, rotate, And Additional pos Via Transform Mask

Krita's non-destructive editing feature, transform masks, can be used to declare ATL statements for zoom and rotate. You can also move an image through the transform mask to override the xpos and ypos coordinates used for scripting.

Example: If you use a transform mask to rotate an image clockwise by 30 degrees, the script for that image gets the statement rotate 30.0.

  • Note that a direct rotation on the actual image layer as a destructive edit will not yield this piece of output.

Texture Overlay Compatibility Feature

When a group is tagged as scriptable with e=, the coordinates are calculated from all the contents. An issue would arise if a layer being used for a texture overlay were to distort the perceived coordinates to whatever that layer's top left corner is; if the texture layer is as big as the canvas, the coordinates would always be retrieved as (0, 0)! To prevent that issue, KRS excludes from group coordinate calculation layers that have Alpha Inheritance toggled on, since that is what a texture overlay would be using.

Attribute Chain Name System

Ren'Py supports image name statements such as image denny happy = "denny/expression/happy.png", which can be displayed with this syntax: show image denny happy. If denny is the image tag, happy is the image attribute.

In order to script that way, KRS uses a special tag: attr=true/at=true/chain=true/ch=t/c=t. Rules within a path in the layer stack:

  • Each layer with the tag set to true will be included in the "attribute chain".
  • Each layer without the tag will be excluded from the name of the image, but not the path of the image file.
  • Each layer with the attr/chain tag set to false like so: attr=false/at=false/chain=false/ch=f/c=f will be excluded from both the name of the image and the path of the image file.


Suppose the layer stack is this:

ChrisR c=t
+-- expression
    +-- angry e=png c=t

The display scripting would have: show chrisr angry:

The image definition scripting would have: image chrisr angry = "chrisr/expression/angry.png"

If you meant to use expressionas a layer group just for organization in Krita, and you don't want it to be in your directory definition, exclude it by using the tag: expression c=f Now the image definition scripting would be: image chrisr angry = "chrisr/angry.png"

Exclude System

If you wish to exclude layer names from the scripting for any reason, this is an option. Maybe, like in the Attribute Chain example, you have a group meant solely to organize within the Krita file. The attr/chain=false tag can be used that way, but the exclude=true tag will give the same result while being easier to understand in some situations, since it's not flavored for image attribute names.

To be clear, exclude=true has the same effect as attr/chain=false wherever it is used.

exclude=true $\equiv$ ex=t $\equiv$ x=t $\equiv$ c=f $\equiv$ ch=f $\equiv$ attr=false

File Format Priority System

File Format Priority System: If more than one file format is requested, scripting for both is written, with all but the highest priority commented out:

webp > png > jpg/jpeg

However, webp (a popular pick for Ren'Py projects) is exported by Krita but not by KBE; I'll see if I can contribute webp support.


Access to the settings file configs.json is provided in the Scripter window. The button will open it in your default editor. Aside from the script output template settings, changes will first be applied when you open a new window scripting.

The Default button reverts all settings to their default values.

configs.json includes:

Setting Default Value What It Does
string_posxy The default template string for pos (x, y) Defines scripting template for pos (x, y)
string_xposxyposy The default template string for xpos x ypos y Defines scripting template for xpos x ypos y
string_atsetposxy The default template string for at setPos(x, y) Defines scripting template for setPos(x, y)
string_alignxy The default template string for align (x, y) Defines scripting template for align (x, y)
string_xalignxyaligny The default template string for xalign x yalign y Defines scripting template for xalign x yalign y
string_normalimagedef The default template string for image: (normal image definition.) Defines scripting template for image: (normal image definition)
string_layeredimagedef Value not used, but key is. The name of the setting is used in the code, but the value isn't used; there isn't much to customize with Ren'Py's layered image definition.
align_decimal_places 3 Number of decimal places for align scripting
atl_zoom_decimal_places 3 Number of decimal places for zoom
atl_rotate_decimal_places 3 Number of decimal places for rotate
directory_starter Blank Optional field to add a prefix directory to the image definition output. Ren'Py finds the folder images automatically and therefore doesn't need images in the definitions, but perhaps you may need a different folder at the start, such as sprites. This is where you add it.
lock_windows_to_front true If true, the pop-out windows for this plugin will be pushed to the front as much as the system will allow, though they will also cover non-Krita objects on the screen. If false, the windows won't be pushed forward beyond Krita, but they will also move back whenever you click the focus away from them.
posxy_button_text pos (x, y) Text for pos type 1 button
xposxyposy_button_text xpos x ypos y Text for pos type 2 button
atsetposxy_button_text at setPos(x, y) Text for pos type 3 button
alignxy_button_text align (x, y) text for align type 1 button
xalignxyaligny_button_text xalign x yalign y text for align type 2 button
customize_button_text Customize Text for the Customize button
script_window_w_size_multiplier 1.3 Initial window width = default width * this value
script_window_h_size_multiplier 0.7 Initial window height = default height * this value
script_font_size 11 Output font size
script_preferred_font Monospace Specific output font Qt will try to find before searching for the system's available monospace font.

Tag System

These may be added to the Krita layer names.

Tags Originally From Krita Batch Exporter

Tag Krita Batch Exporter Application Krita Ren'Py Scripter Application
[e=png,jpg] Specifies which of the two supported image file formats to pick for the export, and also marks layers to be be exported with the Export All Layers option. Marks the layer to be used in the Ren'Py scripting.
[s=30,70] Size, a.k.a. Scale in percentage. Adjusts the output coordinates to account for that change.
[p=path/to/custom/export/directory] or [p="path with spaces"] Custom output path. Unused.
t=false or t=no Disable trimming the exported layer to the bounding box of the content. Sets the output coordinates to 0 because the entire canvas size is used for the image output.
i=false or i=no Disable parent metadata inheritance for a layer. Compatible.
c=sheet Marks a group layer containing individual frames as a group to make into a sprite sheet for COA Tools. The c tag is used but not in the same way. See the note.

Additional Tags For Krita Ren'Py Scripter

Most of these are for Ren'Py's Layered Image feature. Layer names can get too long, and too much writing would defeat the purpose of having automation, so KRS uses a thesaurus system to accept numerous names for the same tasks. This allows you to choose your preferred balance between clarity and compactness. All of these take true/false values, except for variant (which instead takes the name for the variant).

Tags Krita Ren'Py Scripter Application
rpli, rli, li Layered Image (this layer group is the start of the definition)
rplidef, rdef, rid, rlid, df Layered Image - default
rplial, ral, rpalways, al Layered Image - always
rpliatt, rpliat, rat, rt Layered Image - attribute
rpligroup, rplig, rig, gr Layered Image - group
rplivar, rpliv, var Layered Image - variant (for group).
The name of the variant can be written on its own, with quotation marks, or with square brackets; all are accepted and scripted the same.
chain, ch, c, at, attr Marks the layer's name for the attribute chain name system.
See the note on the c tag.
exclude, ex, x Marks the layer's name to be excluded from output. This has the inverse effect of the attr/chain tag. exclude=true$\equiv$chain=false.

Internally, any of these tags you use would be converted to the leftmost tag on the list. This feature has also been used for the true/false values themselves:

Value Can Also Be Named
true t, yes, y, 1
false f, no, n, 0


These layer names Johnny e=png rpli=true Johnny e=png rli=y Johnny e=png li=t are functionally identical.

Note On The c Tag

Krita Batch Exporter has the tag c=sheet for COA Tools, and Krita Ren'Py Scripter has the tags c=true and c=false for the attribute chain name system. KRS simply ignores c=sheet, since it's highly unlikely that a single layer group would be used for both a COA Tools spritesheet and a Ren'Py attribute name simultaneously.

Scale Calculator

Since images as game/novel assets are often drawn at resolutions greater than the target resolution of the project, KRS has a scale calculator to check the pixel dimensions of the canvas at different scales.

  • Between Width, Height, and Scale Percentage: edit one box, and the other two will be updated instantly.
  • You may either type in the values or use the buttons for common Ren'Py project dimensions.
    • For example, if you need to know which scale percentage would make the canvas 1080px tall, use the Height->1080 button.
  • The Scale Percentage section has a spin box with arrows to increment the values, with keyboard-accessible modifiers:
    • Hold Alt: Increment by 0.01%
    • Hold Shift: Increment by 0.1%
    • Mouse Click/Arrow Key Only: Increment by 1%
    • Hold Ctrl: Increment by 10%


Krita Batch Exporter saves the images with a tag that indicates the scale. Example: mark_@0.3x.png for the layer mark e=png s=30. KRS's Renamer creates copies of the images with the _@0.3x portion of the name removed, so that the files are named how you probably want them to be, and ready to transfer to your Ren'Py project. The images are saved in a folder named, in this example, export_KRS_x0.3. The targeted scale is the one in the Scale Calculator's Scale Percentage box.

How To Install and Compatibility

Method 1: Import Plugin From Web- Simplest and Recommended

  1. Open Krita.
  2. Go to: Tools->Scripts->Import Python Plugin from Web and enter this URL to the repository:

Method 2: Import Plugin From File

  1. Download the KRS .zip file from here using the "Download raw file" button:
  2. Open Krita.
  3. Use Krita's script to import plugin from file: Krita->Tools->Scripts->Import Python Plugin from File
  4. When prompted to open a file, use the downloaded

Method 3: Manual Installation

  1. Download the .zip file in the latest release.
  2. Open Krita.
  3. Go to Settings->Manage Resources.
  4. Click Open Resource Folder. This opens the Krita resources directory in the file explorer.
  5. Unzip the .zip and copy and paste both the folder krita_renpy_scripter and the individual file krita_renpy_scripter.desktop to the folder pykrita.

Next Steps For Any Method

  1. A window will pop up, asking if you wish to enable the plugin. Say Yes.
  2. Restart Krita.
  3. Mark the checkbox for Settings->Dockers->Krita Ren'Py Scripting to make sure the KRS appears on your docker.

Tested and developed on Krita version 5.2.3 and 5.2.4.

Features To Consider / Were Considered

  • Add webp support to KBE.
  • Search the layer stack for scales to add as buttons for the Renamer
  • Ability to modify a Krita document so that a corresponding Ren'Py file is automatically updated, or can be updated at a button press
    • That would be even quicker than the current copy/paste method, and it seems plausible with something like the configs file to hold the file paths, but I think the copy/paste method is a lot safer since it's intrinsically a verification system. On top of that, I think it's likely that most users would have their whole project's images spread across many Krita documents, all to be defined in a single or few Ren'Py file(s).
  • alpha (Opacity) ATL feature, like how there currently is zoom and rotate
    • I was interested in making it possible to change the opacity of a layer to your liking within Krita, and then have KRS write the scripting to give the same appearance in Ren'Py. That's not feasible since Krita would also use that opacity condition for the image export.
      • Example if the script allowed this: You choose 50% opacity. The image itself will be exported at 50% opacity, and KRS would also yield the script with alpha 0.5, which means in Ren'Py the image would ultimately display at 25% opacity, on top of being capped at a max of 50%.
    • I could add a tag for opacity, but then you might as well just edit the script manually.
  • Scripting for Ren'Py's Built-in Transforms
    • In the context of how those are actually used in projects, I think it would be more efficient to just write those manually along with your dialogue.
  • Utilizing KBE's custom path export tag to override the default image definition file location
    • I don't think that's necessary when KRS already bases the image directory on the layer stack, but maybe there's a situation where someone would want that.
  • Having an "Are you sure?" verification screen for the Renamer
    • That's probably not necessary since the copy system makes the Renamer non-destructive, and by having to manually type in the scale, the user is already verifying.
  • Tweak all the rounding behavior for accuracy.
    • However, for composite images, pixel-perfection isn't feasible in Ren'Py due to varying window sizes anyway; it is often the case that a thin line of the background is visible between two pixel-adjacent but different images. The best solution is to give your composite images margins of error larger than one pixel.

Gone From VerSean 1

  • Not that anyone used it: The ability to write additional ATL statements as invisible layers. It's less work and cleaner on the Krita document to just write those manually into the scripting. While now the only additional ATL statements are zoom and rotate via transform mask, those are the two that I was able to fit in a way that meshes with how Krita is used.
  • VerSean 1 is named Generate Ren'Py Scripting. I've changed the name to sound more uniform with other plugins and also better describe what it does (since Krita to Ren'Py is the point A to point B).




Function to sort a list with a priority list

Krita Batch Exporter

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