Pre requirements dependencies:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config python3-dev virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -U pip pip install -r requirements/dev.txt pre-commit install
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m flake8 --help
Examples of the use:
python -m flake8
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m pylint --help
Examples of the use:
python -m pylint
Examples of the use for disable some check messages:
python -m pylint --disable=C0103,W0511
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m pycodestyle --help
Examples of the use:
python -m pycodestyle
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m isort --help
Examples of the use:
python -m isort
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m black --help
Examples of the use:
Check the Python module without made changes it:
python -m black --check
Fix the Python module:
python -m black
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m pydocstyle --help
Examples of the use:
python -m pydocstyle
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m mypy --help
Examples of the use:
python -m mypy
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m bandit --help
Examples of the use:
python -m bandit -r
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
python -m wily --help
python -m wily build
Graph against 'loc', 'sloc' and 'comments' (raw operator) metrics:
python -m wily report loc sloc comments --message
Graph a specific metric for a given file, if a path is given, all files within path will be graphed.
Make a graph *.py files against 'loc' and 'sloc' (raw operator) metrics:
python -m wily graph loc sloc
Make a graph *.py files against 'complexity' (cyclomatic operator) metrics:
python -m wily graph complexity
You can see all options for the script, executing the following command:
pre-commit --help
Examples of the use:
pre-commit run --all-files
git commit --interactive --no-verify