- changed version numbering scheme
- removed unused directories
- incorporate project structure upgrades
- fixed pkg name typo
- data.validation: added
- added misc.py
- formatting
- added data.parsers.bch.biorepository.py
- data.parsers: renamed and made pkg
- load_recode.build_generic_table: drop_duplicates before returning
- Biorepository field non_bch_pt to bch_pt
- rc2np.text = str not np.object
- added schema support to BaseData
- style and formatting
- Refactored Data Classes to inherit from database agnostic BaseData
- Added History.md
- Merge branch 'develop'
- Finished RegistryRedCapData()
- added asset_intake.py
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/registry
- Merge branch 'feature/biorepo' into develop
- code to build the SQL-like tables for the BIOREPO
- Merge branch 'feature/registry' into develop
- largish update: most table building funcs operational with automatic casting
- updates to RedCapData
- added package for defining the SQL tables in sqlalchemy
- added sqlalchemy to reqs
- Merge branch 'develop'
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/registry
- Merge branch 'feature/oo_api' into develop
- load_recode OOP api is operational obviating the need for separate ones
- Separated RedCapData classes and support funcs to new load_recode.py
- RegistryRedCapData() works
- removed cached notebooks and reports
- notebook update
- added/integrated make_redcap_validation_table() and now use pd.Timestamp
- cleaned up crf_dag.py
- ignore notebook and reports
- notebook updates
- HREG branching logic, and choice_defintion parsers
- added lxml as req
- added a few graphml versions of the DOT files
- begun adding pyparsing parser for branch logic
- fixed load_recode/redcap_dump import statements
- Merge branch 'feature/build_erd' into develop
- updated ignore: /data
- notebook and reference notes update
- Split load_recode and redcap_dump into biorepo and hreg prefixed versions
- Merged feature/registry into develop
- Added separate folders to build the ERDs in Notes
- Merged develop into master
- Merged develop into feature/registry
- changed the way we deal with ignored files in /data/*
- Change import statement for load_recode (not sure why that was needed)
- Initial attempts are mixed...
- separating before adding feature/validate_with_engarde