Install custom Version:
npm i Tomato6966/erela.js
yarn add Tomato6966/erela.js
When creating the node(s) pass the variable regions, to auto-select the right region based on what region u provide in the players.create(options#region) options!
const nodes = [
identifier: "USA_NODE", host, password, port
regions: ["us-east", "us-central", "us-south", "us-west", "brazil"],
identifier: "GERMANY_NODE", host, password, port
regions: ["rotterdam", "russia"],
When creating the Player, pass the rtcRegion like that:
const { channel } = message.member.voice;
const player = client.musicManager.create({
region: channel?.rtcRegion || undefined,
selfDeafen: true,
// find track:, requester, player.node);
// or via player:, requester);
When using regioning, you must SEARCH on the same NODE as you play the TRACK on, best practice can be found in the JS script above for the search() method, just provide the correct node (the node the player is using)
// directly request the link: node.makeRequest(`/loadtracks?identifier=encodeURIComponent("")`);
client.musicManager.searchLink("", requester, player.node);
If you want it to use searchLink() when u do search() then do this:
new Manager({
forceSearchLinkQueries: true,
const source = "yt"; // "yt" / "ap" / "sp" / "sc" / "ytm" / "..."{query, source}, requester, player.node);
// e.g. search on spotify{
query: "Adele - Hello",
source: "sp",
}, interaction.user, player.node);
Added instaUpdateFiltersFix
Player#Property. - Default: true (update filters & equalizers instantly when u send a filterupdate request with the provided filter functions)
const player = client.musicManager.create({
instaUpdateFiltersFix: true, // to disable it (and save resources) set it to false
Position updates every 250ms ( you can change that by doing: new Manager({position_update_interval: 150})
It is client sided, not server sided, means, that on your client player.position will be more accurate, if the server changes, the client will be updated either way by the server (real) data.
// e.g: new Manager({volumeDecrementer:0.75});
will send to lavalink 75% of the volume not 100%, aka you will hear 75% of the set volume, tho see in the player.volume property the full 100% aka if you do player.setVolume(100);
then player.volume == 100
but lavalink receives 75
- I use smt between 0.5 - 0.75 cause then the volume is not TOO LOUD at 100% (default) and not really earrapy at 150% (which users like to do when trolling ;) ) (for reference 1 is the same as not adding the option)
Works for discordeno too (just do guildId.toString() to save players in a queue Click here for rest )
- or any other discord lib ;)
Variables to see which Filter is active:
player.filters.nightcore // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.rotating // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.tremolo // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.vibrato // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.lowPass // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.karaoke // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
player.filters.audioOutput // READONLY - {"stereo"|"mono"|"right"|"left"} how the audio is getting outputted
// only available with lavalink-filter-plugin
player.filters.echo // READONLY - {Boolean} if it's enabled or not
Functions to set the Filters:
// default: stereo, rightChannel is right 100% and left 0%, and leftChannel is invert of rightChannel
// reset all filters to default
// only available with lavalink-filter-plugin
You can add in each function their Parameters, Check this file for more infos
- If an unresolved Track is saved from lavalink plugins, like spotify and u wanna search on spotify with that uri, then u should do this:
const Manager = new Manager({
validUnresolvedUris: [""]
You can also use my plugins, which make are better then their originals due to some things missing..
- better-erela.js-deezer |
npm i Tomato6966/better-erela.js-deezer
/yarn add Tomato6966/better-erela.js-deezer
- erela.js-bandcamp-search |
npm i Tomato6966/erela.js-bandcamp-search
/yarn add Tomato6966/erela.js-bandcamp-search
If you get errors like does not extend plugin, then you can do this to force load it!
const Manager = new Manager({
forceLoadPlugin: true,
This allows it, that you can add data from the client once you init the manager! Like clientName or shards Count, you should init the manager either way, once it's ready!
Date object, when the player was created in LAVALINKplayer.createdTimeStamp
Date Timestamp in MS, when the player was created in LAVALINKplayer.connected
Lavalink connected state, if it's true, lavalink thinks player is connected...player.payload
Last payload from playerUpdate Event lavalink
Ping in ms from Lavalink server. if it's less then 0, it means player is not connected yet
Array of Strings of Urls which are allowedManager#allowedLinksRegexes
Array of Regexes which must match the linkManager#regex
--> Default Regexes applied to allowedLinksRegexes, if not Set (except spotify and deezer links) If provided link to query is not valid, then it throws an error, e.g.
new Manager({
allowedLinksRegexes: [
// Manager.regex.AllDeezerRegex,
// Manager.regex.AllSpotifyRegex,
] // these are the default Values with comments, are all available, you can add your custom regexes if you want like this: /regex/ or new RegExp("regex", "flags");
// or: accept all the provided regexes:
new Manager({
allowedLinksRegexes: Object.values(Manager.regex),
Erela was transferred to MenuDocs, because I no longer wish to work with Discord related development. It will from now on be maintained by MenuDocs. ~ @Solaris9
Note: Java v11 or newer is required to run the Lavalink.jar. Java v13 is recommended. If you are using sdkman then its a manager, not Java, you have to install sdkman and use sdkman to install Java
Warning: Java v14 has issues with Lavalink.
npm install erela.js
yarn add erela.js
Note: Node v16 is required!
Create an application.yml file in your working directory and copy the example into the created file and edit it with your configuration.
Run the jar file by running
java -jar Lavalink.jar
in a Terminal window.
Please read the guides to start:
You can use plugins below to extend Erela.js' features easily.
Note: These are the only ones shown before being published, check the GitHub repository for a complete list.
- erela.js-spotify - Converts a Spotify URL into a UnresolvedTrack to play later.
Script for discordeno (sending data to shards)
bot.musicManager = new Manager({
volumeDecrementer: 0.75,
position_update_interval: 100,
nodes: [
identifier: `Node_1`,
host: "localhost",
port: 2333,
password: "youshallnotpass"
// A send method to send data to the Discord WebSocket using your library.
// Getting the shard for the guild and sending the data to the WebSocket.
send(id, payload) {
const shardId = bot.utils.calculateShardId(bot.gateway, BigInt(id));
// somehow get the shard
const shard = bot.gateway.shards.get(shardId);
// if your rest is hosted seperately then just do your typical shard request(s)
// in raw event
import { VoiceState, VoicePacket, VoiceServer } from "erela.js";
// code...
switch (data.t) {
bot.musicManager.updateVoiceState(data.d as VoiceState | VoiceServer | VoicePacket)
// code ...
👤 Solaris
- Author
- Website:
- Github: @Solaris9
👤 Anish Shobith
- Contributor
- Github: @Anish-Shobith
👤 ayntee
- Contributor
- Github: @ayntee
const { Manager } = require("erela.js"); // npm i Tomato6966/erela.js
const Deezer = require("better-erela.js-deezer"); // npm i Tomato6966/better-erela.js-deezer
const BandCampSearch = require("erela.js-bandcamp-search"); // npm i Tomato6966/erela.js-bandcamp-search"
// creation
client.musicManager = new Manager({
defaultSearchPlatform: "ytsearch", // "ytmsearch" / "ytsearch" / "deezer" / "scsearch" // etc. etc. deezer only valid if you have MY better-erela.js-deezer plugin installed!
handleError: false, // if true, you have to handle what happens when an Error happens, if false it auto skips!
handleStuck: false, // if true, you have to handle what happens when an track gets stucked happens, if false it auto skips!
volumeDecrementer: 0.75, // instead of sending 100% it sends 75%
position_update_interval: 100, // update the player.position every 100ms
nodes: [
identifier: `Use_Node_1`,
port: 2333, host: "localhost", // ip.address. e.g.
regions: ["us-east", "us-central", "us-south", "us-west", "brazil"], // example regions
password: "youshallnotpass",
retryAmount: 10,
retryDelay: 7500,
identifier: `GERMANY_Node_1`,
port: 2333, host: "localhost", // ip.address. e.g.
regions: ["rotterdam", "russia"],
password: "milrato_pass_3569",
retryAmount: 10, retryDelay: 7500,
// every base-url provided in here, will be resolved once the track is beeing tryed to play, aka fetched by lavalink.
validUnresolvedUris: [
"", // only if your lavalink has spotify plugin
"", // only if your lavalink has apple music plugin
plugins: [
new Deezer(),
new BandCampSearch({
querySource: ["bandcamp", "bc"],
shards: || 1,
clientName: client.user?.username,
clientId: client.user?.id ||,
send(id, payload) {
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(id);
if(!guild) return;
// init the manager
client.on("ready", () => {
client.musicManager.init(, {
clientName: client.user.username,
// send voicestate updates
client.on("raw", (data) => {
switch(data.t) {
// example how to search with rtcRegion
const player = client.musicManager.create({
region: || undefined,
guild: interaction.guildId,
voiceChannel:, //,
selfDeafen: true,
const query = `eminem without me`;
// Alternative query with sources: { query: `eminem without me`, source: "sc" };
const result = await, interaction, player.node)
all Valid Sources
youtube music === ytm
youtube === yt
soundcloud === sc
ytmsearch === ytm
ytsearch === yt
amsearch === am
spsearch === sp