Differences in the sequence of the chronologies of Petavius (1630, p. 351-355) petav_tab03
per mill S AD nr diff patriarch
XI VI P M P M p M S nr P M
230 230 -5270 -5270 1 1 0 0 Adam annus natus erat Adam...
: : : : :
3909 3909 -1591 -1591 31 31 0 0 Chusarathem anni Chusarathem anni
3959 3959 -1541 -1541 32 32 0 0 Othoniel Othoniel
3977 3977 -1523 -1523 33 33 0 0 Aeglon Aeglon
IV 4027 4027 -1473 -1473 34 34 0 0 Aoth Aoth
4047 4047 -1453 -1453 35 35 0 0 Semgar Semgar
4067 4626 -1433 -874 36 62 -559 26 Iebusæi | Gotholia¹
4107 4666 -1393 -834 37 63 -559 26 Deborra | Ioas¹
4114 4695 -1386 -805 38 64 -581 26 Oriph, & Ziph | Amasias¹
4154 4067 -1346 -1433 39 36 87 -3 Gedeon Iebusæi
4157 4107 -1343 -1393 40 37 50 -3 Abimelech Deborra
4179 4114 -1321 -1386 41 38 65 -3 Thola Oriph, & Ziph
4201 4154 -1299 -1346 42 39 47 -3 Iaër Gedeon
4219 4157 -1281 -1343 43 40 62 -3 Ammanitæ Abimelech
4225 4179 -1275 -1321 44 41 46 -3 Iephtæ Thola
4232 4201 -1268 -1299 45 42 31 -3 Essebon Iaër
4242 4219 -1258 -1281 46 43 23 -3 Aelon Ammanitæ
4250 4225 -1250 -1275 47 44 25 -3 Abdon Iephtæ
VIII 4290 4232 -1210 -1268 48 45 58 -3 Philistæi Essebon
4310 4242 -1190 -1258 49 46 68 -3 Sampson Aelon
4350 4250 -1150 -1250 50 47 100 -3 Interregni & pacis Abdon
4370 4290 -1130 -1210 51 48 80 -3 Heli sacerdos Philistæi
4390 4310 -1110 -1190 52 49 80 -3 Samuel sacerdos Sampson
4430 4350 -1070 -1150 53 50 80 -3 Saül Interregni & pacis
4470 4370 -1030 -1130 54 51 100 -3 Dauid Heli sacerdos
4510 4390 -990 -1110 55 52 120 -3 Salomon Samuel sacerdos
4527 4430 -973 -1070 56 53 97 -3 Roboam Saül
4530 4470 -970 -1030 57 54 60 -3 Abia Dauid
4571 4510 -929 -990 58 55 61 -3 Asa Salomon
4610 4527 -890 -973 59 56 83 -3 Iosaphat Roboam
4618 4530 -882 -970 60 57 88 -3 Ioram Abia
4619 4571 -881 -929 61 58 48 -3 Ochozias Asa
4626 4610 -874 -890 62 59 16 -3 | Gotholia¹ Iosaphat
4666 4618 -834 -882 63 60 48 -3 | Ioas¹ Ioram
4695 4619 -805 -881 64 61 76 -3 | Amasias¹ Ochozias
4747 5579 -753 79 65 110 -832 45 Ozias || Vespasianus²
4763 5582 -737 82 66 111 -819 45 Ioatham || Titus²
4779 5597 -721 97 67 112 -818 45 Achas || Domitianus²
IX 4808 4747 -692 -753 68 65 61 -3 Ezechias Ozias
4863 4763 -637 -737 69 66 100 -3 Manasses Ioatham
4865 4779 -635 -721 70 67 86 -3 Amos Achas
4896 4808 -604 -692 71 68 88 -3 Iosias Ezechias
4897 4863 -603 -637 72 69 34 -3 Ioachaz Manasses
4908 4865 -592 -635 73 70 43 -3 Ioacim Amos
4909 4896 -591 -604 74 71 13 -3 Iechonias Iosias
4920 4897 -580 -603 75 72 23 -3 Sedecias Ioachaz
4944 4908 -556 -592 76 73 36 -3 Nabuchodonoser Ioacim
4949 4909 -551 -591 77 74 40 -3 Valamadarach Iechonias
4952 4920 -548 -580 78 75 32 -3 Baltasar Sedecias
4969 4944 -531 -556 79 76 25 -3 Darius, & Astyages Nabuchodonoser
V 5001 4949 -499 -551 80 77 52 -3 Cyrus Persa Valamadarach
509³ 4952 -491 -548 81 78 -4443 -3 Cambyses Baltasar
5037 4969 -463 -531 82 79 68 -3 Darius Medus Darius, & Astyages
5058 5001 -442 -499 83 80 57 -3 Xerxes Cyrus Persa
5091 5009³ -409 -491 84 81 82 -3 Artaxerxes Cambyses
5110 5037 -390 -463 85 82 73 -3 Darius Darius Medus
5144 5058 -356 -442 86 83 86 -3 Artaxerxes Xerxes
5165 5091 -335 -409 87 84 74 -3 Ochus Artaxerxes
5167 5110 -333 -390 88 85 57 -3 Arses Ochus Darius
5173 5144 -327 -356 89 86 29 -3 Darius Artaxerxes
5185 5165 -315 -335 90 87 20 -3 Alexander Macedo Ochus
5209 5167 -291 -333 91 88 42 -3 Ptolemæus Aegypti Arses Ochus
5239 5173 -261 -327 92 89 66 -3 Ptolemæus Philadelphus Darius
5264 5185 -236 -315 93 90 79 -3 Ptolemæus Euergetes Alexander Macedo
5281 5209 -219 -291 94 91 72 -3 Ptolemæus Philopator Ptolemæus Aegypti
5304 5239 -196 -261 95 92 65 -3 Ptolemæus Epiphanes Ptolemæus Philadelphus
X 5339 5264 -161 -236 96 93 75 -3 Ptolemæus Philometor Ptolemæus Euergetes
5368 5281 -132 -219 97 94 87 -3 Ptolemæus Euergetes Ptolemæus Philopator
5384 5304 -116 -196 98 95 80 -3 Ptolemæus Physconis Ptolemæus Epiphanes
5393 5339 -107 -161 99 96 54 -3 Ptolemæus Siderites Ptolemæus Philometor
5396 5368 -104 -132 100 97 28 -3 Ptolemæus, qui & Alexãder Ptolemæus Euergetes
5404 5384 -96 -116 101 98 20 -3 Ptolemæus Soter Ptolemæus Physconis
5432 5393 -68 -107 102 99 39 -3 Bacchus nouus Ptolemæus Siderites
5454 5396 -46 -104 103 100 58 -3 Cleopatra Ptolemæus, qui & Alexãder
5458 5404 -42 -96 104 101 54 -3 C.Iulius Romanorum Ptolemæus Soter
5515 5432 15 -68 105 102 83 -3 Cæsar Augustus 'Bacchus' nouus
5537 5454 37 -46 106 103 83 -3 Tiberius Cleopatra
5541 5458 41 -42 107 104 83 -3 Caius C.Iulius Romanorum
5555 5515 55 15 108 105 40 -3 Claudius Cæsar Augustus
5569 5537 69 37 109 106 32 -3 Nero Tiberius
5579 5541 79 41 110 107 38 -3 || Vespasianus² Caius
5582 5555 82 55 111 108 27 -3 || Titus² Claudius
5597 5569 97 69 112 109 28 -3 || Domitianus² Nero
5598 5598 98 98 113 113 0 0 Nerua Nerua
5616 5616 116 116 114 114 0 0 Traianus Traianus
: : : : :
6333 6333 833 833 176 176 0 0 Theophilus Michaëlis F. Theophilus Michaëlis F.
: : : : :
6412 6412 912 912 183 183 Constantinus Constantinus
184 184 0 0 Constãtinus, & Romanus Constãtinus, & Romanus
¹) were moved back by 26 positions at
²) were moved back by 45 positions at
³) correct year number at by_num
The reason why the Flavian dynasty was relocated to the 8th century BC remains unclear, a similar inconsistency concerning the era of Vespasian may be noted here (s. Hilts, 2013 or Jacques, 2014):
" [...] the Iron Age fortifications [...] Dubbed ‘Vespasian’s Camp’ by the Elizabethan antiquarian William Camden — despite having no connection to the Roman commander (and later emperor) who subdued Britain’s southwest [...] — the full archaeological potential of the 2,500-year-old hillfort only started to be appreciated recently.", (Hilts, 2013).
Hilts, C. (2013). Vespasian’s Camp: Cradle of Stonehenge. Current Archaeology. https://archaeology.co.uk/articles/features/vespasians-camp-cradle-of-stonehenge.htm.
Jacques, D. (2014). Vespasian’s Camp and the extent of its eighteenth century landscaping. University of Buckingham. https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/research/hri/fellows/jacques/18thcentury.
Maximus. (n.d.). Vat.gr.505 ed. Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. https://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Vat.gr.505.
Petavius, D. (1630). VRANOLOGION sive systema variorvm authorvm. qvi de sphaera, ac sideribvs, eorvmove motibvs Graece commentati sunt. LVTETIAE PARISIORVM: Sumptibus Sebastiani Cramoisy, via Iacobaea, sub Ciconiis. M. DC. XXX. CVM PRIVILEGIO REGIS CHRISTIANISS. https://doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-2004.