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"De sex millenariis quádo singuli, & in quo desinant.", (Petavius, 1630, p. 355).

About each of the six millennia and where they end.

The 6 millennia with sum over millennia $\Sigma1000$, year of the $end=nat+\Sigma1000$, year of birth from the chronology $\Sigma$, the difference $diff=end-\Sigma$ and the actual year $AD=end-5500$.

Millenium	In anno			nat	S1000	end		S	diff	AD

I		Iared			40	1000	1040		1122	-82	-4460
II		Noë			308	2000	2308		2142	166	-3192
III		Ragau			99	3000	3099				-2401
IV		Aoth			23	4000	4023		4027	-4	-1477
V		Cyri Persæ		31	5000	5031		5001	30	-469
VI		Anastasij		17	6000	6017		6010	7	517

"De periodis XI, quarum singuli annis constát DXXXII: quádo & vbi vnaquæque desinat.", (Petavius, 1630, p. 355).

Of the 11 periods, each consisting of 532 years, when and where each one ends.

The 11 periods with sum over periods $\Sigma532$, year of the $end=nat+\Sigma532$, year of birth from the chronology $\Sigma$, the difference $diff=end-\Sigma$ and the actual year $AD=end-5500$.

Period		In anno			nat	S532	nat+S532	S	diff	AD

I		Enos			97	532	629		625	4	-4871
II		Iared			130	1064	1194		1122	72	-4306
III		Lamech			142	1596	1738		1642	96	-3762
IV		Noë			486	2128	2614		2142	472	-2886
V		Heber			23	2660	2683				-2817
VI		Nachor			29	3192	3221				-2279
VII		Aram			58	3724	3782				-1718
VIII		Philistæorum		6	4256	4262		4290	-28	-1238
IX		Ezechiæ			70	4788	4858		4808	50	-642
X		Philometoris		16	5320	5336		5339	-3	-164
XI		imperij Constantini	24	5852	5876		5828	48	376


Petavius, D. (1630). VRANOLOGION sive systema variorvm authorvm. qvi de sphaera, ac sideribvs, eorvmove motibvs Graece commentati sunt. LVTETIAE PARISIORVM: Sumptibus Sebastiani Cramoisy, via Iacobaea, sub Ciconiis. M. DC. XXX. CVM PRIVILEGIO REGIS CHRISTIANISS.