Welcome to the Keycloak DSFR Theme.
This theme is configurable at runtime, via providing environnement variable, there is no need to clone this repository,
simply use the keycloak-theme.jar directly.
This project is constructed using Keycloakify and @codegouvfr/react-dsfr. To see the theme in action, please visit the SILL and attempt to log in.
Here are some screenshots showcasing the theme:
For guidance on importing a theme into Keycloak or configuring AgentConnect/FranceConnect, you can refer to our comprehensive setup guide.
We have customized the modern register-user-profile.ftl
registration page, which allows you to implement features such as an accept list of email domains for registration. This feature can be highly useful, for instance, if you want to restrict registration to your service to public servants. Here is the regular expression used for the SILL's email domain accept list.
Although the register.ftl
page has been somewhat superseded by Keycloak, it remains the default. Hence, we recommend enabling the User Profile
feature in Keycloak. Instructions for doing so can be found here.
Several environment variables can be used to tailor the theme to your needs:
These variables should be made available to the process running Keycloak on your server.
If you are deploying Keycloak on Kubernetes using Helm, here's how to configure your settings:
extraEnv: |
value: https://code.gouv.fr
value: CodeGouv
value: "République<br/>Française"
value: '{ "fr": "https://sill.code.gouv.fr/tos_fr.md", "en": "https://sill.code.gouv.fr/tos_en.md" }'
value: sill@code.gouv.fr
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: >-
### i18n
To enable internationalization in the theme you must first enable it in Keycloak.
The theme is available in French and English but there's no language select provided in the login and registration pages.
It's up to you to redirect your user to the login page in the correct language by adding the ui_locales
parameter to the login URL. (e.g.: https://sso.code.gouv.fr/auth/realms/sill/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=sill&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsill.code.gouv.fr%2Flogin%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=openid&ui_locales=fr
You can refer to the keycloakify-starter repo and the Keycloakify documentation for more information on how to develop a Keycloak theme.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, courtesy of the Direction interministérielle du numérique.