This table gives a list of all the introduced Subtasks of ABSA since its evolution. If you want to add any new tasks or change any information, please create a fork of the master repository and create a pull request, so that we can verify it and commit the change.
Index | Year | Paper | CommonName | Acronym | Input | ExpectedOutput |
12 | 2021 | Zhang etal., 2021a | Aspect Sentiment QuadPrediction | ASQP | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, Food, positive, very yummy), (place, Ambience, negative, weird smell) |
11 | 2019 | Fan etal., 2019 | Target Opinion Word Extraction | TOWE | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, very yummy), (place, weird smell) |
10 | 2020 | Wan etal., 2020 | Target Aspect Sentiment Detection | TASD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, Food, positive), (place, Ambience, negative) |
9 | 2020 | Peng etal., 2020 | Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction | ASTE | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, very yummy, positive), (place, weird smell, negative) |
8 | 2018 | Li etal., 2018 | Target Sentiment Joint Detection | TSD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, positive), (place, negative) |
7 | 2018 | Schmitt etal., 2018 | Aspect Sentiment Joint Detection | ASD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (Food, positive), (Ambience, negative) |
6 | 2014 | Pontiki etal., 2014 | Target Aspect Detection | TAD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | (pasta, Food), (place, Ambience) |
5 | 2015 | Pontiki etal., 2015 | Target Detection | TD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | pasta, place |
4 | 2015 | Pontiki etal., 2014 | Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis | ACSA | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell.", (Food, Ambience) | positive, negative |
3 | 2014 | Pontiki etal., 2014 | Aspect Category Detection | ACD | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | Food, Ambience |
2 | 2004 | Hu and Liu, 2004a | Aspect Term Sentiment Analysis | ATSA | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell.", (pasta, place) | positive, negative |
1 | 2004 | Hu and Liu, 2004a | Aspect Term Extraction | ATE | "The pasta was very yummy but the place has some weird smell." | pasta, place |