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Zelekie edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 84 revisions

Welcome to the home page of this Skill Prediction's Fork, this is where you're received with useful info but as you can see i already screwed that.

This one Home page would be used as index for any content you may require from this wiki!

I believe sidebars look pretty even if they can only pack so much data so i'll be using that for that purpose while leaving broad enough descriptions of the contents on them on here as a, i suppose, an index should provide.


  • 1

User Usage

  • Commands

Here you will find any documentation you could for using the various SP commands and how to effectively use them.


Here's where can get most answers on what the config file is supposed to do in a basic way and pretty much learn to edit it. Remember to at least have a comfy text editor for the job as usual.


This lone file contains pretty much all the bools for skills and classes, anything you turn to false would be deactivated! Make sure to read the document and checking the comments inside the file if you do so edit!

Also, take a look at Ping Compensation from Kouriin for a more in depth customization if you feel like! (Or just because you may find it useful)


Here will get explained how to use the two different methods of getting ping and ping spike control tools including ping history, in short, anything relevant to normal users.

Guide on how to comment in JavaScript

And old and not anymore relevant guide on how to comment in JS(And other languages!).

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