# Services

***Danbooru*** *depends on a couple of cloud services and* <br>
*several microservices to implement certain features.*


## Amazon Web Services

*Features requiring an **Amazon AWS** account.*


- **Pool History**

- **Post History**


## Google APIs

*Features requiring a **Google Cloud** account.*


- **BigQuery Database Export**


## IQDB Service

**IQDB** integration is delegated to the **[IQDB Service]**.


## Archive Service

In order to access pool and post histories you will <br>
need to install and configure the **[Archives Service]**.


## Reportbooru Service

*Features delegated to the **[Reportbooru Service]**.*


- **Popular Searches Report**

- **Missed Searches Report**

- **Post Views**


## Recommender Service

Post recommendations require the **[Recommender Service]**.



[Reportbooru Service]: https://github.com/danbooru/reportbooru
[Recommender Service]: https://github.com/danbooru/recommender
[Archives Service]: https://github.com/danbooru/archives
[IQDB Service]: https://github.com/danbooru/iqdb