CPSTA currently consists of seven students from St Andrews that come from around the world and all have an interest in competitive programming.
Hi I am Deyao. I was born in Shenzhen, China and went to Hong Kong for high school. I started doing competitive programming in high school and fell in love with it. The green AC I get after solving an seemly impossible problem gives me more buzz than any kill streaks or wins in any video game. The genius solutions I read online also just fascinate me (and makes me feel stupid sometimes).
Hi everyone, I'm Anurag. I am a 3rd Year Computer Science student who did direct entry and I'm from Berkshire England. I got into solving competitive programming style problems while preparing for interviews last year and I ended up really enjoying the process involved when tackling these problems. I interned at Arm last year and this year I will be at Meta.
Hi guys, my name is Michael. I grew up in London and am a 3rd year Physics and Maths student. I am fairly new to competitive programming but it is clearly a really valuable skill to have and I'm looking forward to learning more about it! I'm also hoping to improve my programming skills this summer doing data analytics at Vodafone. In my spare time, I enjoy doing MMA and produce/host the 'Insight' podcast for the physics society, where we interview academics about their lives and careers.
Hi all! My name is Matteo. I was born in Rome and lived there all my life before coming to St Andrews to read cs and math. I like challenging myself and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I am excited to start my role in the committee, I know for sure that there is a ton to learn and gain for me in CPSTA. I hope others will also benefit from it as much as I will ; )
Hello there I'm Koichi, but for ease just call me Kay. I came from Japan and I'm studying Medicine here at St Andrews. I'm envisioning my future as an inventor who combines medicine with computer science. I started CP in order to hone my programming and maths skills, and I've been developing those along with my biochemistry and med work. As a Competition Organiser at CPSTA I have loads of things I want to share with you all so that our levels are further enhanced. I'm looking forward to your participation!
Hello! My name is Daniel and I'm from Norway. I am a 1st Year Computer Science student but I've been solving Project Euler problems since I was 15. More recently, I've delved into the mysterious realm of timed competitive programming competitions and I've really enjoyed the thrill.
Hi everyone, my name is Mad and I'm a first year from India, and I study Maths and Computer Science. Throughout my life I've had a deep interest in puzzles and mathematical problem solving, and recently this has developed into an interest for competitive programming.
CPSTA was founded by five students from St Andrews in 2020. The founders are listed below.
Maths and Computer Science (2018-2021)
Computer Science and Economics (2018-2022)
Maths and Computer Science (2018-2022)
Maths and Computer Science (2019-2022)
Maths and Computer Science (2019-2022)