Initial Release of Energy-Dashboard. Includes the basic setup and all functionality for the initial release. The following KPIs and functionality are included:
- Basic Layout, Navigation, Responsiveness, Internationalization
- Overview: Strom, Gas, Wetter, Preise, Lagebeurteilung, Energie Sparen
- Ampel: Strom, Gas
- Dynamic Translations
- Strom: Verbrauch, Produktion, Füllstand Speicherseen, Import / Export
- Gas: Nettoimport, Füllstände Gasspeicher EU, Sparziel
- Preise: Strom, Gas, Heizöl, Treibstoff
- Wetter: Temperatur
- Fixed display of language in navigation on certain mobile devices
- Added version 2 APIs for the following KPIs to be able to manage year-end problems:
- Strom: Verbrauch, Füllstand Speicherseen, Import/Export
- Gas: Nettoimport, Füllstände Gasspeicher EU, Sparziel
- Overview: Strom, Gas
- Added Speicherstand at 100 percent capacity for Füllstand Speicherseen
- Improved display of chart axis labels and tooltips
- Improved texts and translations
- Improved chart visibility and colors
- Improved accessibility
- Fixed chart axis labels on Strom - Füllstand Speicherseen and Wetter - Temperatur
- Added KPI Strom Sparziel
- Added KPI Preise Brennholz
- Added KPI Preise Fernwärme
- Improved Chart of Sparziel
Feature Release for the following KPIs
- Strom Produktion KKW CH / FR
- Strom Sparziel 10%
- Strom Sparziel 5%
- Wetter Niederschläge
- Wetter Schneereserven
- Improvements to Prices
- Improvements to Gas Sparziel
Small Improvements following the 2.0.0 release
- Improved Responsiveness in charts and tooltips
- Added expandable and collapsable texts
- Fixed issues and inconsistencies in charts and data
- Strompreis Karte Europa
- Wetter Heizgradtage
- Gas Import Europa
- Mehr-/Minderverbrauch Strom
- Mehr-/Minderverauch Gas
- App Release
- Small improvements to labels and charts following the 3.0.0 release
- Added Zürich/Fluntern to Wetter -> Temperatur
- Update data protection text on Rechtliches
- Fixed histogram chart tooltip
- Removed Versorgungslage Ampel
- Updated Links
- Update translations
- Fix Aktualisierungsdatum Sparziel Gas & Strom
- Added Energieverbrauch
- Added Produktion Photovoltaik
- Added Winterbilanz Strom
- Added zoom functionality