'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hercules.exe'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdasd.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hsys.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hengine.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hutil.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\umpdc.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdteq.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\dyncrypt.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt3505.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt3525.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt1403.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt3270.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt3420.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\htape.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\HYPERION-4.3\hyperion-txf-master\msvc.AMD64.bin\hdt3088.dll'. Symbols loaded. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SoftDevLabs\CTCI-WIN\TunTap64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.9619_none_08e065a3a84109b0\msvcr90.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_044aad0bab1eb146\mfc90.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\IPHLPAPI.DLL'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SoftDevLabs\FishLib\FishLib64-M90a.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.18362.1016_none_9e7a36bbe461dae4\comctl32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msimg32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SoftDevLabs\CTCI-WIN\FishPack64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\SHCore.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\windows.storage.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cryptsp.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\version.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SoftDevLabs\FishLib\TaskDialog64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.mfcloc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_01c9581e60cbee58\MFC90ENU.DLL'. Module was built without symbols. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.mfcloc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_01c9581e60cbee58\MFC90ENU.DLL' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.mfcloc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_01c9581e60cbee58\MFC90ENU.DLL'. Module was built without symbols. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\edputil.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\iertutil.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sspicli.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cldapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\fltLib.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WinTypes.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\AppResolver.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\BCP47Langs.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sppc.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\pcacli.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mpr.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sfc_os.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\setupapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. The thread 0x5790 has exited with code 0 (0x0). 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\nsi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dhcpcsvc.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. The thread 0x37ac has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x52b4 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x1f08 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x3b60 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x23f8 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0xa5c has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x2b90 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0xb08 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0xac8 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x263c has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x386c has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0xdc8 has exited with code 0 (0x0). 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\BCP47Langs.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sppc.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\AppResolver.dll' 'hercules.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WinTypes.dll' The thread 0x1f24 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 0x3750 has exited with code 0 (0x0). At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 At WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC After WAKEUP_CPU(regs) time = 0x23DC Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8 Leaving wait loop CPU = Processor CP05 time = 0x31F8