The Visual Search example is based on following components and services:
- SAP Commerce Cloud
- Spartacus frontend
- Visual Search Spartacus project
- Visual Search web service
- internal cache
- 3rd party provider e.g.
- (optional) Redis server
The SAP Commerce Cloud instance offers OCC data for the Spartacus frontend.
Spartacus is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud that communicates exclusively through the SAP Commerce Cloud REST API.
The Visual Search Spartacus project extends the Spartacus frontend for Visual Search. These components offer the following functionality:
- extend the Search field
- communicate with the Visual Search microservice
- shows the upload image with bounding boxes of the analysed image
- opens the search page for a selected item
See also Visual Search Spartacus Components Internals
Extend the search field with an image uploader button.
The image uploader component and service uploads an image to the Visual Search microservice. The microservice uploads this image to a 3rd party provider for image analysis (e.g. bounding boxes) and returns a list of bounding boxes.
The image holder component shows the uploaded image with bounding boxes.
Based on the third party's result, bounding boxes are shown. The bounding boxes are clickable to select an item.
The microservice calls the 3rd party provider to get a list of similar products.
The search result page shows the found products.
The Visual Search microservice is an integration to a 3rd party visual search provider to get bounding boxes and a list of visually similar products. The microservice offers following endpoints:
- /imageservice/upload - upload and analyse an image; for each detected item returns bounding boxes
- /imageservice/{id} - returns list of visually simialar product ids for bounding box id
See also Visual Search Microservice Architecture
When Search Image Handler receives a POST request to upload image, it expects an image to be sent in a form, with 'file' as input key. Then, it makes a nonblocking call to 3rd party provider, process response and caches data. The response of the handler is Mono of ServerResponse with Mono of SearchImageData object in body.
The reponse of get similar products GET request is Mono of ServerResponse with Flux of String in body. For the provided id in request, the system will first try to get data from cache. If not found, the 3rd party provider will be called, reponse processed and cache updated.
Two level caching is used in the application: embedded EH cache, as first level caching and Redis, as an optional second level. If data is missing from the first level cache, it will be search for in the second level cache. If found, the first level cache will be updated. For more information, please refer to Visual Search Microservice Architecture
EH cache properties:
If the configuration for Redis is provided and connection can be estiblished, the application will use Redis Cache manager for second level caching. If not, NoOpCacheManager will be used instead.
Redis properties:
The example code uses Syte as 3rd party provider. Therefore, please, provide credentials for your Syte account: