🇮🇳 I am from Bangalore, India
👦🏻 My Pronouns: He/Him
🔭 I’m currently working on Angular and Django projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Django and node.js
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Python or Javascript
👨💻 All of my projects are available: here
💬 Ask me about Tech, coding or sports
📫 How to reach me: rohandinesh.blr@gmail.com
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The-Sparks-foundation-internship PublicAll my tasks as a Data Science and Business Analytics intern at The Sparks company
Jupyter Notebook 1
World_University_ranking-analysis PublicExploratory data analysis on World_University_ranking dataset from kaggle
Jupyter Notebook 1
Exploratory_Data_Analysis-on-Terrorism PublicJupyter Notebook 1
CallCentre-Data-Transmission-and-Communication PublicThis project briefly explains the concept of the OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) protocol and shows its implementation with a use case scenario. Here the scenario is communication and transmission o…
Edu_website PublicA simple website of a YouTuber, who's launched his channel and is trying to promote his channel using this website.
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