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Releases: RocketRobz/NTR_Forwarder

GitHub Release #20

25 Dec 08:59
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UPDATE 2/25/2025: Includes nds-bootstrap v2.4.1

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

What's new?

  • Added a .ini-only setting to change the save location of ROMs. Open sd:/_nds/ntr_forwarder.ini, and add one of these lines under [NTR-FORWARDER]:
    • SAVE_LOCATION = 0 to put saves in the saves folder in the same place as the .nds file
    • SAVE_LOCATION = 1 to put saves in the exact same place as the .nds file.
    • SAVE_LOCATION = 2 to put saves in sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/saves/. Will fallback to 0 if TWLMenu++ is not installed.

Bug fix

  • Fixed DSiWare titles not working with the save number feature.

GitHub Release #19

19 Nov 00:58
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UPDATE 11/26/2024: Includes nds-bootstrap v2.2.2

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

Bug fix

  • Fixed wrong save size being created for Winx Club: Secret Diary 2009, which caused a save corruption message when attempting to run.

GitHub Release #18

15 Nov 22:24
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Includes nds-bootstrap v2.2.0

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

What's new?

  • Removed extracting an AP-fix from apfix.pck, as nds-bootstrap now reads it instead.

GitHub Release #17

26 Sep 22:14
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UPDATE 10/31/2024: Includes nds-bootstrap v2.1.0

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

Bug fix

  • Fixed misdetection of Harvest Moon DS Cute as homebrew.

GitHub Release #16

17 Sep 04:15
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Includes nds-bootstrap's 200th release

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

Bug fixes

  • Improved retail/homebrew detection by first checking if it's a retail title, before assuming it's homebrew.
  • DSi MBK settings are now read and set from the booted .nds file.

GitHub Release #15

25 Jun 01:07
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NOTE: If the per-game settings menu appears without holding the Y button, update the forwarder pack again.

UPDATE 8/26/2024: Includes nds-bootstrap v1.6.2

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

Bug fix

  • Fixed Bootstrap File per-game setting not used.

GitHub Release #14

08 Mar 22:54
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UPDATE 5/10/2024: Includes nds-bootstrap v1.5.2

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

What's new?

  • On DSi/3DS, NDMA is now used to clear RAM before booting a .nds file.

GitHub Release #13

30 Nov 07:16
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UPDATE 1/29/2024: Includes nds-bootstrap v1.2.2

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

Bug fix

  • Fixed path of AP-fix not being written with sd: or fat: at the start.
    • This should fix nds-bootstrap being unable to read the AP-fix.

GitHub Release #12

17 Nov 00:08
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Includes nds-bootstrap v1.0.3

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, follow one of these methods:

What's new?

  • Added flashcard compatibility!
  • Added check for if the forwarded title requires a Donor ROM.
  • Improved homebrew and DSiWare checks.
  • Removed the Ex. ROM space is RAM setting.

Bug fix

  • DSiWare save creation code from NTM is now used. (Pre-made save headers are no longer used.)

GitHub Release #11

26 Dec 20:59
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UPDATE 9/25/2023: Includes nds-bootstrap v1.0.1

To install or update:

  • In the 7z file, extract what's in for SD card root to the root of the SD card.

To create forwarders, see this page here, or this one to make more than 40 forwarders on 3DS consoles, or this one to make hiyaCFW forwarders directly on the DSi console.

Bug fix

  • Fixed "DSi binaries missing" message being shown when Run in is set to DS mode in the per-game settings menu.