Releases: RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Electron
Full Changelog: 3.9.2...3.9.3-alpha
What's Changed
- fix: Avoid isomorphic barrel imports from Rocket.Chat code by @tassoevan in #2638
Full Changelog: 3.9.1...3.9.2
What's Changed
- chore: Implement conference deeplink by @dougfabris in #2617
- Pexip integration merge by @jeanfbrito in #2624
- New video conference window
Sunsetting Windows 7/8/8.1 support
Electron will be ending support for Windows 7/8/8.1 after version 22.x.y following Chromium's plan to end support. Older versions of Electron will continue to work, but no further updates will be made for these operating systems.
Following the ElectronJS team, this version 3.9.x using Electron version 22, is the last minor release supporting Windows 7/8/8.1.
The next versions may work normally on older Windows, but as we don't have support from the framework, we can't assure that it will work in the future.
Future patches of Version 3.9 will keep supporting. But starting with 4.0 we will update our Electron version and no longer officially be able to support Windows 7/8/8.1
Thanks for understanding!
New Contributors
- @dougfabris made their first contribution in #2617
Full Changelog: 3.8.17...3.9.0
What's Changed
- Chore: use electron-builder information for AppId (#2606) by @jeanfbrito in #2613
- Chore: Add clear screen capture permissions button on configurations panel by @jeanfbrito in #2614
- Fix: Jitsi screen share not working
Full Changelog: 3.8.19...3.8.17
Rollback to Electron v21.3.3 because v22.0.0 created compatibility issues.
As stated on Electron's Releases page, Electron package is sunsetting Windows 7/8/8.1
"Electron will be ending support for Windows 7/8/8.1 after version 22.x.y following Chromium's plan to end support. Older versions of Electron will continue to work, but no further updates will be made for these operating systems."
We will maintain the Electron version in v21 until the v22 gets stable enough.
Full Changelog: 3.8.15...3.8.16
What's Changed
- fix: Fix dom-ready not happening in order by @jeanfbrito in #2570
- chore: Update hu.i18n.json by @urbalazs in #2567
- Language update from LingoHub 🤖 on 2022-12-26Z by @lingohub in #2569
- chore: Update/electron 22.0.0 by @jeanfbrito in #2571
- FIX #2530 :SettingsView Added Scrolling By adding Overflow-Y:auto by @thepranays in #2568
New Contributors
- @thepranays made their first contribution in #2568
Full Changelog: 3.8.14...3.8.15
What's Changed
- fix: shell.openExternal not validating the URL by @jeanfbrito in #2550
Full Changelog: 3.8.13...3.8.14
What's Changed
- fix: When out of screen, the window will be repositioned by @jeanfbrito in #2528
- fix: keyboard shortcuts being stuck on chat webview by @jeanfbrito in #2529
- chore: Update German translations by @jeanfbrito in #2538
- fix: Add a new folder for servers.json in macOS by @jeanfbrito in #2540
- fix: Twitter link previews navigating instead of opening in browser by @jeanfbrito in #2542
- fix: Stuck in black screen after server update by @jeanfbrito in #2543
- fix: Disable media key handling on Electron by @Troplo in #2395
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.8.12...3.8.13
What's Changed
- chore: Add persistence to minimize to tray notification by @jeanfbrito in #2522
- fix: setBounds error on startup by @jeanfbrito in #2520
- fix: Breaking focus() sometimes by @jeanfbrito in #2519
- fix: Remove replicated dom-ready event happening on Windows by @jeanfbrito in #2518
- Language update from LingoHub 🤖 on 2022-10-10Z by @lingohub in #2524
Full Changelog: 3.8.11...3.8.12