Excel, basic treatment for ores & concentrates commercialization (Purchases).
Excliq Lite is a tool with wich is easy to generate rapidly very important tasks in the Ores Commercialization area in Bolivia (Especify in Potosí).
It is necessary to have basic knowdlements about Metallurgical processes.
It si an Excel Add-in, works under MS Excel version 2010+. Previous installation is required.
Excliq Lite show a tab on the Excel's Ribbon called Excliq Lite, it has next buttons:
Simulaciones: (Simulations) that allows to work with:
- Regresión lineal; (Linear Regression) for extrapolation of data on Excel ranges. (It has too a button called RL Simulación to obtain fast results, just with a directly data selection).
- Balance Metalúrgico; (Metallurgical Balance) allows to obtain Metallurgical Processes Balances from two to four products. Allows too work with complex ore types. (It has too a button called Balmet Simulación to obtain fast results, just with a directly data selection).
- Proyección Proyectos; (Projects Projections) to obtain Mining-Metallurgical Investment Project projections on little and middle scale.
- Liquidación Minerales; (Ore Purchase) option with which is possible to obtain an entirely Ore Purchase sheet, the result is an Excel sheet ready to print and fully editable for the end user.
- Liquidación Concentrados; (Ore Concentrate Purchase) option with which is possible to obtain a entirely Ore Concentrate Purchase sheet, the result is an Excel sheet ready to print and fully editable for the end user.
Ayuda: (Help): this menu has two options:
- Ayuda de Excliq Lite; (Excliq Lite's Help): internet connection requiered. By clicking it, predefined navigator will be loaded with the Excliq Lite Documentation.
- A cerca de Excliq Lite; (About Excliq Lite): shows System's Credits and LICENSE TERMS.
Each app form of Simulations group has a button to see a short help about each concept.
As Excliq Lite is an MS Excel's Add-in, requires to:
- Download file from official repository: Excliq Lite (Recommended, always download the current version).
- Set the downloaded file into the folder Excel Complements or Excel Center of confiance (it must to be your custom folder where resides your Excel's files with macros).
- Open MS Excel and go to: Excel Options > Complements > Administration > Go... and into dialog box search Excliq Lite file and add the Add-in.
Excliq Lite source code is in: project-dev folder into this Official repository. As soon it is downloaded, you can collaborate with improvements to the System always under respect of License terms, Code of conduct and the Contribution terms.
See the CONTRIBUTING Guidelines
MIT © | Roccou | rocky.romay@gmail.com | 2019