The Store class is the core piece of Rodux. It is the state container that you create and use., [initialState, [middlewares]]) -> Store
Creates and returns a new Store.
is the store's root reducer function, and is invokved whenever an action is dispatched. It must be a pure function.initialState
is the store's initial state. This should be used to load a saved state from storage.middlewares
is a list of middleware to apply to the store.
The store will automatically dispatch an initialization action with a type
of @@INIT
!!! note The initialization action does not pass through any middleware prior to reaching the reducer.
store.changed:connect(function(newState, oldState)
-- do something with newState or oldState
A Signal that is fired when the store's state is changed up to once per frame.
!!! warning Multiple actions can be grouped together into one changed event!
!!! danger
Do not yield within any listeners on changed
; an error will be thrown.
store:dispatch(action) -> nil
Dispatches an action. The action will travel through all of the store's middlewares before reaching the store's reducer.
Unless handled by middleware, action
must contain a type
field to indicate what type of action it is. No other fields are required.
store:getState() -> table
Gets the store's current state.
!!! warning Do not modify this state! Doing so will cause serious bugs your code!
store:destruct() -> nil
Destroys the store, cleaning up its connections.
!!! danger
Attempting to use the store after destruct
has been called will cause problems.
store:flush() -> nil
Flushes the store's pending actions, firing the changed
event if necessary.
!!! info
is called by Rodux automatically every frame and usually doesn't need to be called manually.
The Signal class in Rodux represents a simple, predictable event that is controlled from within Rodux. It cannot be created outside of Rodux, but is used as Store.changed
signal:connect(listener) -> { disconnect }
Connects a listener to the signal. The listener will be invoked whenever the signal is fired.
returns a table with a disconnect
function that can be used to disconnect the listener from the signal.
Rodux supplies some helper functions to make creating complex reducers easier.
A helper function that can be used to combine multiple reducers into a new reducer.
local reducer = combineReducers({
key1 = reducer1,
key2 = reducer2,
is functionally equivalent to writing:
local function reducer(state, action)
return {
key1 = reducer1(state.key1, action),
key2 = reducer2(state.key2, action),
Rodux.createReducer(initialState, actionHandlers) -> reducer
A helper function that can be used to create reducers.
Unlike JavaScript, Lua has no switch
statement, which can make writing reducers that respond to lots of actions clunky.
Reducers often have a structure that looks like this:
local initialState = {}
local function reducer(state, action)
state = state or initialState
if action.type == "setFoo" then
-- Handle the setFoo action
elseif action.type == "setBar" then
-- Handle the setBar action
return state
can replace the chain of if
statements in a reducer:
local initialState = {}
local reducer = createReducer(initialState, {
setFoo = function(state, action)
-- Handle the setFoo action
setBar = function(state, action)
-- Handle the setBar action
Rodux provides an API that allows changing the way that actions are dispatched called middleware. To attach middleware to a store, pass a list of middleware as the third argument to
!!! warn The middleware API changed in #29 -- middleware written against the old API will not work!
A single middleware is just a function with the following signature:
(nextDispatch, store) -> (action) -> result
A middleware is a function that accepts the next dispatch function in the middleware chain, as well as the store the middleware is being used with, and returns a new function. That function is called whenever an action is dispatched and can dispatch more actions, log to output, or perform any side effects!
A simple version of Rodux's loggerMiddleware
is as easy as:
local function simpleLogger(nextDispatch, store)
return function(action)
print("Dispatched action of type", action.type)
return nextDispatch(action)
Rodux also ships with several middleware that address common use-cases.
To apply middleware, pass a list of middleware as the third argument to
local store =, initialState, { simpleLogger })
Middleware runs from left to right when an action is dispatched. That means that if a middleware does not call nextDispatch
when handling an action, any middleware after it will not run.
A middleware that logs actions and the new state that results from them.
is useful for getting a quick look at what actions are being dispatched. In the future, Rodux will have tools similar to Redux's DevTools.
local store =, initialState, { loggerMiddleware })
A middleware that allows thunks to be dispatched. Thunks are functions that perform asynchronous tasks or side effects, and can dispatch actions.
is comparable to Redux's redux-thunk.
local store =, initialState, { thunkMiddleware })
print("Hello from a thunk!")
type = "thunkAction"