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201.05 Reading Notes |
/201-R5/ |
Sample anatomy:
Tag placement matters: (see Duckett on HTML p101)
Some deprecated tags controlled attributes now handled via CSS
Image file properties:
resolution (72 ppi is recommended for web pages)
file formats (jpeg, gif, png) have appearance & performance differences
JPEG: handles fine color differences
GIF / PNG: preferable for logos & "flat color" images
GIF can handle animations
vector images: use grid of points with lines extended, then colored in, avoiding scaling issues
Partial transparency (in GIF and PNG)
: HTML5 addition for associating images w/ captions
Feed in coded # according to various value systems (Hex, RGB, HSLA etc.) or defined color names. (note: some use alpha values for opacity)
Design tips: use high contrast,
Font-family: property that allows for a tiered list of fonts, allowing for design not hinging on a single assumed typeface
Sizing: by pixel (
); percentages; "EMs" (em
) = 1 "m" -
Can convert from traditional type sizing to absolute units
: color hyperlinks (and already visited ones)