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  BIP: ???
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Taproot Assets PSBT
  Author: Oliver Gugger <>
          Olaoluwa Osuntokun <>
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Comments-URI: https://git
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2023-02-24
  License: BSD-2-Clause

Table of Contents


This document describes the custom fields used in the Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT, BIP-0174) format for Taproot Asset state transition transactions.


This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.


A Taproot Asset state transition transaction is also referred to as a "virtual transaction" or asset transfer transaction. The word "virtual" is used to distinguish between these asset transfers that only happen in the off-chain, asset overlay context as opposed to "anchor" transactions, which are BTC level on-chain transaction that commit many asset level transfers to the Bitcoin chain.

A virtual transaction has many similarities to its Bitcoin wire transaction counterpart in that it spends one or more asset inputs (asset UTXOs or asset "coins") and creates one or more new asset outputs.

The main difference to a Bitcoin transaction is that a virtual asset transaction does not place the witness that satisfies each input's previous output script in the input itself but instead uses the prev_asset_witnesses field of the dedicated output that houses the split root asset. This allows a many-in-many-out virtual transaction to be compressed into a 1-in-1-out transaction (as described in bip-tap-vm) for validation in the Taproot Asset Virtual Machine.

To assemble the full witness stack that satisfies each input's previous output script the transaction might need to be signed by multiple parties and/or devices. This requires the virtual transaction to be passed around among multiple participants, each adding their part (e.g. signatures) to it. Given the similarities of virtual transactions to existing Bitcoin transactions, the PSBT format was chosen as the exchange format for virtual asset state transfers as well, with a set of new PSBT <keytype>s as defined in this document.


A virtual transaction can only contain inputs and outputs of assets that are fungible among each other. Assets are considered fungible if they either have the same genesis ID (were minted in the same tranche) or reference the same group_key (were minted in different tranches).

Within a virtual transaction multiple inputs (asset coins) that have the same genesis ID can be merged and split the same way Bitcoin inputs can be merged and split again. Fungible assets with different genesis IDs (but same group_key) can be used together in the same virtual transaction in order to satisfy a payment request, but merging two fungible assets (with distinct asset IDs) into the _same_ asset UTXO is disallowed. See the bip-tap-vm for more details.

The construction of the virtual transaction outputs must follow different rules depending on whether the output is received in an interactive or non-interactive way by the recipient:

  • Interactive: The recipient will see the full virtual transaction (e.g. as a PSBT), including the fully signed new asset leaf. They have all the required information to be able to fully construct the BTC level anchor output Taproot key (including the complete asset witness and potentially multiple asset leaves being committed to in a single BTC level anchor output) to observe the inbound transfer on chain. Therefore in a scenario where a leaf is sent completely (full value send), a "split tombstone" (see below) is not required.
  • Non-interactive: The recipient has created a Taproot Asset address and is only watching that Taproot output key on chain. Assets must be committed to the tree as a split asset, with the split commitment pruned before serializing, to make the resulting Taproot Asset tree completely predictable for the receiver. The split commitment and root asset proof will be delivered in the proof file. A full value send must also be created as a split with the sender creating a zero value "split tombstone" output with the NUMS point as the script key (see below).

TODO(guggero): Describe how fungible assets are handled in a non-interactive way once that is defined.

When splitting an asset UTXO a split commitment is created (as described in bip-tap-vm). The split root is placed in one of the outputs (often being the change output going back to the sender of the asset) and marked with the `IsSplitRoot` flag. If the remaining change of a split is 0, the script_key of the split root asset output should be the well-known NUMS point (using the string "taproot-assets" and the traditional "hash and increment" approach to generating the point) to prove the output cannot be spent further. This so-called "split tombstone" is required for non-interactive sends (send to Taproot Asset address) of the full value of a coin. These zero-value tombstone outputs can be pruned in an interactive scenario in which the recipient is a ware of the full root asset leaf (including the TX witness) and can construct the commitment tree root correctly.

Custom PSBT fields for Taproot Asset virtual transactions

BIP-0174 defines roughly 6 global, 24 input and 7 output keytypes. This leaves enough room for new BIPs to specify additional types without a big risk of collision. The proprietary type 0xFX does not apply to this case as that is meant for application/vendor specific data, not fields declared in a BIP.

To further reduce the risk of colliding with key types of other (in-flight) BIPs we start at the (arbitrarily chosen) value 0x70 for each section of new key types.

Global types

Name <keytype> <keydata> <keydata> Description <valuedata> <valuedata> Description
Virtual Transaction Marker PSBT_GLOBAL_TAP_IS_VIRTUAL_TX = 0x70 None No key data <byte 0x01> The static marker of 0x01 to identify this transaction as a Taproot Asset virtual transaction.
Taproot Asset Chain HRP PSBT_GLOBAL_TAP_CHAIN_HRP = 0x71 None No key data <string HRP> The Human Readable Prefix of the Taproot Asset chain identifier as specified in bip-tap-addr.
Taproot Asset PSBT Version PSBT_GLOBAL_TAP_PSBT_VERSION = 0x72 None No key data <byte version> The version of the Taproot Asset PSBT format. Currently 0x00 is the only known and supported version.

Input types

Name <keytype> <keydata> <keydata> Description <valuedata> <valuedata> Description
Previous Asset Leaf PSBT_IN_TAP_PREV_ID = 0x70 None No key data <tlv_blob prev_asset_id> The previous asset leaf (identified by prev_outpoint || asset_id || asset_script_hash) in TLV format as defined in bip-tap asset leaf format.
Anchor Output Value PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_VALUE = 0x71 None No key data <64-bit big endian int value> The value in satoshis of the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent.
Anchor Output pkScript PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_PK_SCRIPT = 0x72 None No key data <bytes pkScript> The pkScript of the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent.
Anchor Output Sighash Type PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_SIGHASH_TYPE = 0x73 None No key data <64-bit big endian int sighash type> The 64-bit big endian unsigned integer specifying the sighash type to be used for the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent.
Anchor Output Taproot Internal Key PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_TAP_INTERNAL_KEY = 0x74 None No key data <32-byte xonlypubkey> The X-only pubkey used as the internal key of the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent.
Anchor Output Taproot Merkle Root PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_TAP_MERKLE_ROOT = 0x75 None No key data <32-byte hash> The 32 byte Merkle root hash of the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent.
Anchor Output BIP-0032 Derivation Path PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x76 <bytes pubkey> The public key <4 byte fingerprint> <32-bit little endian uint path element>* The master key fingerprint as defined by BIP-0032 concatenated with the derivation path of the public key that was used for the BTC level anchor output that committed to the asset input being spent. The derivation path is represented as 32 bit unsigned integer indexes concatenated with each other. Public keys are those that will be needed to sign this input.
Anchor Output Taproot Key BIP 32 Derivation Path PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_TAP_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x77 <32 byte xonlypubkey> A 32 byte X-only public key involved in this input. It may be the output key, the internal key, or a key present in a leaf script. <compact size uint number of hashes> <32 byte leaf hash>* <4 byte fingerprint> <32-bit little endian uint path element>* A compact size unsigned integer representing the number of leaf hashes, followed by a list of leaf hashes, followed by the 4 byte master key fingerprint concatenated with the derivation path of the public key. The derivation path is represented as 32-bit little endian unsigned integer indexes concatenated with each other. Public keys are those needed to spend this output. The leaf hashes are of the leaves which involve this public key. The internal key does not have leaf hashes, so can be indicated with a hashes len of 0. Finalizers should remove this field after PSBT_IN_FINAL_SCRIPTWITNESS is constructed.
Anchor Output Tapscript Sibling PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_TAPSCRIPT_SIBLING = 0x78 None No key data <byte sibling_type><compact size num_bytes><bytes tapscript sibling preimage> The preimage of the tapscript sibling that is on the same level as the Taproot Asset commitment that was committed to in the anchor. If this is not present, then the Taproot Asset commitment is the only script leaf in the tree.
Taproot Asset Asset PSBT_IN_TAP_ASSET = 0x79 None No key data <tlv_blob asset> The full input asset leaf that is being spent, in TLV format as defined in bip-tap asset leaf format.
Taproot Asset Proof PSBT_IN_TAP_ASSET_PROOF = 0x7a None No key data <tlv_blob proof> The last proof of the input asset being spent, in TLV format as defined in bip-tap-proof-file File Serialization.

Output types

Name <keytype> <keydata> <keydata> Description <valuedata> <valuedata> Description
Type PSBT_OUT_TAP_TYPE = 0x70 None No key data <byte output_type> A uint8 value indicating the type of the virtual output. Valid values are: 0x00 (Simple), 0x01 (SplitRoot), 0x02 (PassiveAssetsOnly), 0x03 (PassiveSplitRoot), see description below.
Is Interactive PSBT_OUT_TAP_IS_INTERACTIVE = 0x71 None No key data <byte 0x00/0x01> A boolean value indicating whether the recipient of the output is aware of the full asset leaf they are receiving (=interactive) or not (=non-interactive). In the non-interactive case, the recipient will expect this output to be a split output.
Anchor Output Index PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_OUTPUT_INDEX = 0x72 None No key data <64-bit big endian int value> The Bitcoin level anchor transaction output index this asset output is going to be committed to.
Anchor Output Taproot Internal Key PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_TAP_INTERNAL_KEY = 0x73 None No key data <32-byte xonlypubkey> The X-only pubkey used as the internal key of the BTC level anchor output that will be committing to the asset output.
Anchor Output BIP-0032 Derivation Path PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x74 <bytes pubkey> The public key <4 byte fingerprint> <32-bit little endian uint path element>* The master key fingerprint as defined by BIP-0032 concatenated with the derivation path of the public key that will be used for the BTC level anchor output that is committing to the asset output. The derivation path is represented as 32 bit unsigned integer indexes concatenated with each other. Public keys are those that will be needed to sign this input.
Anchor Output Taproot Key BIP-0032 Derivation Path PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_TAP_BIP32_DERIVATION = 0x75 <32 byte xonlypubkey> A 32 byte X-only public key involved in this input. It may be the output key, the internal key, or a key present in a leaf script. <compact size uint number of hashes> <32 byte leaf hash>* <4 byte fingerprint> <32-bit little endian uint path element>* A compact size unsigned integer representing the number of leaf hashes, followed by a list of leaf hashes, followed by the 4 byte master key fingerprint concatenated with the derivation path of the public key. The derivation path is represented as 32-bit little endian unsigned integer indexes concatenated with each other. Public keys are those needed to spend this output. The leaf hashes are of the leaves which involve this public key. The internal key does not have leaf hashes, so can be indicated with a hashes len of 0. Finalizers should remove this field after PSBT_IN_FINAL_SCRIPTWITNESS is constructed.
Taproot Asset PSBT_OUT_TAP_ASSET = 0x76 None No key data <tlv_blob asset> The full output asset leaf being created, in TLV format as defined in bip-tap asset leaf format.
Taproot Asset Split Asset PSBT_OUT_TAP_SPLIT_ASSET = 0x77 None No key data <tlv_blob split_asset> In case the asset serialized in the PSBT_OUT_TAP_ASSET is a split root (PSBT_OUT_TAP_IS_SPLIT_ROOT=0x01), this field houses the created split asset at the root locator that contains the split commitment witness. This is used for validation only and isn't committed to in any tree. If present the split asset is encoded in TLV format as defined in bip-tap asset leaf format.
Anchor Output Tapscript Sibling PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_TAPSCRIPT_SIBLING = 0x78 None No key data <byte sibling_type><compact size num_bytes><bytes tapscript sibling preimage> The preimage of the tapscript sibling that is on the same level as the Taproot Asset commitment that was committed to in the anchor. If this is not present, then the Taproot Asset commitment is the only script leaf in the tree.


The PSBT_OUT_TAP_TYPE field describes the type of virtual output. This type has an influence on how an asset needs to be signed or whether there is an asset at all in an output. The following values are defined:

  • Simple (0x00) is a plain full-value or split output that is not a split root and does not carry passive assets. In case of a split, the asset of this output has a split commitment.
  • SplitRoot (0x01) is a split root output that carries the change from a split or a tombstone from a non-interactive full value send output. In either case, the asset of this output has a tx witness.
  • PassiveAssetsOnly (0x02) indicates that this output only carries passive assets and therefore the asset in this output is nil. The passive assets themselves are signed in their own virtual transactions and are not present in this packet.
  • PassiveSplitRoot (0x03) is a split root output that carries the change from a split or a tombstone from a non-interactive full value send output, as well as passive assets.

Committing Taproot Asset virtual transactions into a BTC level anchor transaction

The above section defined new fields for representing a virtual asset transaction. This section explains how one or multiple virtual asset transactions can be mapped to and be committed to in a single Bitcoin level on-chain "anchor" transaction.

The following steps should be taken for committing one or more Taproot Asset virtual transactions onto a single BTC anchor transaction:

  1. Sign the virtual transaction as described in bip-tap.
  2. Validate that each input in each virtual transaction has the necessary anchor information set (PSBT_IN_TAP_ANCHOR_*).
  3. Validate that each output in each virtual transaction has the necessary anchor information set (PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_*).
  4. Validate that each virtual input's anchor information referencing the same previous outpoint (PSBT_IN_TAP_PREV_ID.prev_outpoint) is the same as all fields should refer to the same on-chain unspent output.
  5. Validate that each virtual output's anchor information referencing the same anchor output index (PSBT_OUT_TAP_ANCHOR_OUTPUT_INDEX) is the same as all fields should refer to the same on-chain output being created.
  6. For each input, add the last transition proof of the input asset to the BTC anchor PSBT input (field PSBT_IN_TAP_PROOF).
  7. For each unique anchor output index, create an output on the BTC anchor transaction:
    1. Merge all assets into a single Taproot Asset tree.
    2. If a Tapscript sibling is present for the BTC anchor output, verify it is not a Taproot Asset commitment.
    3. Calculate the merkle root hash from the merged Taproot Asset tree and the optional Tapscript sibling.
    4. Calculate the Taproot output key from the internal key and the merkle root hash, update the pkScript of the BTC anchor output.
  8. Create a single transition proof for each of the virtual transaction outputs and add them to the BTC anchor output, keyed by each asset's script_key (field PSBT_OUT_TAP_PROOF).
Once the BTC level anchor transaction has the extra information attached, it can then be passed to all signers to produce the necessary signatures for getting it finalized.

Custom PSBT fields for BTC level anchor transactions

Input types

Name <keytype> <keydata> <keydata> Description <valuedata> <valuedata> Description
Taproot Asset Proof PSBT_IN_TAP_PROOF = 0x70 <32 byte xonlyscriptkey> The 32 byte X-only script key of the input asset being spent. <tlv_blob proof> The last proof of the input asset being spent, in TLV format as defined in bip-tap-proof-file File Serialization.

Output types

Name <keytype> <keydata> <keydata> Description <valuedata> <valuedata> Description
Taproot Asset Proof PSBT_OUT_TAP_PROOF = 0x70 <32 byte xonlyscriptkey> The 32 byte X-only script key of the input asset being spent. <tlv_blob proof> The new transition proof(s) for the new asset(s) created in this output.

Test Vectors

Test vectors for Custom PSBT fields for Taproot Asset virtual transactions can be found here:

The test vectors are automatically generated by unit tests in the Taproot Assets GitHub repository.

Reference Implementation