An easy tool to scan files. First released in October 2017.
ROS Quick Scan is a tool for checking single files against a list of hashes provided by VirusShare Hashes.
You can scan any type of files which are then compared with the thousands of MD5s in the library.
The ever growing Virus MD5 Hashlist is open to community contributions. At the moment, it is automatically updated with hashes from VirusShare.
You can use ROS Quick Scan online here
Richie Bendall can be contacted via email
The original information is located at ROS QuickScan's legacy website, last updated in October 2017. However, the more up-to-date information above was updated in January 2019.
ROS Quick Scan is licensed to Richie Bendall under the MIT License 2017 - 2019. On the legacy website, some images on the website are copyright